About living nutrition say 15 famous women syroedok

Ornella Muti - Italian actress: "Raw food diet - this is my wonderful road to health and happiness»
. Demi Moore - American actress: "I have a great diet syroedcheskoy property deduce poisons and toxins from our body.
Energy, harmony and incredible ease of movement - that it gives me »
. Tonya Zavasta - author of books on raw food, a mentor of many raw foodists: - "I am convinced that the main reason for the lack of beauty
in our world lies in the hand dead and denatured food. Raw food diet - is the key that can restore humanity physical beauty »
. Annette Larkins - 73-year-old girl, the very embodiment of youth, health and beauty: "My diet consists of fresh fruits, raw nuts, fruits and seeds. I have a beautiful garden,
where I grow organic vegetables, fruits and herbs. »
Karyn Calabrese - possessive raw food restaurant in Chicago:
"This is my meaning. It's my heart. This is my gift to yourself and the world.
This is my life. »
Uma Thurman - American actress: "I want to say that at the beginning of your body has to get used to the raw food.
It is not always smooth passes. But in the end you get a "huge prize" and become a supporter of the raw food diet. »
Carol Alt - supermodel, author of the cookbook on raw food specialist: "I started to hurt badly.
I have recommended to address to the doctor - expert in the field of raw food. He advised me to eat only natural, thermally unprocessed, raw food.
The result was not long in coming.
Already after 10 days and migraine pain disappeared in the stomach.
And, lo and behold! A month later I became full of strength and energy. On such a result, I could only dream of. »
Mimi Kirk - author of the book «Live RAW», «layfkouch" on the raw food diet:
"Raw food diet - this is my way to perfect health and eternal beauty»
. Erin Maubrey - fitness model, sports coach:
"By switching to a raw food diet has improved my mood immediately.
Work was easy, and most importantly, my athletic performance began to grow rapidly. »
Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram - the owner of the organic cooperative Rawfully Organic Texas, layftrener, tutor:
"For years I have been sick 8 100% rawfoodist. Thanks to the natural diet, I overcame a terrible glycemia.
Now I have a healthy and happy person. »
Ani Pied - food writer, TV presenter, trainer, entrepreneur: "His example I want to inspire people to live a life that we love, and the look and feel great!»
. Leah Nightingale - master of sports, the absolute champion in bodybuilding, athletic trainer: "I do not need to wait for Monday! Begin to change something in your life already now! »
Lori Peinter - a successful blogger, trainer and mother of two children:
"My passion - it is raw foods. After all, they are my health. »
Pam Boteler - American athlete, a multiple gold medalist in sprint canoeing and kayaking, "Syroedcheskaya Dk program. Grammy was key in discovering the true potential of my
and even greater confidence in the sports arena.
Endurance, sprints and a great athletic strength - that's what gives me
raw food diet. " Lillian Muller - writer, model, actress, coach:
"Never in my life I did not eat meat, do not drink strong drink and do not smoke.
Becoming older, I began to understand more clearly how our life is important to eat right and be optimistic.
Natural food combined with good mood makes our blood clean. »
Megan Elizabeth McDonnell - a fighter for the rights of animals, a consultant nutritionist and author of books: "I suffered from excess weight, tried many drugs, because my health was poor.
I was allergic to cosmetics, frequent headaches, because of what I had to quit college and go to the hospital.
It was only referring to the "natural" doctor I could be cured of their diseases.
Now I feel the present and live a happy man! "