Calcium — the skeleton of Your health

From what we associate calcium? With the stability, strength, security. How to maintain stability in an ever-changing world? What to do to in every sense to stand on its own feet? To understand all this we will help calcium.
Calcium — the skeleton of our health; the stronger the frame, the more stable our internal state.
The stability (sustainability) — the ability of the system derived from the equilibrium state independently to return to this state. The stability of the structure and/or function (physical or mental) of living systems — the basis of norm (health). Instability is the symptom of extreme condition or disease.
That is the epitome of stability, strength, reliability? Rocks and minerals that form the earth; building materials (marble, brick, cement, lime), forming "a solid man-made" and of course "live firmament" — the skeletons of living organisms. They all contain a significant percentage of calcium.
In Latin the word "сalx" means lime and a relatively soft easily workable rocks, primarily chalk and marble. From this word came the name of the item.
Calcium deficiency is the cause of almost 150 diseases. This paresis of the facial nerve, and osteoporosis and arthritis and much more. If lack of calcium is exacerbated by the insulin-dependent form of diabetes. And surprisingly, even the stones in the kidneys are the body's reaction to calcium deficiency, not excess. The appearance of stones in the kidney accompanied by a marked reduction of calcium in the bones and development of osteoporosis. Increased consumption of calcium promotes the excretion of stones.
In our body about one kilogram of calcium, 99% of which form the basis of microcrystalline bones and teeth. Their destruction is the most obvious symptom of calcium deficiency. If the bones to remove all of the calcium, then it can be easy to tie in a knot. The bone will remain flexible, but to perform a supporting function. So, young children with a lack of calcium the bones become soft and under load easily bent. Lack of calcium in adulthood can be catastrophic. Especially if it destroyed the very Foundation of the spine. People with a spinal injury unable to maintain upright position, can freely and purposefully move. But if it is damaged the spinal cord, then to the complete immobility is added, and a complete loss of sensation and control some physiological functions. We can say that the loss of reliable bone frame disrupts the stability and harmony of the existence of the organism as a whole.
A solid Foundation is necessary not only in the whole organism, but each cell separately. The cell has an internal skeleton — the cytoskeleton. He does not have the rigidity of bones, but not inferior to it in strength and reliability. The cytoskeleton supports the shape of cells and provides mobility. For the formation and the "work" of the cytoskeleton is also necessary calcium.
Calcium is indeed a symbol of strength, stability, and protection. For in addition it also helps each cell individually and the body as a whole to confront the great variety of stressors — toxic, allergic, microbial, radiation.
There is an assumption that calcium is associated with the activities of the fifth chakra — Vishuddha, the centre of the will and higher creative activity. From this chakra receives the energy of the thyroid and parathyroid gland are the main regulators of the calcium balance in the body.
There is a popular superstition: "my Bones ache, back ache — the rain" (bad weather in General). Indeed, the fall in atmospheric pressure for the body to maintain balance requires more calcium. If its reserves in the blood is not enough, he washed out of bones.
Stability is synonymous with permanence? Look around: even the most stable, but xed structure (rocks, monuments, marble statues) eventually destroyed. And be our skeleton in the same "fixed", it would have suffered a similar fate. But bone is living tissue that is constantly renewing and refreshing itself. A full update occurs in children one to two years in adults — 10-12 years (one kind of cell completely destroys the old bone, the other builds new). Local rearrangement (remodelling) of bone tissue to happen much more often — every three to four months. What they need? On the one hand, for filling of minor bone defects — the effects of trauma. On the other — to maintain the required level of calcium in the blood. Bones serve as a "Bank" of calcium, which in case of emergency can be excreted in the blood and "taken in". Calcium is borrowed must be returned back to the Bank. Otherwise, bone destruction begins to dominate over its recovery and impaired strength of the skeleton. If for whatever reason a lack of calcium is aggravated, the body is forced to sacrifice strength, stability of the skeleton — in the name of preserving the life of the whole.
Why is it so important the level of calcium in the blood? What are vital to body functions it provides?
Calcium and movement
Elemental calcium metal. It is chemically very active, so in nature is in a free state.
In humans the level of calcium is determined not so much its content in food how much the effectiveness of its assimilation. Calcium absorption is an active process. Special protein-carrier (which is formed with sufficient amounts of vitamin D) absorbs the calcium from the lumen of the intestine and carries it into the cells of the intestinal mucosa, where calcium already enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. To ensure the transport of calcium against its concentration gradient requires energy.
What functions for the body is most important? Breath? The contraction of the heart and blood circulation? The transmission of nerve impulses? The provision of energy? The purification? Immune defense? Hormonal regulation? The renewal? Try to deprive the body of at least one — if he survives? What they have in common? First, the goal: they are all designed to sustain life. Secondly, the fact that they are all movement as the basis, the condition and method of existence of life. Third, each process separately and their coordination with each other is impossible without the active participation of calcium. The free of "the shackles of bone", which is only 1% of the total amount of calcium in the body. It was his blood level is so vital.
Deficiency symptoms of calciumIf insufficient intake of calcium in the body or its poor absorption occur: in children — rickets (deformation of bones of a skull, spine, lower extremities, later eruption of belated change of teeth, dental caries, anxiety, sweating, muscle weakness and developmental delays); in adults — osteoporosis (depression of bone, a tendency to fractures), cramps in skeletal muscles, change in the heart rhythm, tendency to constipation of the bowels, eczema, insomnia, high blood pressure, perverted appetite, numbness of hands and feet, restless leg syndrome, arthritis, high cholesterol, fatigue, fragile nails and hair loss, tooth decay and sore gums, a tendency to bruising and bleeding, the risk of allergies and cancer, male infertility.
Contribution" of calcium in the provision of travel can be seen on the example of the most obvious kinds of movement in space. It provides coordinated work of the muscles is alteration of their contraction and relaxation. Calcium here: increasing its concentration in muscle fibers starts the process of their reduction, and the reduction allows the muscle to relax. Imbalance of calcium in the body disrupts this rhythm. As a result, can occur as excessive muscle tension — spasms, and complete relaxation — paralysis. But calcium also helps the muscles less tired and after a large load to recover faster and without pain.
In order for the muscle began to shrink, "from the center" to receive the signal — the nerve impulse. Calcium ensures uninterrupted transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to muscle and back, allowing us, for example, we've been able to draw back the hand from hot stove and not get burned.
Movement always occurs in a certain direction and with a purpose. In order to see them, is also necessary calcium is an active participant in processes of visual perception.
Movement is always a force that requires energy. The energy in the body is released from the breakdown of nutrients. In order for this decay was fast, the necessary enzymes. For the efficient operation of the enzyme requires calcium. A part of enzymes include vitamins and minerals (e.g., iron). The process of assimilation also requires sufficient amounts of calcium.
Any movement (breathing, heart contraction, cell division, etc.) has its own rhythm. The ability to support for the body it is vital. How? The man sets the rhythm of my life by the hour. Each cell also has its own clock. The question is how they work. There is an assumption that the main role in the intracellular mechanism of countdown plays calcium. Calcium, which supports the existence of the organism as a whole, providing a variety of movements, rhythms and attunement.
The absorption of calcium
Improve the absorption of calcium: the normal acidity of gastric juice, vitamins D, b, A, C, food proteins, lactose, citric acid. Worsen: refined sugar (for the absorption of sugar spent a lot of calcium!), sweet dairy products, caffeine (more than three cups of coffee a day), nicotine, alcohol, dysbiosis, excess or deficiency of dietary fat, work on the computer more than two hours a day.
Calcium is not absorbed in the composition of salts of oxalic acid, oxalates (contained in the sorrel, rhubarb, spinach) and Filatov (found in nuts, legumes, whole grains). The above products are not harmful, they contain a lot of nutrients, but rely on them as a source of calcium should not be.
Calcium is better absorbed if you take it not on an empty stomach, and during or after a meal.
Nutritionists all over the world in the list of the most calcium-rich foods include: cabbage, celery, unsweetened dairy products (especially cheese), asparagus, Fig, nuts, parsley, fennel.
The adult is usually absorbed 30-40% of of dietary calcium, in children, 60-70%.
U.S. researchers have found that the best absorbed calcium citrate (calcium citrate). This is especially true for people with low acidity of gastric juice. Currently, the most valued of the so-called living calcium, derived from biological raw materials — egg shell, bone, folds of sea shells.
The movement — frame zdorovogo no. Everything is moving, revolving... Giordano Bruneck to protect bones from breaking, how to keep them calcium? The solution to this problem has accelerated the experience of the first space flights. The astronauts who in zero gravity just a few days, returning to Earth were not free to leave. The reason is the loss of calcium. How to prevent it? Increase the intake of calcium in the body. But numerous calcium supplements in the form of calcium gluconate, cottage cheese, egg shell, etc. has not solved the problem. Began to look further. And I discovered the incredible: in microgravity, the skeleton loses calcium, and with it the strength due to the lack of load! Experiments have confirmed the discovery: the load (gravity) is a necessary condition of calcium deposits and the formation of optimal bone structure, these loads are able to withstand. So, in addition to calcium supplements to the astronauts need a set of exercises that simulate the earth's burden! First and foremost it has to be exercise, training leg muscles. In anticipation of a joint Soviet-Indian space flight to Moscow from India was invited to the famous yogi of Trienta Brahmacari. He suggested some specific exercises similar to "goose-step" and proprietary. Based on them has developed special simulators that have become an integral part of the interior of the spacecraft. The problem of preservation of calcium under conditions of weightlessness has been resolved. But for many people living in earth conditions, it remains relevant. What to do? To follow the experience of the cosmonaut: a harmonious combination of calcium with exercises that create suitable conditions for its incorporation into bone tissue. A diagnosis of "osteoporosis" is not a contraindication, and the most that neither is a "testimony" for physical activity. And the more varied the load, the skeleton stronger. As a "calciumbased" suitable means and the above-mentioned exercises for the legs, Cycling, and swimming, and skiing, and just walking. Especially on Sunny days, because under the influence of sunlight the skin produces vitamin D, necessary for calcium absorption. And to achieve tangible results, exercises should be done regularly!
For example, the calcium we have seen that resistance and strength are valuable in themselves and serve a specific purpose: to save lives, providing the possibility of movement. After all, what is life as not endless motion, effort, desire...
Tibetan recipe
Crushed shell raw eggs in the dust (of manually). The night of the new moon and squeeze the juice of 2-3 lemons and put in an open glass container on the window sill at night. Morning to extinguish this juice of crushed shell. Drink 1 tsp for 30-40 minutes before dinner, in the days of new and full moon. Before swallowing, hold for 2-3 min in the mouth. (It turns out the above-mentioned calcium citrate.)
Recipe from Sergey Martynov
Place pre-washed shells in a jar with a small amount of Apple cider vinegar or lemon juice for 8-12 hours. The liquid should cover the shell. It contained calcium will go partially into solution. This enriched calcium solution can be added to salads, soups and other foods.published
Source: /users/1077