For the health of our bones need a range of nutrients: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper and vitamin D. Moreover, they act exactly in conjunction
. Of course, an essential element, without which a strong and healthy bones, teeth and joints - it's calcium. Moreover, the systematic entry of trace elements in the body lowers cholesterol, regulates fat metabolism, improves heart function and serves as prevention of coronary artery disease.
When calcium deficiency fatigue comes quickly, spleen, bones begin to ache. Then develop diseases such as osteoporosis, low back pain, arthritis. Nails are made brittle and fragile hair fade, and the teeth crumble.
It turns out that even the thirties suffer from osteoporosis: bone tissue becomes fragile, deformed and can not cope with the load, frequent fractures occur. Women suffer from osteoporosis more often - because we lose calcium during menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and to restore its no hurry, thinking that still have time ...
Other important for bone elements - phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin D are needed for a good assimilation of calcium. Phosphorus affects the strength of the skeleton, and magnesium promotes calcium retention in bones.
Well, the bones remain strong as long as possible, we need to have the "right" foods. If you want to receive the nutrients in sufficient quantities, it should diversify its menu.
Foods with calcium
Almond. This walnut and almond oil contains a lot of calcium and protein.
Collard greens, leafy vegetables and herbs. A lot of calcium is found in kale, moreover, it is more useful than cauliflower and cabbage. Today, much of it derived varieties: variegated, palmovidnaya, blue, white, pink, etc.
. To strengthen the bones useful have any lettuce, arugula, spinach, etc. Spinach is low in calories, but only one cup of green contains 25% of daily calcium rules, a lot of iron and fiber. The celery is also low in calories and rich in calcium, and yet this vegetable contains zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, carotene, vitamins B, E and PP.
Roots. Do not forget about the benefits of root vegetables:. Radish, beets, radishes, turnips, etc. In order to better able to absorb calcium, these foods are best eaten with vegetable oil
. Foods with vitamin D
Mushrooms, sunflower seeds and some herbs.
Products with phosphorus
Grains, nuts and seeds, legumes.
Products with zinc, magnesium and manganese
With a lack of zinc in the human body are often develop osteoporosis because of him and do not forget. Zinc rich legumes, peanuts and pine nuts.
Magnesium plays an important role in the conversion of phosphorus and potassium. It is especially needed for children, pregnant women and those who observe low-calorie diet. Rich in magnesium, all nuts, beans, wheat bran, seaweed, prunes, soybeans, sunflower seeds and cereals.
Manganese also improves the growth of bones and cartilage, it is a component of enzymes that participate in the building of bone. Many of manganese in beets, spinach, green salad, garlic pasta durum and mushrooms.
And for the health of our bones is very useful to eat apricots and dried apricots, dried apricots and fresh fruit is considered to be useful. They have such useful elements as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, manganese.
Also for strong bones it is very useful to drink orange juice. It contains vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other minerals, albeit in small quantities. Ascorbic acid in the juice helps to absorb calcium, and the juice itself is a tonic and tonic drink.
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