Non-dairy foods high in calcium

Calcium is found not only in dairy products — and that's great news for vegetarians and vegans. And, in addition, for those whose body has problems digesting milk and for those who are looking for replacement products made of cow's or sheep's milk.
Here is a group of products is extremely rich in calcium:
Vegetable juices and drinks
Leafy (green) vegetables
Dried fruits
Mineral water
What non-dairy foods contain most calcium?Leafy (green) vegetables: they are one of the most important sources of calcium (it contains much more than dairy products); especially valuable in this respect Kale (or "Kale"): for every 100 grams of leaves has 135 milligrams of calcium. In addition to calcium it contains provitamin a, and vitamins K and C.
Also very useful chard, and spinach; you can add them to vegetable dishes or use as a filling for pies, add to pizzas, salads, pies and so on.
Dried fruit: one of the best products in terms of calcium is almonds: 100 grams of almonds will provide you 264 mg of calcium. Almonds also supply the body with magnesium, vitamins E, B2 and manganese, and will help to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. Other sources of calcium are Brazil nuts (160 mg of calcium for every 100 g of nuts) and hazelnut. They can be consumed as an aperitif or a snack (in between meals), as well as to decorate cakes.
Dry spices: spices are usually used in a small amount, but if you get into the habit of adding them to any dish that we prepare, we not only will give them a special taste and aroma, but will provide a significant portion of calcium. Some herbs can also be brewed. It is recommended to use spices such as dried thyme, dill, marjoram, sage, oregano, mint and dried Basil.
Sesame seeds: roasted sesame seeds contain large amounts of calcium. Of them can make the tahini — traditional Oriental cuisine pasta. The sesame seeds are also vitamins B1 and B6, manganese, magnesium and copper. You can add them to salads, breads, pastries and even in juices.
Flax seeds: they contain the same amount of calcium as in sesame seeds. Flaxseed oil has anti-inflammatory effect, helps to combat atherosclerosis. Flax seeds can be used in the preparation of homemade bread or, for example, add to juices, shakes, pies, salads, sauces and creams.
Legumes: these foods are excellent source of calcium (it is 13% of contained elements); pay special attention to the white and black beans. Among the useful properties of legume — regulation of blood sugar and pressure. However, you should not abuse them — they can cause flatulence. Legumes combine well with vegetables, for example, for cooking stews and braised dishes.
Dandelion: very healthy, is a diuretic, helps liver function and, in addition, acts as an antioxidant. Boiled dandelion leaves can be added to salads, as well as spinach. The dandelion contains more calcium than milk (187 mg calcium for every 100g). You can also eat boiled dandelion roots.
Oranges: this is one of the few fruits which are of some interest, if we talk about they contained the amounts of calcium (one orange contains 65 mg of calcium). In addition, it is well known that oranges are rich in vitamin C. alternatively you can drink orange juice, make juice with added orange, fruit salads, pies and other desserts.
Quinoa and amaranth: quinoa also called the "pseudocereal culture." Quinoa should be included in a vegetarian or vegan diet, as it possesses many of the qualities that are characteristic of dairy products.
Amaranth is one of the most nutritious crops available to date; it contains 18% calcium. Those who do not consume milk, it is recommended to mix amaranth with rice. It is also used for soups and for frying vegetables. Quinoa, in turn, is also useful: from it you can cook the chops, add to cakes and so on.
The eggshell has long been considered that this part of the egg contains significant amounts of calcium and also helps its absorption. Wash the egg without damaging the shell, squeeze the juice of 1 lemon, put an egg in it, leave for 12 hours. Then remove the egg with a wooden spoon as slowly as possible and drink the remaining liquid.
Destroying the myths about kallidin of the most popular myths about calcium — confidence that most of the calcium contained in dairy products; this form of calcium is easily absorbed; and, besides, the presence in the diet of dairy products is directly related to the prevention of osteoporosis. While actually...
First and foremost, keep in mind that most of the calcium is contained in poppy seeds (1 448 mg in 100 g of plant); and algae (1380 mg). Cow's milk contains only 120 mg of calcium, like yogurt. Other valuable sources of calcium is seaweed kombu, sesame seeds, soybeans, almonds and the previously mentioned "curly" cabbage (150 mg).
Secondly, it is scientifically proven that it is easier absorbed by the body calcium, which are algae, followed by leafy vegetables, dried fruits, oilseeds, whole grains and legumes. And only then — milk and dairy products.
Finally, as shown by recent studies (and in spite of popular opinion), long-term consumption of dairy products may cause osteoporosis. So, in those countries where milk consumption is particularly high (Switzerland, Finland, Sweden and the Netherlands), is a disease most common. At the same time, in countries where milk is used less often (Liberia, Cambodia, Ghana, Congo), cases with osteoporosis is extremely rare.published
Source: steptohealth.ru/nemolochnye-produkty-s-vysokim-soderzhaniem-kaltsiya/
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