Foods for strong bones
For the health of our bones requires a whole range of nutrients: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper and vitamin D. And they are in conjunction.
Of course, the most important element, which is necessary for strong and healthy bones, teeth and joints is calcium. In addition, a systematic flow of the trace element in the body reduces cholesterol levels, regulates fat metabolism, improves heart function and helps to prevent coronary heart disease.
With calcium deficiency quickly comes fatigue, irritability, ache bones. Then develop such illnesses as osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis. The nails are made brittle and fragile, fade hair, and their teeth crumble.
It turns out that even thirty years suffer from osteoporosis: bone tissue becomes fragile, deformed and unable to cope with the load, there are often fractures. Osteoporosis is most common in women because we lose calcium during menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and to restore it do not hasten, thinking that I will...
Other important elements of bone — phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin D needed for good absorption of calcium. Phosphorus affects the strength of the skeleton, and magnesium helps keep calcium in the bones.
Well, to bones remain strong as long as possible, we need to eat "right" foods. If you want to get nutrients in sufficient quantity, should diversify their menu.
Products with calcium
Milk and milk products are the best source of calcium, this we know since childhood. It perfectly strengthens the bone tissue. But sufficient doses of calcium we need every day to drink more than a liter of milk, and it can not do everything. Therefore, eat as many different dairy products.
For sufficient doses of calcium we need every day to drink more than a liter of milk
Milk products and ice cream, cheese and cottage cheese are rich in calcium and very useful. However, those who have problems with excess weight, it is necessary to be careful: many of these products are high in fat and full sugar ice cream.
Almonds. This walnut and almond oil also contains a lot of calcium and protein.
Kale, leafy vegetables and herbs. A lot of calcium contained in Kale, besides, it is more useful than a colored and white. Today displayed many of its varieties: variegated, palm, blue, white, pink etc.
For strong bones eat any lettuce, arugula, spinach, etc. spinach is low in calories, but just one Cup of this green contains 25% daily value of calcium, lots of iron and fiber. The celery is also low in calories and rich in calcium, and this vegetable contains zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, carotene, vitamins b, E and PP.
The root vegetables. Do not forget about the benefits of root vegetables: radish, beet, radish, turnip, etc. to ensure that the calcium is better digested, these foods are best eaten with vegetable oil.
Foods with vitamin D
Oily fish. Sardines have very high levels of calcium and vitamin D. Salmon and tuna are also rich in vitamin D and heart-healthy unsaturated fatty acids. Do not forget about such fish as catfish: it is quite affordable source of vitamin D.
Eggs. Although eggs contain only 6% of the daily value of vitamin D, but it's a quick way to get it. Besides, they have a lot of calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and other useful minerals.
The liver. Vitamin D is found in beef liver, which is also rich in vitamin a and copper. Sufficient vitamin D is contained in fish liver and birds.
And this vitamin can be obtained from butter, eggs, mushrooms, sunflower seeds and some herbs.
Products with phosphorus
Contains a lot of phosphorus in veal, especially her neck.
This is another important element needed by the body for absorption of calcium. Contains a lot of phosphorus in veal, especially her neck. Of other products, most phosphorus is in fish and seafood.
Products with zinc, magnesium and manganese
When you have a zinc deficiency in the human body often develop osteoporosis, because of him, and also do not forget. Zinc rich foods such as liver, pork and beef, cheese, lamb, poultry, cereals, legumes, peanuts and pine nuts.
Magnesium plays an important role in the conversion of phosphorus and potassium. It is especially necessary for children, pregnant and those who follow a low-calorie diet. All rich in magnesium nuts, legumes, wheat bran, sea Kale, prunes, soybeans, sunflower seeds and cereals.
Manganese also improves the growth of cartilage and bone, it is part of enzymes that are involved in the construction of bone tissue. A lot of manganese in beets, spinach, green salad, garlic, beef liver, pasta durum and mushrooms.
And for the health of our bones is very good apricots and dried apricots, and dried apricots are considered to be healthier than the fresh fruit. They include such useful elements as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, manganese.
To strengthen bones very useful to drink orange juice. It contains vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and other trace minerals, albeit in small quantities. Ascorbic acid in the juice helps to absorb calcium, and the juice is tonic and drink.
Source: /users/1077
Of course, the most important element, which is necessary for strong and healthy bones, teeth and joints is calcium. In addition, a systematic flow of the trace element in the body reduces cholesterol levels, regulates fat metabolism, improves heart function and helps to prevent coronary heart disease.

With calcium deficiency quickly comes fatigue, irritability, ache bones. Then develop such illnesses as osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis. The nails are made brittle and fragile, fade hair, and their teeth crumble.
It turns out that even thirty years suffer from osteoporosis: bone tissue becomes fragile, deformed and unable to cope with the load, there are often fractures. Osteoporosis is most common in women because we lose calcium during menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and to restore it do not hasten, thinking that I will...
Other important elements of bone — phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin D needed for good absorption of calcium. Phosphorus affects the strength of the skeleton, and magnesium helps keep calcium in the bones.
Well, to bones remain strong as long as possible, we need to eat "right" foods. If you want to get nutrients in sufficient quantity, should diversify their menu.
Products with calcium
Milk and milk products are the best source of calcium, this we know since childhood. It perfectly strengthens the bone tissue. But sufficient doses of calcium we need every day to drink more than a liter of milk, and it can not do everything. Therefore, eat as many different dairy products.
For sufficient doses of calcium we need every day to drink more than a liter of milk
Milk products and ice cream, cheese and cottage cheese are rich in calcium and very useful. However, those who have problems with excess weight, it is necessary to be careful: many of these products are high in fat and full sugar ice cream.
Almonds. This walnut and almond oil also contains a lot of calcium and protein.
Kale, leafy vegetables and herbs. A lot of calcium contained in Kale, besides, it is more useful than a colored and white. Today displayed many of its varieties: variegated, palm, blue, white, pink etc.
For strong bones eat any lettuce, arugula, spinach, etc. spinach is low in calories, but just one Cup of this green contains 25% daily value of calcium, lots of iron and fiber. The celery is also low in calories and rich in calcium, and this vegetable contains zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, carotene, vitamins b, E and PP.
The root vegetables. Do not forget about the benefits of root vegetables: radish, beet, radish, turnip, etc. to ensure that the calcium is better digested, these foods are best eaten with vegetable oil.
Foods with vitamin D
Oily fish. Sardines have very high levels of calcium and vitamin D. Salmon and tuna are also rich in vitamin D and heart-healthy unsaturated fatty acids. Do not forget about such fish as catfish: it is quite affordable source of vitamin D.
Eggs. Although eggs contain only 6% of the daily value of vitamin D, but it's a quick way to get it. Besides, they have a lot of calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and other useful minerals.
The liver. Vitamin D is found in beef liver, which is also rich in vitamin a and copper. Sufficient vitamin D is contained in fish liver and birds.
And this vitamin can be obtained from butter, eggs, mushrooms, sunflower seeds and some herbs.
Products with phosphorus
Contains a lot of phosphorus in veal, especially her neck.
This is another important element needed by the body for absorption of calcium. Contains a lot of phosphorus in veal, especially her neck. Of other products, most phosphorus is in fish and seafood.
Products with zinc, magnesium and manganese
When you have a zinc deficiency in the human body often develop osteoporosis, because of him, and also do not forget. Zinc rich foods such as liver, pork and beef, cheese, lamb, poultry, cereals, legumes, peanuts and pine nuts.
Magnesium plays an important role in the conversion of phosphorus and potassium. It is especially necessary for children, pregnant and those who follow a low-calorie diet. All rich in magnesium nuts, legumes, wheat bran, sea Kale, prunes, soybeans, sunflower seeds and cereals.
Manganese also improves the growth of cartilage and bone, it is part of enzymes that are involved in the construction of bone tissue. A lot of manganese in beets, spinach, green salad, garlic, beef liver, pasta durum and mushrooms.
And for the health of our bones is very good apricots and dried apricots, and dried apricots are considered to be healthier than the fresh fruit. They include such useful elements as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, manganese.
To strengthen bones very useful to drink orange juice. It contains vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and other trace minerals, albeit in small quantities. Ascorbic acid in the juice helps to absorb calcium, and the juice is tonic and drink.
Source: /users/1077