How to properly measure pressure at home
With the modern rhythm of life, it is quite difficult to manage everything at once. Busy with various things, we increasingly push health into the background, in passing escaping from short-term ailments with pills and other quick-acting drugs.
And do you know what effects on the body, seemingly useful drugs, including high-pressure pill With their constant use?
On how to stabilize the pressure at home without tablets and in which cases it does not need to be reduced, the editorial board "Site" He'll tell you right now.
Dr. Evdokimenko explains that blood pressure does not have a certain norm for everyone. 120/70 is not a mandatory indicator, but statistically the closest to the norm. Before you panic, seeing other numbers, make sure that you do not belong to hypotensive or hypertensive, which since childhood, the pressure is slightly underestimated or overestimated.
Increased pressure several units with strong emotional outbursts or physical exertion, even if we are talking about a simple walk, the phenomenon is absolutely normal. Know that in conditions of strong moral stress and in the absence of physical relaxation, you will not get the correct prognosis.
In order for your indicator to correspond to reality, before the measurement, you must necessarily sit in a relaxed state for 5-10 minutes, and directly during the measurement, in no case can you talk.
Pressure can increase with age and with an inactive lifestyle, and this is absolutely normal. Physiologically, this is due to the fact that over time, blood vessels narrow and blood flow to the brain becomes more difficult. Also, the reason for the frequent increase in pressure can be a constant nervous tension that occurs in especially susceptible people and those who constantly work too much.
Constant intake of tablets threatens to worsen memory and thought processes. A safer way to restore the work of blood vessels is moderate physical activity. Swimming and Nordic walking have the most positive effects on the body for violations of blood pressure.
Also a good option. normalize will be herbal teas with a calming effect, such as motherwort, mint, valerian, chamomile, hawthorn, melissa, calendula and others...
If you take pills for a fairly long period of time, then you need to give them up very carefully, gradually reducing the dosage and be sure to be under the supervision of the attending physician.
Those who measure the pressure at home need to be extremely careful and understand exactly how to do it correctly. Did you know that 90% of people make these mistakes and distort their measurements?
We wish you and your loved ones good health and long life. Share your native information on social networks to protect them from common mistakes.

And do you know what effects on the body, seemingly useful drugs, including high-pressure pill With their constant use?

On how to stabilize the pressure at home without tablets and in which cases it does not need to be reduced, the editorial board "Site" He'll tell you right now.
Dr. Evdokimenko explains that blood pressure does not have a certain norm for everyone. 120/70 is not a mandatory indicator, but statistically the closest to the norm. Before you panic, seeing other numbers, make sure that you do not belong to hypotensive or hypertensive, which since childhood, the pressure is slightly underestimated or overestimated.

Increased pressure several units with strong emotional outbursts or physical exertion, even if we are talking about a simple walk, the phenomenon is absolutely normal. Know that in conditions of strong moral stress and in the absence of physical relaxation, you will not get the correct prognosis.
In order for your indicator to correspond to reality, before the measurement, you must necessarily sit in a relaxed state for 5-10 minutes, and directly during the measurement, in no case can you talk.

Pressure can increase with age and with an inactive lifestyle, and this is absolutely normal. Physiologically, this is due to the fact that over time, blood vessels narrow and blood flow to the brain becomes more difficult. Also, the reason for the frequent increase in pressure can be a constant nervous tension that occurs in especially susceptible people and those who constantly work too much.

Constant intake of tablets threatens to worsen memory and thought processes. A safer way to restore the work of blood vessels is moderate physical activity. Swimming and Nordic walking have the most positive effects on the body for violations of blood pressure.

Also a good option. normalize will be herbal teas with a calming effect, such as motherwort, mint, valerian, chamomile, hawthorn, melissa, calendula and others...

If you take pills for a fairly long period of time, then you need to give them up very carefully, gradually reducing the dosage and be sure to be under the supervision of the attending physician.

Those who measure the pressure at home need to be extremely careful and understand exactly how to do it correctly. Did you know that 90% of people make these mistakes and distort their measurements?
We wish you and your loved ones good health and long life. Share your native information on social networks to protect them from common mistakes.