How to keep pressure surges under control

Everyone knows that high blood pressure is dangerous to health. A large load on the heart leads to the depletion of the heart muscle, the risk of ischemic stroke increases, the kidneys are disrupted. Treatment of hypertension is necessary! But what if the pressure jumped, and under the arms there are no necessary medicines?

Especially for such cases, the editorial board "Site" I have 20 little-known methods. low pressure without pills. These tips will help to pacify the beginning of hypertension.

Risk factors for the development of hypertension include heredity, overweight, low physical activity, malnutrition, smoking, alcohol abuse, stress, diabetes, chronic diseases and age above 40 years.

That's an impressive list, isn't it? So everyone should know. How to effectively reduce pressure at home. After all, the problem can be taken by surprise at any moment and anywhere. Hypertensives with experience assure that alternative ways to reduce pressure help relieve the condition before the ambulance arrives.

How to reduce pressure without pills
  1. If the pressure jumped in the room, go outside, walk in a calm step for at least 30 minutes. Do 10 squats with your hands up.
  2. Turn on the cold water tap and put your feet under the stream of water for 5-10 minutes. Douse your feet, starting with your knees. You can repeat the same procedure for your hands. After wetting the towel in cold water and placing it on the solar plexus. Lie down with that compress for a few minutes.

  3. Ice reduces pressure well. Take some ice cubes from the freezer, wrap them in a thin towel. Lie down on the bed face down and apply a cold compress to the back of your head. Put a plastic water bottle in the freezer to use in case of emergency.
  4. Run an ice cube over the cervical vertebrae. Then wipe dry the skin and rub the chilled area with camphor oil.
  5. Take a cotton towel, moisten it in apple cider vinegar and completely wrap your heels with your feet for 10 minutes.

  6. Very often, the cause of increased pressure is nervous overstrain or stress. In such cases it is necessary to calm down. Drink. tranquilizer with mint or melissa, lie down on the bed and lie down with your eyes closed. Try not to think about anything. Doctors say that in some cases they help to reduce the pressure of the cat. Their purring calms the nervous system, and the heat emanating from the animal calms and helps to relax.

  7. Reduce pressure helps acupressure. The point of exposure is located on the neck just behind the auricle below the earlobe. Press this point for 10 seconds, then swipe your finger down to the collarbone. After that, 1 minute press the point that is between the eyebrows.
  8. Dr. Evdokimenko’s breathing exercises are a good method of combating high blood pressure and arrhythmia. Sit on a chair and straighten your back. Put your hand on your stomach, take a deep breath to fill the lungs, freeze for a split second and breathe to the limit. Hold your breath for 5 seconds. Gradually exhale air first from the stomach, then from the lungs. Rest for 1 minute and perform 4 more such breathing cycles.

    Then do another exercise. The inhalation is exactly the same as described above, and the exhalation is very slow, twice as long as the inhalation. Repeat 5 times with a break of 1 minute.

  9. There's another very simple one. breathing-out using a plastic bottle. Take the bottle and cut the bottom of it. Melt the edge with a lighter so you don't cut yourself. Put the bottle cut to your face and take a deep breath with your nose. Exhale the air with your mouth so that the jet hits the neck of the bottle. Do 20 cycles of breathing, rest and repeat the procedure.

  10. Yoga will help relieve the pressure. The most effective posture of the bent candle (inverted asana viparita karani). Perform the exercise in a lightweight version, fixing your feet on the wall. Spend 4 minutes in position.
  11. Take 2 pieces of refined sugar and pour them 1 tsp. cognac. Keep sugar in your mouth for a few minutes (until it dissolves). After the mixture can be spit out or swallowed with water.
  12. If the pressure goes up, drink a glass. diuretic. As diuretics suitable carcade, strong green tea, tea from dandelion, parsley seeds, lingon leaf, knotweed, catchment, dill, chamomile, thyme.

  13. Some Berries reduce pressure better than drugs. The undisputed leaders are black ash, red ash, currants and kalina. Eat a handful of these berries or drink 50 ml of juice when the pressure is just beginning to rise. And in the berry season, it is necessary to freeze them in order to use them in winter as needed.
  14. And press downDrink a glass of natural pomegranate juice.
  15. Very effective and herbalism. The famous triplet: mix in equal parts the pharmacy tinctures of hawthorn, motherwort and valerian. Take for prevention 1 tbsp infusion in the morning before meals and before bedtime. Also brew tea from these plants and drink as soon as the tonometer showed high numbers.

  16. To normalize the pressure after a hypertensive crisis, make lemon-garlic tincture, which can be stored in the refrigerator. Pass through the meat grinder three heads of garlic and three lemons with peel without seeds. Pour the mixture with 1 liter of boiling water, wrap with a towel and let it brew under the lid for 24 hours. Strain the mixture and drink 1 tbsp before meals three times a day.
  17. Mix in equal proportions yarrow, thyme, motherwort, mint, astragalus and licorice root. 1 tbsp. l. of the finished mixture pour boiling water and let infuse in a thermos for 20 minutes. Take the infusion of 100 ml 4 times a day.

  18. Many people use to lower their pressure. Karavayev. It not only treats hypertension, but also thins the blood and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. The collection includes 24 species of plants, which must be mixed in equal proportions. Then 10 tsp. of the mixture you need to pour 1.2 liters of boiling water, stand on a slow heat for 2 minutes and let it brew for 2.5 hours.

    List of medicinal plants for collection: buds of birch and pine trees, flowers of the immortal sand, calendula, linden, chamomile of the pharmacy, rhizomes of valerian, diagil, dandelion of medicinal, oregano grass, golden-thousander, St. John's wort, motherwort, marshmallow, thymeal, sage, nettle leaves, mother-and-mother, peppermint, dandelion of medicinal, plantain, eucalyptus, corn.

  19. In Ayurveda as hypertension They use spices. These include cinnamon, fennel, dried garlic, oregano, cardamom. Mix 1 tbsp of these spices and when the pressure increases, take 0.5 tsp of the mixture, washing down 200 ml of warm water.

  20. Lack of fluid in the body provokes pressure jumps. So that the pressure does not increase, make it a habit to drink on an empty stomach in the morning three glasses of warm water. At first it will be difficult, start with a small portion and gradually increase.

People with high blood pressure are shown a salt-free diet and diet table number 7. The name scares away many, because everyone immediately presents tasteless food and fresh dishes, but this is not the case. Salt is not completely excluded from the diet.

We hope that our advice will help you cope with hypertension. Write us in the comments how you relieve blood pressure if there are no medications on hand.

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