3 simple exercises to relieve fatigue of the whole body
As they say: "if tired is the right hand, apply the left" in General fatigue it is better to do light exercise and to improve the balance of blood circulation and activity of nerves than lie on the couch.
Fatigue occurs mainly in the muscles, which have nerves, so the disorder of the activity of the muscle is relayed to the brain and is perceived as a feeling of fatigue.
Exercise 1
Raising the coin brings good result (Fig. 1). This is from the floor pick up the coins one by one. Of course, it is not necessary to bend your knees. Coins should be at least 10 pieces. This is a good exercise to obtain a balance of muscles throughout the body. At the end, however, it is necessary to thibetica several times.
Exercise 2
Point", sezan", located in the middle of the calf (see Fig. 2), much pain to press the pad of the thumb for 20. seconds, then quietly removes his finger. Repeat it 2-3 times.
Figure 2:
1 — Siin (Easy births; 2 — Cocococo (low blood pressure); 3 — Konron (beriberi); 4 — SEZON (Tired legs); 5 — ICU (Spasm of the muscles of the legs); 6 — Junju (disruption of normal menstruation); 7 — Sansuu (the Establishment of the state of the body); 8 — UW (the Establishment of the state of the stomach); 9 — Sisize (Life force); 10 — Tanto (Headache, insomnia); 11 — Seimei (For pure beautiful eyes)
Exercise 3
Press the point "roku" on the hand (see Fig. 3) (2 × 1 minute). It annoys the Meridian of the pericardium, therefore very beneficial effect on General fatigue.
Figure 3:
1 — Case (Heaviness in chest); 2 Roky (Fatigue); 3 — Tyra (Heat in palm rest); 4-Naikan (Numb hands); 5 — Tekuteku (Neuralgia).published
Do not hurt the spine! These exercises to strengthen the press is STRICTLY prohibited
Debbie Shapiro: the Body reflects everything that happens in the mind
Source: vk.com/beliy_tiger?w=wall-53665863_35074
Fatigue occurs mainly in the muscles, which have nerves, so the disorder of the activity of the muscle is relayed to the brain and is perceived as a feeling of fatigue.

Exercise 1
Raising the coin brings good result (Fig. 1). This is from the floor pick up the coins one by one. Of course, it is not necessary to bend your knees. Coins should be at least 10 pieces. This is a good exercise to obtain a balance of muscles throughout the body. At the end, however, it is necessary to thibetica several times.
Exercise 2
Point", sezan", located in the middle of the calf (see Fig. 2), much pain to press the pad of the thumb for 20. seconds, then quietly removes his finger. Repeat it 2-3 times.
Figure 2:
1 — Siin (Easy births; 2 — Cocococo (low blood pressure); 3 — Konron (beriberi); 4 — SEZON (Tired legs); 5 — ICU (Spasm of the muscles of the legs); 6 — Junju (disruption of normal menstruation); 7 — Sansuu (the Establishment of the state of the body); 8 — UW (the Establishment of the state of the stomach); 9 — Sisize (Life force); 10 — Tanto (Headache, insomnia); 11 — Seimei (For pure beautiful eyes)

Exercise 3
Press the point "roku" on the hand (see Fig. 3) (2 × 1 minute). It annoys the Meridian of the pericardium, therefore very beneficial effect on General fatigue.
Figure 3:
1 — Case (Heaviness in chest); 2 Roky (Fatigue); 3 — Tyra (Heat in palm rest); 4-Naikan (Numb hands); 5 — Tekuteku (Neuralgia).published
Do not hurt the spine! These exercises to strengthen the press is STRICTLY prohibited
Debbie Shapiro: the Body reflects everything that happens in the mind
Source: vk.com/beliy_tiger?w=wall-53665863_35074