Fragile Bones: How to Recognize and Defeat Osteoporosis It is very important to keep calcium...
Osteoporosis (translated from Latin - "porous bone") is a progressive decrease in bone densityThis reduces the strength of the bones. Most often it affects women, especially in the period after the end of menstruation. Osteoporosis leads to an increased risk of fractures under the most ordinary loads.
Doctors are no longer talking about an epidemic, but about an osteoporosis pandemic. He is often called the “silent killer”, which is associated with a long asymptomatic course of the disease: after all, many patients learn about osteoporosis only after a fracture occurred in them.
In Russia, every third woman and every fifth man over the age of 50 years has osteoporosis. According to the WHO, osteoporosis ranks fourth among non-communicable diseases, often causing not only disability but also mortality. Therefore, this disease should be taken seriously.
If earlier osteoporosis was incurable, now it is possible to turn back the clock. But it takes a lot of effort. How to recognize osteoporosis before a fracture? What can be done to prevent it? Find the answers in our article.
Signs of osteoporosis The hardness of bones is given by minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. From their ratio and depends on the density of bone tissue. The first 25-30 years it increases, then begins to slowly decline.
All these processes occur differently, depending on genetics, living conditions, nutrition, diseases. And yet there are common symptoms of the onset of osteoporosis.
Symptoms of the onset of osteoporosis
Usually, most people do not pay attention to these “bells”, blaming their condition on fatigue and lack of vitamins. And only after years, the classic symptoms of osteoporosis appear - bones begin to ache for no reason, the spine is deformed, the so-called widow's hump appears, it becomes difficult to sit and get up.
If you are exposed to these risk factors, you should contact the center for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis (there are more than 50 in the Russian Federation) or the clinic to the therapist, endocrinologist, rheumatologist. An accurate diagnosis is made after an examination of bone density - bone densitometry.
To prevent osteoporosis, a person should receive a sufficient amount of calcium with food. Usually with dairy products we get 600-800 mg of calcium per day, and for full restoration of bone tissue you need 1000-1200 mg. Therefore, doctors recommend adding calcium preparations to the daily diet.
In addition, you need to get enough vitamin D. With foods such as eggs, butter, meat, we can get an average of 100 international units of this vitamin. But that's not enough.
We need 600-1000 units per day. Also in the diet should be the optimal amount of protein - one gram per kilogram of weight per day, more green vegetables, salads.
There are medications that can help strengthen bones. Well, if you want to resort to natural methods of treatment, pay attention to products that strengthen bones, and can be used to combat osteoporosis.
Nutrition for osteoporosis
What foods should be excluded for osteoporosis Not all foods are useful for osteoporosis. Some can seriously interfere with treatment, as they provoke calcium leaching.
Scientists believe that during menopause it is better to reduce the consumption of salty foods, as they provoke the leaching of calcium, which negatively affects the condition of bone tissue. From the diet, it is necessary to exclude sausages, ham, fast food, instant food.
It is recommended to limit the intake of fats, as they negatively affect the absorption of calcium. In particular, you should take care of the minimum amount in the menu of beef and lamb fat, mayonnaise.
Many modern people sit at a desk all day, completely forgetting about physical activity and walking in the fresh air. And in vain, because they are necessary for the bone system. It turns out that regular physical activity strengthens bones and makes them stronger.
So try to move more. Start walking to work, instead of sitting in front of the TV or computer, go to the park. Take up aerobics, fitness, swimming or any other sport - this is the best exercise for bones. And on the weekends go to the country or nature.
Get outdoors, especially on sunny days. After all, ultraviolet radiation from the sun contributes to the production of vitamin D in the body. And without it, calcium simply will not be absorbed and settled in the bones, which will gradually lead to osteoporosis.
Find out how to prepare a vitamin complex from the eggshell, which we just throw away, to prevent osteoporosis. After 2 months of taking this remedy, the bones will strengthen by 40%!
The benefits of vitamin D for the human body cannot be overestimated. "Site" Tell you about the symptoms and prevention of deficiency.

Doctors are no longer talking about an epidemic, but about an osteoporosis pandemic. He is often called the “silent killer”, which is associated with a long asymptomatic course of the disease: after all, many patients learn about osteoporosis only after a fracture occurred in them.

In Russia, every third woman and every fifth man over the age of 50 years has osteoporosis. According to the WHO, osteoporosis ranks fourth among non-communicable diseases, often causing not only disability but also mortality. Therefore, this disease should be taken seriously.

If earlier osteoporosis was incurable, now it is possible to turn back the clock. But it takes a lot of effort. How to recognize osteoporosis before a fracture? What can be done to prevent it? Find the answers in our article.
Signs of osteoporosis The hardness of bones is given by minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. From their ratio and depends on the density of bone tissue. The first 25-30 years it increases, then begins to slowly decline.

All these processes occur differently, depending on genetics, living conditions, nutrition, diseases. And yet there are common symptoms of the onset of osteoporosis.
Symptoms of the onset of osteoporosis
- Uncaused feeling of fatigue and increased fatigue.
- Pain in the lumbar and sacral spine, in the ankle and hip joints, pelvic bones.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, allergies and other diseases associated with metabolic disorders and salt metabolism.
- Early gray hair.
- Deteriorating posture. A very serious signal for contacting a specialist is a decrease in growth by more than 1-1.5 cm.
- Nocturnal leg cramps.
- Nail dissection and brittleness.
- The development of periodontal disease and increased dental plaque.
Usually, most people do not pay attention to these “bells”, blaming their condition on fatigue and lack of vitamins. And only after years, the classic symptoms of osteoporosis appear - bones begin to ache for no reason, the spine is deformed, the so-called widow's hump appears, it becomes difficult to sit and get up.

If you are exposed to these risk factors, you should contact the center for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis (there are more than 50 in the Russian Federation) or the clinic to the therapist, endocrinologist, rheumatologist. An accurate diagnosis is made after an examination of bone density - bone densitometry.
To prevent osteoporosis, a person should receive a sufficient amount of calcium with food. Usually with dairy products we get 600-800 mg of calcium per day, and for full restoration of bone tissue you need 1000-1200 mg. Therefore, doctors recommend adding calcium preparations to the daily diet.

In addition, you need to get enough vitamin D. With foods such as eggs, butter, meat, we can get an average of 100 international units of this vitamin. But that's not enough.
We need 600-1000 units per day. Also in the diet should be the optimal amount of protein - one gram per kilogram of weight per day, more green vegetables, salads.

There are medications that can help strengthen bones. Well, if you want to resort to natural methods of treatment, pay attention to products that strengthen bones, and can be used to combat osteoporosis.
Nutrition for osteoporosis
- Milk and all dairy products
Sour cream, kefir, yogurt, cheese (hard cheese contains up to 1000 mg of calcium per 100 g of product). It is noted that if in childhood the child did not experience a lack of natural dairy products, osteoporosis does not threaten him. In modern children who use milk surrogates, bone diseases often manifest themselves at a very early age.
DepositPhotos - Green leafy vegetables and spinach
Few people know that 100 g of spinach contains 136 mg of calcium, which is more than milk! You can saturate the body with calcium and vitamin D with lettuce leaves, arugula, parsley. In addition, greens can be easily added to your favorite dishes, such as frittata.
DepositPhotos - Sesame seeds
Sesame seeds have a rich vitamin-mineral composition. They contain vitamins A, C and E, minerals - magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, but most of all they contain calcium. In 100 g of sesame calcium as much as 783 mg, which is almost equal to the daily dose of an adult. With osteoporosis, you can sprinkle sesame or almond ready dishes, add sesame to salads and muesli.
DepositPhotos - Soy products
Soy is a rich source of plant protein. Only 100 g of the product contains about 70% of the daily value of protein. In addition, soy is a source of valuable vitamins and minerals: magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium. The results of a new study conducted by specialists from the University of Hull (UK), prove that a diet high in soy protein and isoflavones prevents the development of osteoporosis in women who have entered the period of menopause.
DepositPhotos - Salmon
Red sea fish contains a huge amount of healthy omega-3 fats. In addition, only 80 g of salmon contains more than a daily intake of vitamin D. This fish protects not only the heart and brain, but also bones from osteoporosis.
DepositPhotos - pineapples
Manganese is one of the elements necessary for the growth and maintenance of bone health. It helps prevent bone density loss and is useful for osteoporosis. 100 g of pineapple contains 44% of the daily requirement of manganese.
DepositPhotos - Nuts
All nuts without exception are high in calcium, but most calcium can be found in almonds. Just remember that nuts are a very high-calorie product, so you need to eat them in moderation.
DepositPhotos - prunes
Dried plums help prevent brittleness. Scientists from the University of Florida said that daily consumption of 10 dried plums will prevent the development of osteoporosis and avoid fractures. “During my career, I have tested many types of fruit, including figs, dates, dried strawberries and raisins, but none of them have even come close to prunes in effectiveness. In terms of bone health, prunes are exceptional, notes University of Florida professor Bahram Arjmandi. - Citrus
Regular consumption of orange and grapefruit juice prevents the development of osteoporosis. This conclusion was made by American scientists from the University of Texas. During a two-month study, scientists led by Professor Farzad Deyhim found that natural orange or grapefruit juice not only stops the process of reducing bone density, but can also stimulate the process of strengthening bones.
What foods should be excluded for osteoporosis Not all foods are useful for osteoporosis. Some can seriously interfere with treatment, as they provoke calcium leaching.
- Coffee, strong tea and salt in large quantities - contribute to the release of calcium in the urine.
- Alcoholic drinks - prevent the absorption of calcium in the small intestine.
- Carbonated drinks - lead to a violation of the acid-base balance. And this, in turn, contributes to the leaching of calcium from the body.
- Excess vitamins. It may look strange, but consuming excessive amounts of vitamins (especially A) also contributes to the elimination of calcium.
Scientists believe that during menopause it is better to reduce the consumption of salty foods, as they provoke the leaching of calcium, which negatively affects the condition of bone tissue. From the diet, it is necessary to exclude sausages, ham, fast food, instant food.
It is recommended to limit the intake of fats, as they negatively affect the absorption of calcium. In particular, you should take care of the minimum amount in the menu of beef and lamb fat, mayonnaise.
Many modern people sit at a desk all day, completely forgetting about physical activity and walking in the fresh air. And in vain, because they are necessary for the bone system. It turns out that regular physical activity strengthens bones and makes them stronger.

So try to move more. Start walking to work, instead of sitting in front of the TV or computer, go to the park. Take up aerobics, fitness, swimming or any other sport - this is the best exercise for bones. And on the weekends go to the country or nature.
Get outdoors, especially on sunny days. After all, ultraviolet radiation from the sun contributes to the production of vitamin D in the body. And without it, calcium simply will not be absorbed and settled in the bones, which will gradually lead to osteoporosis.
Find out how to prepare a vitamin complex from the eggshell, which we just throw away, to prevent osteoporosis. After 2 months of taking this remedy, the bones will strengthen by 40%!
The benefits of vitamin D for the human body cannot be overestimated. "Site" Tell you about the symptoms and prevention of deficiency.
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