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Blood pressure: what is actually meant by these strange figures

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If you think that measuring blood pressure is entertainment for those who are over sixty deeply, then allow me to disappoint you. First, this is not a whim but important medical procedure. And secondly, to begin to monitor blood pressure is best in youth. We will now explain why.

What is blood pressureAs you probably know, all the human body is penetrated by blood vessels. They are divided into three types: arteries, capillaries and veins. Arteries carry blood rich in oxygen from the heart, capillaries distribute it in tissues and organs, and through the veins the blood goes back to heart. It is the heart that leads the system in motion, acting as a pump. Thanks to him, the blood is always under a certain pressure.

Speaking of blood pressure, usually a mean arterial pressure (i.e. pressure of blood in arteries). It is much higher than the pressure in the capillaries and veins, and the most important from the point of view of physiology. Blood pressure shows how well the heart supplies oxygen to our entire body.

Blood pressure. What is actually meant by these strange figures.It is accepted that normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg. To decipher these numbers easily. The first always indicates the systolic pressure it indicates the pressure at the time of ventricular contraction of the heart — that is, when they throw out another batch of blood. In this case, it equals 120. Systolic pressure is always higher the second digit — the value of diastolic pressure which refers to blood pressure when the ventricles are relaxed. In our example, the diastolic pressure is 80. To measure the blood pressure in millimeters of mercury — a tribute to tradition.

That all became clear: let's say your heart beats with a frequency of 70 times per minute. This means that 70 times a minute it throws a portion of oxygen-rich blood into the arteries. This blood is distributed to body pressure, called systolic (for example, 120 mm RT. calendar). In the moments between heartbeats blood pressure in the arteries is slightly reduced. The lowest value of this pressure is called the diastolic (for example, 80 mm Hg. calendar).

Despite the fact that the "ideal" pressure is considered 120/80 mm Hg. article, for each person has its own optimal value of blood pressure. Common views on the exact boundaries of normal pressure is not, but in any case, the pressure is greater than 140/90 mm Hg. article consider great, a pressure of less than 90/60 mm Hg. article is too low.

What are the dangers of reducing pressureLowering blood pressure doctors called hypotension. This is a very dangerous condition, which usually arises not in itself, but as a result of another disease.

When the pressure is below 90/60 mm Hg. the article disturbed blood supply to tissues and organs, causing them to begin to suffer from lack of oxygen. If this process does not stop in time, the patient may lose consciousness or even fall into a coma.

Fortunately, such a strong decrease in blood pressure is rare. Some people have a tendency to low blood pressure, but it never falls below 100/65 mm Hg. art Is a physiological feature of the body, which should not to worry unless it causes constant drowsiness and weakness.

Blood pressure. What is actually meant by these strange figures.

How dangerous is arterial pressurethe Increase blood pressure it happens more often. It is not necessarily harmful: for example, the pressure increase during heavy exercise helps with this load to handle. However, in a healthy person after such increase, the pressure quickly returns to normal. If this does not occur or the pressure increases for no apparent reason, talk about hypertension.

Sometimes hypertension is a symptom of other diseases, but the vast majority of cases it occurs "by itself". This condition is called hypertension. It develops in many older people and is one of the major risk factors of heart attacks, strokes and other diseases of the blood vessels and heart.

The mechanism of hypertension is quite complex, so I will mention them only briefly. The first mechanism is associated with the increase in the number of blood in the vessels. This may occur, for example, due to excess consumption of salt. If the blood becomes more pressure in the circulatory system increases. That's why there is a lot of salt is harmful.

The second mechanism of pressure increase is associated with increased stiffness of the vessel walls. This not only leads to a narrowing of the lumen but also impairs the ability of blood vessels to adapt to fluctuations in blood pressure. Imagine a thick rubber garden hose and a narrow tube of metal, even if you increase the pressure the water pressure in the hose will be less. Approximately the same occurs with blood vessels. Seal wall possibly due to deposits of cholesterol or other reasons.

In addition, blood pressure increases with the imbalance in the nervous and endocrine systems. Not to go into details, except to say that this can result in chronic stress, disorders in the kidneys, some medications and exposure to various adverse factors (the number, incidentally, includes Smoking). Big role here is played by heredity. Because of their hazardous consequences of a persistent increase in blood pressure is something that definitely should be avoided.

Blood pressure in athletesAccording to research, regular exercise contribute to lower blood pressure at rest. This is due to the improvement of stamina and the risk of hypertension decreases. To do this, doctors recommend at least five days a week performing aerobic exercise for 30 minutes.

However, some sports imply a sharp increase in blood pressure, which creates additional risk for those who already have a tendency to hypertension. In particular, blood pressure weightlifter while lifting weights can reach 300/150 mm Hg. article and is a real test for the blood vessels and heart.

Another risk factor is sports nutrition and some drugs used in the training. They can also raise blood pressure, especially those that contain caffeine, steroids and growth hormone.

However, in most cases, sport activities have an impact on the pressure positively. Especially if a person follows a sound training program and do not overload yourself.

Blood pressure. What is actually meant by these strange figures.How to keep blood pressure normal

All of this brings us to the question — how to protect yourself from high blood pressure? Here are a few useful tips.

First, from time to time should be measured. At a young age to control their blood pressure once a year (if it normal). Having had too low or high blood pressure that persists without apparent reason, contact your doctor. Diseases of vessels and heart easily prevent early but not advanced forms, so do not waste time.

Second, try to reduce the number of factors that contribute to blood pressure increase. Namely, quit Smoking (and you'd better not start), do not use alcohol and psychoactive substances, keep yourself in form, with an emphasis on aerobic activity (obesity — another "assistant" hypertension), and limit consumption of salt (ideally not need to desalinate food in General).

Third, do not forget about proper and good nutrition. According to the medical recommendations, for maintaining the normal pressure you need to eat more vegetables, low-fat dairy products (perfect also soy milk), foods rich in fiber, all kinds of cereals and grains. What definitely need to watch out for is food rich in cholesterol and carbohydrates (a typical example — fast food). In addition, for the cardiovascular system very healthy Mediterranean diet.

If the methods above do not help to get your blood pressure under control without prescription drugs can not do. In addition, you will need to be examined to reveal the reasons why your pressure can deviate from the norm. This should be done by the physician or cardiologist.

Summing up, we repeat the most important thing: even at the age of 20 years, it is useful to know what is blood pressure and how to avoid its increase.

Sports in this case — a great help, along with proper nutrition and avoiding harmful habits. To control pressure in youth is the best way to worry less about him in old age and enjoy active and fulfilling lives. What we will and wish. published


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: ruslekar.info/Davlenie-krovi.-CHto-na-samom-dele-oznachayut-eti-strannie-tsifri-3226.html