EVEN 1 Phoenicia causes irreversible processes in the body
Finiki- amazing fruit, which in many countries ascribe properties to strengthen health and prolong life. It is said that in China there is long-lived, the basis of power which are exclusively dates. Anyway, this is a very useful product, and many nutritionists recommend use it instead of sweet. In addition, dates from old times were known for their healing properties.
Medics found that low blood sugar often leads to the fact that a person experiences excessive hunger, and after the use of only a few dates, the feeling of hunger disappears. Thus, if the fasting person when breaking fast eats dates first, then later he was satisfied with a small amount of food will not overeat and do not harm either their spiritual or physical health.
They contain 23 different kinds of amino acids, which are absent in most other fruits.
Dates are rich in essential amino acid and tryptophan, which is also necessary for optimal brain functioning and maintenance of normal mental status, especially in the elderly. Tryptophan prevents aging: a sufficient amount of it in the diet allows you to stop the processes of cell aging. In addition, due to the tryptophan dates have mild sedative and hypnotic effect.
In addition to tryptophan and dates contain a different amino acid - glutamic, which prevents the occurrence of heartburn by neutralizing excess stomach acid. Selenium, which reduces the risk of cancer, strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of heart disease.
Through a combination of a huge amount of sugar (glucose and fructose (26-55%), which are rapidly absorbed by the body), vitamin B5, the fruit of the date palm have valuable property not only quickly satisfy hunger, but also to restore physical strength, vitality and freshness of the brain and nerves.
Like most plant foods, dates do not contain cholesterol.
Energy value of 100 grams of edible portion plodov- 142-274 calories, slightly dried or podsushennyh- 340 calories. Fruits contain from 40 0 to 77 5% solids. Phoenicia nizkokalorien, so feel free to eat it instead of sweets, and your weight will correspond to the norm.
Buying on the market at least 200 grams of dates, you buy an incredible amount of mineral salts and vitamins. Scientists believe that the dates in day 10 sufficient to provide a daily human requirement of magnesium, copper, sulfur, iron needs half, quarter demand for calcium. So, eating only dates and water, can live for several years.
Modern medicine also drew attention to the rather as the dates for long-term study, academic research, during which were discovered many useful properties of this product.
Among them:
• Dates are not transmitters of any dangerous to human health bacteria, microbes and parasites;
• Dates are an excellent tool in the fight against malicious amoeba;
• The dates contain substances that kill bacteria in the human body;
• Dates - an essential food and medicine to astronauts, and they are much healthier calves;
• The dates contain substances that increase the reduction of muscles of the uterus, which greatly facilitates the process of childbirth in women, making it faster and less painful;
• The dates contain vitamin A, maintains and improves vision at night;
• due to the presence of vitamin B dates are very useful for the normal functioning and development of the muscular system;
• Dates improve appetite;
• the use of dates on an empty stomach kills parasites;
• dates - a fruit, food, medicine, and drink sweet
. Of course, it is clear that a person can live in peace without dates, but they are extremely beneficial to health.
The use of dates is recommended in the following cases:
• during mental stress
It is believed that dried dates positively affect the brain, increasing its capacity by 20% or more;
• When physical fatigue and exhaustion
Barely half an hour after the consumption of dates, even to a very tired man returning power and renewable energy;
• respiratory diseases;
• cardiovascular diseases
Due to the high content of potassium. With heart failure dates stimulate activity of the heart, are tonic and tonic, restore power after a long illness;
• anemia, anemia;
• to prevent the development of ulcers and stomach cancer, bowel
Pectin and fiber increase the intestinal peristalsis, thereby prevent the development of cancer;
• to increase the number of male semen;
• impotence;
• When nervous system disorders;
for successful labor Very useful to use dates to women in order to restore the body after delivery. Research experiments have shown that specific dates contain stimulating substances which strengthen the muscles of the uterus in the last months of pregnancy. And this, in turn, not only facilitates the process of childbirth, but also reduces the period of postpartum hemorrhage;
• If seasickness and motion sickness;
• for colds;
• To prevent the loss of a child;
• to strengthen the capillary walls;
• to improve digestion, elimination of gastrointestinal disorders
Dates are very useful for digestion, they produce a cleansing effect on the digestive system. A Russian scientist II Mechnikov encouraged to consume at dates intestinal disorders;
• to improve vision, reduce eye fatigue;
• to enhance the blood circulation, reduce high blood pressure;
• to reduce the side effects of many antibiotics;
• for preventing aging, dates prolong life;
• enrichment with vitamins breast milk
The use of dates by nursing mothers breast milk contributes to the enrichment of many essential for the full development of a child with vitamins, increasing resistance to a variety of diseases of the baby. Therefore, these fruits of modern nutritionists recommend that pregnant and lactating women;
• for the healing of bleeding gums
The minerals contained in the dates, is very important for the teeth. They are among the building and strengthening tooth tissue substances. This is due dates and dental benefits;
• to strengthen the immune system;
• for preventing the formation of carcinogens;
• to reduce the likelihood of blood clots, promote resilience to infections;
• For children disturbed and suffering from nervous disorders;
• to prevent heart disease and diseases associated with pressure;
• for the treatment of edema, and dizziness caused by inner ear disease;
• premenstrual syndrome in women;
• to regulate blood sugar;
• for removal from the body of heavy metal ions;
• to address depression in pregnant women;
• to prevent arthritis;
• to suppress pain (contain substances similar in structure to aspirin);
• to reduce pancreatic cancer risk.
• to improve the body's metabolism and reduce blood cholesterol levels;
• in the treatment of parasitic infestation of the liver and jaundice, due to the presence of vitamin B dates are the perfect complement;
• As a poultice of palm sugar. They are effective in muscle pain.
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