I admire men

I admire men.
Since childhood.
Boys - they are special.
I remember in kindergarten, our teacher ... How do they just take, these formidable aunts? It seemed to me that they blamed for any violation of the sausage department saleswomen and they have nowhere else to go, both in kindergarten. What? It is possible to cry, to command, punish, and no one will ever know, except for children. You know, to tell children as unusual as the day passed, that it was special. It is we adults teach them to analyze the past with questions: "How?", "What was that?", "How did it go?", "What did Marya?". Children who are able to live "here and now", passed and passed, so many interesting things to come, the world is so vast.
About governess.
She screamed at the boy. In public. He's done something wrong. Do not go where it is necessary. Did not have time. Not ran. It happens. No one would have noticed. No, she put it in front of everyone and was indignant: "How can so! Just look at him! "And called. Hurtful words. I could not stand it. I ran to him, eclipsed by her screams and told her: "He would not do it anymore!»
That's when I got the first time in the famous Triangle "Victim, Rescuer, Persecutor».
She gave me a look burned their hate.
And he?
For some reason he blushed and replied so confidently: "How do you know? What do you answer me? Maybe I will! »
The teacher paused. And I never cried. Not for anyone.
Oh, in that moment I thought, "What are they brave these boys! No need to feel sorry for them and protect. They know how to do it well! »
I admire men.
They are bold.
I remember in school we moved the desk, and the boy, with whom we sit at the same desk, told me: "Do not go! It is hard! I myself! »
Oh, in that moment I thought, "What is it! Hero! »
I admire men.
They are strong.
I remember, in the high school, we had a concert. They came from the neighboring boys school. They were older than us. And one of the ones I liked. He was arrogant, "Hey, you! Yes, yes, you, big-eyed! Come here! Oh, do not come near! Soon you will do what I say! "I was scared. I was approached by a classmate and said: "We'll spend! Everything will be fine! "And indeed, the boys agreed and went to accompany me the whole crowd. The next day, the school already had two crowd. Other people - those that are older. And our - the ones on your own. There was a fight. Our beat. The girls squealed. Out geography teacher and a new (new to me) language to explain to outsiders, where they go and what will happen to them if they do not go there. And our entire team accompanied me home.
Oh, I thought at the time: "Men are always behind us. They do not throw ».
I admire men.
They do not betray.
I remember, in the University of our boys, classmates gave us, girls, excursion. I learned so many new things! It was a real adventure! I did not know so many details:
- Why the lake is called "black»?
- After which the streets are named "Exaltation of the Cross," "Ascension," "Resurrection," "Peter and Paul»?
- Which lanes previously called "Cat" and "Dog", and why?
And that in our city there are streets of "light", "Clear", "happy", "cheerful" in general was a revelation for me.
Oh, I thought, "What are they smart, man! They know more! They know how to make surprises ».
I admire men.
They are able to surprise.
I remember, while still a student, worked in radio. We did not have time of their equipment, we have just started, and the program does in a private recording studio. I'm friends with its founders, gay guys, always telling jokes and funny stories are different. Later I learned that my excitement the news was similar to reading obituaries in the air, and they came up with that humor - the best way to relax the voice to make it real, lively and emotional.
Oh, I thought, "What are they caring! How did they come up with is great! »
I admire men.
They are good.
We worked well together. We even won a contest of journalistic works. I brought them something for tea. They always set aside some goodies to some homeless woman philosophically discussing her hard life and how people become homeless stupidity, invented, how to help her. I was so fascinated by those of their conversations. Once I saw her. Black eye. Tired eyes. Puffy cheeks. She was short and left. Standing behind the glass in the studio, I quietly asked: "This is it ?!" What sound through the loud laughter of all other strictly said to me: "Ol, it's actually my wife." Before me at this point I reached the seriousness infomercial gum "Dirol": "Sometimes it's better to chew than talk." I was ready to burn with shame. All were silent, and he continued: "But I forgive you this. She just left the dentist, and you did not know ».
Oh, I thought, "What are they, man! How they are able to respond so as to find the words to say, without developing feelings of guilt »
I admire men.
They are wise.
I remember I was in the hospital. It's a shame so. March 8. It was so sad. I wanted to escape from these four, painted in cool colors of the walls. And then they brought me a package - they are in the hospital called "transfers." Open, and there is a tangle of clothesline. Even then I sarcastically replied the nurse: "Who is this joker? It is a pity that the soap has not yet laid. Black humor would be a success. " So, it turns out, I had to pull the rope from the third floor, and my male colleagues strapped to her luxury bouquet of roses tenderly. Bright flowers decorated the cold walls.
Oh, I thought, "Wow! What they have done! So unusual! »
I admire men.
They - the real romance! They can warm when it's cold.
I admire men.
They say, "No problem!", "Is it a problem ?!", "We will solve this!", "I'll help!", "I'm coming!", "I'll teach!" And their words match the deeds. I respect men. They know best how. No need to feel sorry for them and protect. They know how to do it perfectly!
I admire men ...
Author: Olga Plisetskaya
Preview: A scene from the film "Vicky Cristina Barcelona»
via o-plisetskaya.livejournal.com/8732.html