How to cope with increased appetite
It is no secret that most people with excess weight overeat. Some are “stressed” by stress, others are bored at the computer without candy and cookies, others can not watch a movie without another sandwich. In any case, a bad habit is formed, which is accompanied by a constant hunger. How do you deal with thoughts about food?
Increased appetite today "Site" tell you, How to reduce appetite In just 1 minute and do not overeat. To do this, you do not need to limit yourself to eating or try another diet.
Get rid of hunger will help a simple exercise of ancient Chinese gymnastics qigong - "Jasper frog drives waves." It is sometimes referred to as the “frog swaying on the wave.”
Chinese qigong masters say it blocks hunger even if you don’t eat all day. The exercise must be performed by all who eat irregularly or eat more than 5 times a day (three main meals up to 400 g and two snacks up to 100 g). And also those who are on a diet, sharply reduced the portion volume or practices short-term fasting - a food pause.
Before performing, drink 100-200 ml of warm water. Choose a support - a low table or chair. Put your elbows on the back, as shown in the picture, or bend, placing your palms on the seat of the chair. Choose the height of the support so that you are as comfortable as possible, and the spine is bent. You can do the exercise on the wall.
Take a deep breath and simultaneously draw in your stomach as much as you can. Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds. Exhale and relax. Repeat it 10 times. The feeling of hunger will disappear immediately or in a few minutes. Breathing does not play a special role, the main thing is to draw the stomach well on inhalation and round it as much as possible on exhalation.
To eat less at lunch or dinner, exercise 10-15 minutes before meals. So the feeling of satiety will come faster than usual. The main thing is to practice as soon as the hand reaches to eat something delicious.
"Jasper frog" can be performed standing, while walking, sitting or lying down. In the latter case, the efficiency is much less. And to control breathing, you need to keep your hands on your stomach.
What is the secret of exercise? First a little theory: simultaneously with the appearance of hunger in the stomach is produced gastric juice, which includes pepsin and hydrochloric acid. They dissolve the food that enters the stomach. But, if a person has not eaten, gastric juice begins to irritate the walls of the stomach.
As a result - bad breath, plaque on the tongue, gastritis, ulcer. It turns out a vicious circle: you feel hungry - you need to eat, eat - excess weight, do not eat - get sick. This is why overeating is not just overweight. This is a dangerous food addiction that destroys our body. Overeating must be fought!
During the exercise, the abdominal muscles “merge” gastric juice into the intestines and appetite. Over time, the desire to eat decreases, the bad habit disappears and you will feel hungry only when the body really needs to eat.
Another very important point. Some may mistakenly think that the presence of such a technique will strictly cut your diet and lose weight. But it's not. Fasting and abusing exercise to the detriment of your own health is strictly not recommended! If the body does not have enough nutrients, no “frog” will help.
Therefore, focus not only on hunger but also critically evaluate your diet. If it has enough vegetables, fruits, protein foods and carbohydrates, exercise will reduce the number of snacks and reduce the amount of consumed portions.
Breathing gymnastics should not be underestimated! Exercise for women after 40 is a source of second youth for those who want to improve their health and change externally. What matters is desire!
Did you like the article? Tell your friends, overeatDoing a simple and effective exercise.
Increased appetite today "Site" tell you, How to reduce appetite In just 1 minute and do not overeat. To do this, you do not need to limit yourself to eating or try another diet.
Get rid of hunger will help a simple exercise of ancient Chinese gymnastics qigong - "Jasper frog drives waves." It is sometimes referred to as the “frog swaying on the wave.”
Chinese qigong masters say it blocks hunger even if you don’t eat all day. The exercise must be performed by all who eat irregularly or eat more than 5 times a day (three main meals up to 400 g and two snacks up to 100 g). And also those who are on a diet, sharply reduced the portion volume or practices short-term fasting - a food pause.
Before performing, drink 100-200 ml of warm water. Choose a support - a low table or chair. Put your elbows on the back, as shown in the picture, or bend, placing your palms on the seat of the chair. Choose the height of the support so that you are as comfortable as possible, and the spine is bent. You can do the exercise on the wall.
Take a deep breath and simultaneously draw in your stomach as much as you can. Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds. Exhale and relax. Repeat it 10 times. The feeling of hunger will disappear immediately or in a few minutes. Breathing does not play a special role, the main thing is to draw the stomach well on inhalation and round it as much as possible on exhalation.
To eat less at lunch or dinner, exercise 10-15 minutes before meals. So the feeling of satiety will come faster than usual. The main thing is to practice as soon as the hand reaches to eat something delicious.
"Jasper frog" can be performed standing, while walking, sitting or lying down. In the latter case, the efficiency is much less. And to control breathing, you need to keep your hands on your stomach.
What is the secret of exercise? First a little theory: simultaneously with the appearance of hunger in the stomach is produced gastric juice, which includes pepsin and hydrochloric acid. They dissolve the food that enters the stomach. But, if a person has not eaten, gastric juice begins to irritate the walls of the stomach.
As a result - bad breath, plaque on the tongue, gastritis, ulcer. It turns out a vicious circle: you feel hungry - you need to eat, eat - excess weight, do not eat - get sick. This is why overeating is not just overweight. This is a dangerous food addiction that destroys our body. Overeating must be fought!
During the exercise, the abdominal muscles “merge” gastric juice into the intestines and appetite. Over time, the desire to eat decreases, the bad habit disappears and you will feel hungry only when the body really needs to eat.
Another very important point. Some may mistakenly think that the presence of such a technique will strictly cut your diet and lose weight. But it's not. Fasting and abusing exercise to the detriment of your own health is strictly not recommended! If the body does not have enough nutrients, no “frog” will help.
Therefore, focus not only on hunger but also critically evaluate your diet. If it has enough vegetables, fruits, protein foods and carbohydrates, exercise will reduce the number of snacks and reduce the amount of consumed portions.
Breathing gymnastics should not be underestimated! Exercise for women after 40 is a source of second youth for those who want to improve their health and change externally. What matters is desire!
Did you like the article? Tell your friends, overeatDoing a simple and effective exercise.