Exercise to normalize pressure
Perhaps, with changes in blood pressure faced every person. You probably know what a sudden jump in pressure from stress and nervous tension is. But that's only part of the problem.
Most of all, humanity suffers from increased blood pressure - hypertension. Swiss scientists say that in the world the number of people suffering from high blood pressure, now more than one billion.
Such figures are frightening and make you think about the prevention of hypertension. Today's edition. "Site" tell you, How to normalize pressure at home.
In Chinese traditional medicine, it is believed that the legs, or rather the feet, play an important role in maintaining the health of the whole body. The Chinese compared a person to a tree: the torso is a kind of trunk, the hands are branches, and the legs are reliable roots. A tree will never be healthy without strong roots. So does a human.
Six main human meridians intersect on the feet: liver, gallbladder, kidneys, spleen and stomach. It is these meridians and the healthy flow of energy in them that ensure the normal functioning of all organs in the human body.
It is through the legs, according to experts of traditional Chinese medicine, the body leaves the spent energy. If stagnation occurs in the feet, this affects the general state of health. When the spent energy ceases to leave the body, stagnation is formed, which over time increases and rises higher.
As a result, it is more difficult for the heart to pump blood through the legs. This affects the vessels that are constantly in high tone. Over time, pressure jumps begin, and the tension of the cardiovascular system leads to fatigue and depression.
Due to stagnation, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, back and kidney pain, female diseases and other unpleasant ailments also occur. But the most unpleasant - constant pressure surges, and subsequently headache and hypertension. In most cases, beta-blockers are prescribed for hypertension, but these pills that normalize blood pressureIt hurts even more.
Of course, in critical cases, you can not do without them, but beta-blockers worsen the energy of the heart, thereby slowing down its work. This is only a temporary solution to the crisis, but not a cure. First of all, to stabilize the pressure, you need to release the spent energy.
We have already said that a large number of biologically active points are located on the feet. The main one is the Yong Quan point, it is also called the beating spring. This is the point through which we absorb the energy of the earth and free ourselves from excess. In order to improve her work, you need to influence her every day.
The dot is in the middle of the foot. If you squeeze your toes strongly, then a small depression forms between the large and small bump, there is the Yong Quan point. The impact on it helps to release stagnant energy, adjust the kidneys, as well as prolong life and slow down aging.
It is best to use your fingers to avoid injury. Just 5-10 minutes a day massage the Yong Quan point on both legs. This will help to get rid of energy stagnation and restore circulation. Over time, the pressure will return to normal.
However, one massage may not be enough. Be sure to add to it daily exercise. And the most effective exercises in this case are slopes. They train blood vessels and the heart, and also help normalize pressure and cope with hypertension.
Every morning and every evening, take 15 minutes to do a simple exercise. First, do a little warm-up to warm up. Then raise your hands as much as possible and pull them up. Stay in that position, take a deep breath. Then lean slowly to the floor as you exhale. Stand in this position for a few seconds until blood rushes to your head.
Then slowly straighten up and rest. Do 5-6 repetitions. Make slopes slowly, slowly, so as not to overexert. If you get dizzy, stop exercising right away. You'll do more the next day. It’s important not to get busy and do everything gradually.
DepositPhotos is also useful to make slow slopes while kneeling. When you exhale, you lean forward, bent hands press on your stomach, squeezing out air. Such slopes have a good effect on the spine and relax the vessels. After the exercises shake hands and feet, and then you can start to massage the points on the feet.
All this in combination helps to reduce pressure, as well as to avoid its constant jumps. Do you want to lower your blood pressure and improve your health? Then lean in more often!
We have previously written about why tilts are so good for health and how they affect our body.
Also to the slopes should add these 5 exercises that work wonders with our body.
What are your ways to lower your blood pressure? Tell us in the comments, maybe your advice will help others.
Most of all, humanity suffers from increased blood pressure - hypertension. Swiss scientists say that in the world the number of people suffering from high blood pressure, now more than one billion.

Such figures are frightening and make you think about the prevention of hypertension. Today's edition. "Site" tell you, How to normalize pressure at home.
In Chinese traditional medicine, it is believed that the legs, or rather the feet, play an important role in maintaining the health of the whole body. The Chinese compared a person to a tree: the torso is a kind of trunk, the hands are branches, and the legs are reliable roots. A tree will never be healthy without strong roots. So does a human.
Six main human meridians intersect on the feet: liver, gallbladder, kidneys, spleen and stomach. It is these meridians and the healthy flow of energy in them that ensure the normal functioning of all organs in the human body.

It is through the legs, according to experts of traditional Chinese medicine, the body leaves the spent energy. If stagnation occurs in the feet, this affects the general state of health. When the spent energy ceases to leave the body, stagnation is formed, which over time increases and rises higher.
As a result, it is more difficult for the heart to pump blood through the legs. This affects the vessels that are constantly in high tone. Over time, pressure jumps begin, and the tension of the cardiovascular system leads to fatigue and depression.

Due to stagnation, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, back and kidney pain, female diseases and other unpleasant ailments also occur. But the most unpleasant - constant pressure surges, and subsequently headache and hypertension. In most cases, beta-blockers are prescribed for hypertension, but these pills that normalize blood pressureIt hurts even more.
Of course, in critical cases, you can not do without them, but beta-blockers worsen the energy of the heart, thereby slowing down its work. This is only a temporary solution to the crisis, but not a cure. First of all, to stabilize the pressure, you need to release the spent energy.

We have already said that a large number of biologically active points are located on the feet. The main one is the Yong Quan point, it is also called the beating spring. This is the point through which we absorb the energy of the earth and free ourselves from excess. In order to improve her work, you need to influence her every day.
The dot is in the middle of the foot. If you squeeze your toes strongly, then a small depression forms between the large and small bump, there is the Yong Quan point. The impact on it helps to release stagnant energy, adjust the kidneys, as well as prolong life and slow down aging.

It is best to use your fingers to avoid injury. Just 5-10 minutes a day massage the Yong Quan point on both legs. This will help to get rid of energy stagnation and restore circulation. Over time, the pressure will return to normal.
However, one massage may not be enough. Be sure to add to it daily exercise. And the most effective exercises in this case are slopes. They train blood vessels and the heart, and also help normalize pressure and cope with hypertension.

Every morning and every evening, take 15 minutes to do a simple exercise. First, do a little warm-up to warm up. Then raise your hands as much as possible and pull them up. Stay in that position, take a deep breath. Then lean slowly to the floor as you exhale. Stand in this position for a few seconds until blood rushes to your head.
Then slowly straighten up and rest. Do 5-6 repetitions. Make slopes slowly, slowly, so as not to overexert. If you get dizzy, stop exercising right away. You'll do more the next day. It’s important not to get busy and do everything gradually.

DepositPhotos is also useful to make slow slopes while kneeling. When you exhale, you lean forward, bent hands press on your stomach, squeezing out air. Such slopes have a good effect on the spine and relax the vessels. After the exercises shake hands and feet, and then you can start to massage the points on the feet.

All this in combination helps to reduce pressure, as well as to avoid its constant jumps. Do you want to lower your blood pressure and improve your health? Then lean in more often!
We have previously written about why tilts are so good for health and how they affect our body.
Also to the slopes should add these 5 exercises that work wonders with our body.
What are your ways to lower your blood pressure? Tell us in the comments, maybe your advice will help others.