How can you lower your blood pressure at home?
High blood pressure. With this problem in your life faced by every person. At such moments, the most pressing question: "How to bring the pressure back to normal? What to prefer: medication or alternative, more secure ways?".
This kind of reasoning, we can draw the following conclusion: the pills to take, why not take advantage of the techniques based on massage, acupuncture effects and other harmless techniques, applicable at home. Because currently, quick ways to lower blood pressure without danger to health there is quite a lot.
A simple and effective way
This method may seem too simple to cope with such problems as high blood pressure at home. However, many people who have used it noted that the pressure dropped quickly, and in some cases, completely normalized.
Relaxing at home
The essence of this method consists in relaxation of the body. Experiences, excitement, bad news, a lot of work – all of which are stressors for the organism, which is constantly in tension. Not being able to cope with a large number of traumas, the body begins to give signals, one of which is the increase of pressure. It is therefore proposed to relax, take a comfortable position and start to hold your breath on the exhale for 7-8 seconds. To continue such delay is required for 3-3. 5 minutes, no more. As a result of these simple steps to reduce pressure 20-30 points.
WalkBlood pressure, as already noted, often increases in response to external stimuli, stress, mood swings, severe fatigue. In all cases, when the body is experiencing this adverse effect, releases the stress hormone – adrenaline. This hormone neutralized in various ways, one of which is a rhythmic walk, not too fast, but not slow. It would be correct to say: walking in a constant pace. This walk will not only help to reduce the pressure, but will allow you to relax, to provide the body with needed oxygen.
Cold? No hot water helpProbably in many articles it is possible to meet approximately the following recommendation. For high blood pressure need to do one or more of the following:
But how justified the use of cold water? As you know, the water depending on its temperature having different effect on blood vessels. So, cold water, which naturally, contributes to vasoconstriction. This inevitably leads to increase in blood flow, i.e. increased movement of blood through the vessels. The lumen of the vessels became smaller, but the amount of blood in the body has decreased, so that it would continue to circulate, increasing blood flow.
In such a situation, increases the effects of blood on the walls of blood vessels and the blood pressure, simply put, is the pressure that blood exerts on blood vessels. So, cold water is able to do only one thing – to increase the pressure.
That is why this method can be executed only with warm water. And it is recommended to not have an impact on the entire body (no need to take baths, soaking their feet in hot water), but only on a collar zone of the back or, even better, take a contrast shower.
Vinegar compresses
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can be used to lower blood pressure at home. How is it done? Vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. Since the liquid resulting from the connection of these two components will drop the towel, then you can take a bottle of vinegar (0.5 liter) and 0.5 liters of water, respectively. Squeeze the towel and wrap their feet.
This kind of compress is recommended leave for 10 minutes. Within the specified time the feet must be positioned parallel to the surface and to abut tightly in her towel must tightly encircle the foot. After the allotted time expires in 10 minutes, the feet should be rinsed with cold water. Apple cider vinegar causes irritation reflex zones, reducing well pressure. This method of lowering blood pressure very effective.
Effect of acupunctureAt home to quickly lower blood pressure can also by acting on the acupuncture points. So, you need to find a point that is located under the earlobe. Next, you should conduct a mental line from this dot to the middle of the clavicle. Will be almost a vertical line. Need to move this line: up and down. No need to put pressure on points that are located on this line, enough fingertips to drive on it. This motion should be incredibly light as if the surface of the skin touching only fingertips.
Stroking it is recommended to repeat 10 times alternately on both sides of the head.
Light massageThis way of reducing pressure can be used specifically in the moment when it is raised, or as a daily means of prevention. Massage should be performed in the following sequence:
This option is the reduction and prevention is contraindicated:
As the pressure increases, you can pet a furry friend to lie down with him, maybe the cat itself will fall on the collar region of the back, to alleviate the condition beloved master. This "cocoteraie" has helped to cope with the problem of high blood pressure not one person.
The right conclusionsAs you can see, there are many ways to reduce the pressure without resorting to medication. That is why you should try to resolve the issue of the proposed soft ways. But you need to understand that if the pressure rises regularly, you cannot fight it only considered non-pharmacological ways, even if they every time help. You need to contact the doctor who will establish the true cause of the increase in pressure and prescribe effective treatment. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: healthage.ru/polezno-znat/kak-mozhno-dobitsya-snizheniya-arterialnogo-davleniya-v-domashnix-usloviyax/#h2_3
This kind of reasoning, we can draw the following conclusion: the pills to take, why not take advantage of the techniques based on massage, acupuncture effects and other harmless techniques, applicable at home. Because currently, quick ways to lower blood pressure without danger to health there is quite a lot.
A simple and effective way
This method may seem too simple to cope with such problems as high blood pressure at home. However, many people who have used it noted that the pressure dropped quickly, and in some cases, completely normalized.

Relaxing at home
The essence of this method consists in relaxation of the body. Experiences, excitement, bad news, a lot of work – all of which are stressors for the organism, which is constantly in tension. Not being able to cope with a large number of traumas, the body begins to give signals, one of which is the increase of pressure. It is therefore proposed to relax, take a comfortable position and start to hold your breath on the exhale for 7-8 seconds. To continue such delay is required for 3-3. 5 minutes, no more. As a result of these simple steps to reduce pressure 20-30 points.
WalkBlood pressure, as already noted, often increases in response to external stimuli, stress, mood swings, severe fatigue. In all cases, when the body is experiencing this adverse effect, releases the stress hormone – adrenaline. This hormone neutralized in various ways, one of which is a rhythmic walk, not too fast, but not slow. It would be correct to say: walking in a constant pace. This walk will not only help to reduce the pressure, but will allow you to relax, to provide the body with needed oxygen.
Cold? No hot water helpProbably in many articles it is possible to meet approximately the following recommendation. For high blood pressure need to do one or more of the following:
- wash your face with cold (not warm and not cool) water;
- lower the hands to the forearm in cold water, leave them in the water for 2-4 minutes;
- dial cold water in the pelvis, lower back legs ankle to hold the feet in water for 2-3 minutes. At this time you need legs to move, you can do movements like walk, lift legs, etc.
- moisten a cotton ball or other cloth with cold water, applying a poultice to the thyroid gland or the solar plexus.
But how justified the use of cold water? As you know, the water depending on its temperature having different effect on blood vessels. So, cold water, which naturally, contributes to vasoconstriction. This inevitably leads to increase in blood flow, i.e. increased movement of blood through the vessels. The lumen of the vessels became smaller, but the amount of blood in the body has decreased, so that it would continue to circulate, increasing blood flow.
In such a situation, increases the effects of blood on the walls of blood vessels and the blood pressure, simply put, is the pressure that blood exerts on blood vessels. So, cold water is able to do only one thing – to increase the pressure.
That is why this method can be executed only with warm water. And it is recommended to not have an impact on the entire body (no need to take baths, soaking their feet in hot water), but only on a collar zone of the back or, even better, take a contrast shower.
Vinegar compresses
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can be used to lower blood pressure at home. How is it done? Vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. Since the liquid resulting from the connection of these two components will drop the towel, then you can take a bottle of vinegar (0.5 liter) and 0.5 liters of water, respectively. Squeeze the towel and wrap their feet.
This kind of compress is recommended leave for 10 minutes. Within the specified time the feet must be positioned parallel to the surface and to abut tightly in her towel must tightly encircle the foot. After the allotted time expires in 10 minutes, the feet should be rinsed with cold water. Apple cider vinegar causes irritation reflex zones, reducing well pressure. This method of lowering blood pressure very effective.
Effect of acupunctureAt home to quickly lower blood pressure can also by acting on the acupuncture points. So, you need to find a point that is located under the earlobe. Next, you should conduct a mental line from this dot to the middle of the clavicle. Will be almost a vertical line. Need to move this line: up and down. No need to put pressure on points that are located on this line, enough fingertips to drive on it. This motion should be incredibly light as if the surface of the skin touching only fingertips.
Stroking it is recommended to repeat 10 times alternately on both sides of the head.
Light massageThis way of reducing pressure can be used specifically in the moment when it is raised, or as a daily means of prevention. Massage should be performed in the following sequence:
- Light stroking and rubbing the neck area of the back. No special efforts is required for mild exposure;
- Gently with a barely perceptible pressure massage on neck;
- Next, go to the upper part of the chest, the lungs are made rubbing and stroking;
- At the end of the neck area are massaged with the fingertips, the movement, as before, must be light, pushes unacceptable.
This option is the reduction and prevention is contraindicated:
- with hypertensive crisis;
- if there is a severe form of diabetes;
- when there are neoplastic diseases.
- The juices from vegetables with honey: mix the juice of radish, beetroot, carrot in equal proportions. The total number of the resulting juice should equal 1 Cup. Into juice add 0.5-1 teaspoon of natural honey. The mixture is recommended to take 2-3 tablespoons of exactly 3 times a day before meals. Juice with honey stored in the refrigerator, used daily for 2-3 months. This tool will help reduce the pressure and normalize it so that in the future the problem of high blood pressure has been closed;
- Herbal teas, which must include the following herbs: marsh cudweed, Aronia, hawthorn, mistletoe, cranberries, cranberry. If you use herbal directly at the time of increasing pressure, of course, you can achieve the desired goal. But to fix the result, you should drink daily fees. Power charges is so great that on the initial stages of hypertension (hypertension in the first degree) herbal medicine can even be used as a leading method of treatment;
- Mix, normalizing the pressure. In their composition herbs are not occupy a leading place, but are only one of the ingredients.
As the pressure increases, you can pet a furry friend to lie down with him, maybe the cat itself will fall on the collar region of the back, to alleviate the condition beloved master. This "cocoteraie" has helped to cope with the problem of high blood pressure not one person.
The right conclusionsAs you can see, there are many ways to reduce the pressure without resorting to medication. That is why you should try to resolve the issue of the proposed soft ways. But you need to understand that if the pressure rises regularly, you cannot fight it only considered non-pharmacological ways, even if they every time help. You need to contact the doctor who will establish the true cause of the increase in pressure and prescribe effective treatment. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: healthage.ru/polezno-znat/kak-mozhno-dobitsya-snizheniya-arterialnogo-davleniya-v-domashnix-usloviyax/#h2_3