It is better to be a well-groomed woman than a formless girl.
Age as the main female “indicator” is hopelessly outdated: at a time when the number of years fully characterized the physical condition of a woman, it was still relevant, but now, when the 40-year-old Charlize Theron amazes the audience with a magnificent figure, and Monica Bellucci in her 50 plays “Bond girl”, judgment in this plane does not make sense.
And if you still suffer from the fact that “youth is going away”, every year you invariably announce to guests that you are 29 years old and not a day more, stop now: there are much more effective ways to prolong your youth – not formal, but actual.
Let's take the physical state base.health. Many diseases over the past century have become very “younger”, and there are many diseases that are caused not by fatal disorders, but by lifestyle. This means that at almost any age you can get sick, including something that will develop due to your disregard for your own health. In such circumstances, the question of age fades into the background, and it is the care of your body and attention to any of its disorders and problems that come to the fore. For a young girl with 2nd degree of obesity and, for example, pronounced slouching due to a completely sedentary lifestyle, a small figure in the “age” column is a weak consolation, because in fact she looks and feels much older.
Second argument:Active approach to your physical condition. The previous fixation on age was largely based on a passive attitude to their appearance and tone: until the end of the XIX century, no one specially engaged in sports, women for the most part hopelessly watched the wilting of their body, so the number of years lived seemed an important characteristic. Now, another story.
We understand that slimness, body tone depends on physical activity and nutrition, we know that smoothness of the skin can be increased, we realize that with proper care, hair, teeth, nails will look great until real old age. In our hands – a whole arsenal of “tools” to work on yourself, and most of them do not require any excessive investment. Not everyone can afford plastic surgery or season tickets to spas, but everyone can run in the morning, follow a diet, wash themselves with the right remedy and do not forget to apply moisturizer on the face.
But most importantly, many of the old myths and inert beliefs about beauty and appearance go into the past. For example, the fact that only a young girl can have beautiful and thick long hair (you can still find on the battle forums on the topic that allegedly it is not appropriate for a woman over 35 to have long hair): despite the fact that a modern woman does not give birth to 7-9 children, exhausting her body, and has access to good shampoos, balms, oils, specialists, she and at 60 can have beautiful hair and any hairstyle she wants. Same with the "battle of short skirts" and the belief that a dress above the knee is only for those under 25. Fortunately, this bias is gradually being replaced by the logical conclusion that short skirts are for those who think their legs are beautiful enough (not someone out there, but yourself).
Another stumbling block.skin. Of course, it's not that rosy. Just as on health, age has little effect only to a certain point (after 45 years, the risk of developing a number of diseases jumps and continues to grow), and the skin, of course, over the years, becomes covered with wrinkles, loses elasticity, becomes more sluggish and flabby, this is a natural process.
But first, between the ages of 22 and 45, the difference is minimal, and second, good care can really work wonders. Simply put, the moisturized and massaged skin of a woman 35-45 years old, leading a healthy lifestyle, looks only slightly worse than the skin of a young girl, and perhaps even better if the girl goes to bed with makeup and, preferring only fast food, sleeps face in the pillow.
The conclusion is simple: stop suffering about the number in the passport - a formality that says very little about the real state of affairs, and let's try to do something specific, aimed at maintaining actual youth and tone. Many people have their own “recipes”, for example, my friend is engaged in climbing and every year goes with her husband to the mountains, so that at 43 she has the body of a 20-year-old gymnast and her daughter’s sister is not called as an empty compliment. But the lack of consideration for this is not a problem; this basic complex of maintaining youth will suit absolutely everyone.
Base 1: Weight
Reduce it to normal and keep it at that mark. Excess weight, especially obesity, most fatally affects your image, invariably “drawing” a good ten years to your real age. And it's bad for your health.
Base 2: Muscle tone
It is important not only to be slim, but also to have a good muscle tone: this gives a toned silhouette, beautiful shapes (thin waist, flat stomach, athletic legs, etc.), besides, “holds” the spine, improves posture. Any fitness that works the muscles of different groups is suitable for this mission.
Base 3: Endurance, mobility
The first signs of the negative influence of age are physical servitude, fatigue, immobility. You will help aerobic training, long walks and in general the habit of moving more. This will give you a sense of body lightness.
Base 4: Health monitoring
Do not let diseases take over you: regularly undergo examinations, consult with doctors, visit an ophthalmologist, dentist, gynecologist, monitor your health and symptoms. Do not start diseases, do not let them disfigure you.
Base 5: Food
Not diets and all sorts of "unloading-loading", namely a constant healthy diet with a minimum of animal fats and sugar, and a maximum of vegetables, whole grain products, low-fat proteins, fish. This will help maintain a normal weight and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, and in all senses - from the absence of edema to high smoothness.
Base 6: Right attitude
Do not pay attention to what, in the opinion of society, you at your age “befit” to do and how to look. You are as old as you feel. Therefore, your task is to improve this inner feeling, well-being, tone of the body and psyche, and whether you wear sneakers at 40 years old and bikinis after cesarean section - you somehow and without the valuable opinion of others decide. published
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Picture: lady.tut.by/news/body/477750.html
And if you still suffer from the fact that “youth is going away”, every year you invariably announce to guests that you are 29 years old and not a day more, stop now: there are much more effective ways to prolong your youth – not formal, but actual.

Let's take the physical state base.health. Many diseases over the past century have become very “younger”, and there are many diseases that are caused not by fatal disorders, but by lifestyle. This means that at almost any age you can get sick, including something that will develop due to your disregard for your own health. In such circumstances, the question of age fades into the background, and it is the care of your body and attention to any of its disorders and problems that come to the fore. For a young girl with 2nd degree of obesity and, for example, pronounced slouching due to a completely sedentary lifestyle, a small figure in the “age” column is a weak consolation, because in fact she looks and feels much older.
Second argument:Active approach to your physical condition. The previous fixation on age was largely based on a passive attitude to their appearance and tone: until the end of the XIX century, no one specially engaged in sports, women for the most part hopelessly watched the wilting of their body, so the number of years lived seemed an important characteristic. Now, another story.
We understand that slimness, body tone depends on physical activity and nutrition, we know that smoothness of the skin can be increased, we realize that with proper care, hair, teeth, nails will look great until real old age. In our hands – a whole arsenal of “tools” to work on yourself, and most of them do not require any excessive investment. Not everyone can afford plastic surgery or season tickets to spas, but everyone can run in the morning, follow a diet, wash themselves with the right remedy and do not forget to apply moisturizer on the face.
But most importantly, many of the old myths and inert beliefs about beauty and appearance go into the past. For example, the fact that only a young girl can have beautiful and thick long hair (you can still find on the battle forums on the topic that allegedly it is not appropriate for a woman over 35 to have long hair): despite the fact that a modern woman does not give birth to 7-9 children, exhausting her body, and has access to good shampoos, balms, oils, specialists, she and at 60 can have beautiful hair and any hairstyle she wants. Same with the "battle of short skirts" and the belief that a dress above the knee is only for those under 25. Fortunately, this bias is gradually being replaced by the logical conclusion that short skirts are for those who think their legs are beautiful enough (not someone out there, but yourself).

Another stumbling block.skin. Of course, it's not that rosy. Just as on health, age has little effect only to a certain point (after 45 years, the risk of developing a number of diseases jumps and continues to grow), and the skin, of course, over the years, becomes covered with wrinkles, loses elasticity, becomes more sluggish and flabby, this is a natural process.
But first, between the ages of 22 and 45, the difference is minimal, and second, good care can really work wonders. Simply put, the moisturized and massaged skin of a woman 35-45 years old, leading a healthy lifestyle, looks only slightly worse than the skin of a young girl, and perhaps even better if the girl goes to bed with makeup and, preferring only fast food, sleeps face in the pillow.
The conclusion is simple: stop suffering about the number in the passport - a formality that says very little about the real state of affairs, and let's try to do something specific, aimed at maintaining actual youth and tone. Many people have their own “recipes”, for example, my friend is engaged in climbing and every year goes with her husband to the mountains, so that at 43 she has the body of a 20-year-old gymnast and her daughter’s sister is not called as an empty compliment. But the lack of consideration for this is not a problem; this basic complex of maintaining youth will suit absolutely everyone.
Base 1: Weight
Reduce it to normal and keep it at that mark. Excess weight, especially obesity, most fatally affects your image, invariably “drawing” a good ten years to your real age. And it's bad for your health.
Base 2: Muscle tone
It is important not only to be slim, but also to have a good muscle tone: this gives a toned silhouette, beautiful shapes (thin waist, flat stomach, athletic legs, etc.), besides, “holds” the spine, improves posture. Any fitness that works the muscles of different groups is suitable for this mission.

Base 3: Endurance, mobility
The first signs of the negative influence of age are physical servitude, fatigue, immobility. You will help aerobic training, long walks and in general the habit of moving more. This will give you a sense of body lightness.
Base 4: Health monitoring
Do not let diseases take over you: regularly undergo examinations, consult with doctors, visit an ophthalmologist, dentist, gynecologist, monitor your health and symptoms. Do not start diseases, do not let them disfigure you.
Base 5: Food
Not diets and all sorts of "unloading-loading", namely a constant healthy diet with a minimum of animal fats and sugar, and a maximum of vegetables, whole grain products, low-fat proteins, fish. This will help maintain a normal weight and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, and in all senses - from the absence of edema to high smoothness.
Base 6: Right attitude
Do not pay attention to what, in the opinion of society, you at your age “befit” to do and how to look. You are as old as you feel. Therefore, your task is to improve this inner feeling, well-being, tone of the body and psyche, and whether you wear sneakers at 40 years old and bikinis after cesarean section - you somehow and without the valuable opinion of others decide. published
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Picture: lady.tut.by/news/body/477750.html