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I want but I can not

Ilya Petrov, copywriter Red Keds, a former copywriter BBDO Moscow very prominent figure, posted on his blog a great as it seems to us a text about his personal attitude to the Russian reklame.Sayt could not pass, and presents it to you. Without cuts and changes.

- People close to me know that I try to stay away from what is called the Russian advertising. Almost did not write at professional forums, do not participate in festivals, constantly communicate with only a very limited circle of friends from literally two or three agencies. This does not mean that I do not care about what is happening in the industry, and I do not have opinions. Why would I then wrote it all? On the contrary, I have a clear position, which recent years virtually unchanged. I just do not see the point nazyvyat her, though always willing to share their ideas in response to a direct request.

Since this is my blog, I will not wait for the impulse from outside. Understand advertising in our country and experts involved in its creation - a very touchy subject. I do not like to apply to this bill, because ... I am ashamed. Ashamed of his attitude. Excuse me, most of these people makes me disdain, the other - a pity, but also those, and others - sincere anger.

I despise people who for the money are willing to sacrifice their views and principles. Those who, instead of offering another sad shit (Komandor and Coruna), the same sad and even more impersonal. And those who buy it.


I respect faith Karpov for the fact that she did not look at someone and goes his own way, and despise Pasha Ganin, for example, for the comments to this post (ganin look at the page). In pursuit of what else you can not lose the human face. In advertising, there is one podhvoh: victory in the festivals will not make you immortal, because except you do not need anyone. For this reason, what is forgiven geniuses of science, is not taken into account when it comes to talented creatives. No one will put up with you all your tricks just because you're good at inventing. Moreover, it is impossible to do good advertising and be at the same cattle. Created by people with people for people, commissioned by others. If a man in nothing other places and can not communicate normally at the forum, what results can we expect from him and what surprises will be opened in the working process?

Sincerely I respect people, who care and who are trying to change something. I like Marat, Tasha, light Maybrodskuyu and even, in its own way, creatine. They have a clear position and they defend it. Controversially, on the edge, beyond - it's not so important. I did not share their methods and ideals, but the consistency and enthusiasm deserve respect. I admire when people do not look at others and compete with themselves, trying to make every next project better. In this country, too easy to be the best, but still difficult to do well.

I despise the Russian festivals - this informal get-together in which Random prizes handed out. I despise the work made without the customers, and their authors, because it is not advertising. Advertising should help the client to achieve goals, and made-up solution is good only for the fictitious problems. I think that people tend to win, because I do not know how to do advertising, do not understand how it works, and therefore can not assess whether the project is good they did, that would require both an objective assessment by.

But is there any objectivity in Russian festivals? What is the first place? The general opinion of several members of the jury (usually little more than half, because the unanimous easier to be openly against bad work). Who are these people? Maestro industry? Do we have someone to be, there is someone you can trust besprikoslovno? Thanks Vordshopu I was in class most high-profile celebrity advertising: Alekseeva, Amlinsky, Lutz, Feigin, Smirnov Firaynera Orlov. I communicate with many directors of the largest agencies of our country. And here it is necessary to make otsutplenie mentioning that I appreciate people for, not regalia, position, track record or age. So, all these people certainly deserve respect. They are smart and they have something to say. But none of them, I would not trust to lead your campaign. They have their own positions and theories, but these theories are not less than the gaps and shortcomings than the articles in this blog, or statements of any other young professionals. These fellows they authorities in terms of the wisdom of life and management, but not in terms of the creation of such advertising, it should be today. I do not believe. I do not trust, excuse me. Show me someone here to listen and someone to be. Making publicity for the festival - to make advertising such that she liked your creative director. Well, the same nonsense.

Frankly infuriates me more categorical, for categorical - it's not only not taking other people's opinions, but generally no desire even to hear the other. In this world, especially in advertising, there is no black white. I have my own truth, you have your own, each has its own. Mitya Resurrection likes to repeat the well-known in wide circles of the refrain: "You want to be right, or do you want to negotiate?" Even tearing the agreement (ie, bringing the interlocutor to the state, when he sees no sense to continue the conversation and ready to do anything you would shut up) you will not be persuaded, and if persuaded, the negative feelings of communication will remain, and so the chance to get an order / help / whatever it was - is minimal.

Listen, damn it, listen to others! Do not argue for argument's sake. Most discussions of experts, for example, social media like talking, "she is green, there is a round, no green, no round." What is difficult to stop and think, and what did it? Dame a simple piece of advice: if there is no agreement, think you either call one term different concepts, either under different terms mean the same thing. In 99% of the hottest verbally transshipments is the place to be either the first or the second. Oh, how I respect Arthur Welf for nesmirenie and Kohl Belousov for openness to other points of view.

I despise all those who resigned. Who thinks kickbacks for granted. This, on the one hand, only to sell, on the other hand, if only receive and do something. I do not believe that a good product can create without a soul, without passion and desire to surpass themselves. Without wishing to do something better, but something - a dramatically different. I like Mitya Resurrection, and although in recent years often disagree with him, I admire the fact that he always fights to the last.

I do not know what to do with people who have no common sense. Even that is small enough to transform what is happening around us.

I sincerely with all my heart I love this industry and I want every man in it was responsible for his words and deeds, for the result of their labor. To each laid out and approach to any project as if it were his last chance to prove himself. I want to gather like-minded people, who in the course of the project think not only about themselves but also about the project, the client, the people for whom it is intended. My dream is that the industry turned his back to the pseudo-experts, and give to the townsfolk, the so-called "target audience." While it is not, I have work to do and something to strive for. Silently, but that does not mean that I do not care. Deep inside, I despise, sorry, angry, rage, admire, inspire, obazhaet. Because I do not care.

The purpose of advertising - to help business. The goal of advertisers - to help the people working on the client side. The purpose of business - to help society. The purpose of the people working on the client side - to help ordinary people. For me it's green advertising, environmentally friendly, safe, friendly to the environment in which it exists. And if all parties involved have the right motivation, the universal happiness secured.

For now, just stop and take a look around. Look at the people with whom you are working for clients, partners, colleagues and friends who you think authority. It is necessary? What do you like about them, what gives, what exasperated?

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