As we had the wedding in Vegas + instructions
Manual "How to make a wedding in Vegas" is embedded in the main text, do not separately allocated, zvinyayte.
Will 29 ph and text.
In my youth, I realized that if they were married, my wedding would be unusual. Last year, I met "the unique", and now it's time to do the wedding.
Our thoughts are with my future wife coincide: tired of the standard wedding that people are comfortable with in St. Petersburg (and we are from St. Petersburg). All the same: a registry office, a limousine, a cafe-restaurant, swell, wake up, opohmelilis began routine. Boring. And here so still it fell that very much, we love to travel.
Doubt did not last long. The choice fell on the Las Vegas - the wedding capital of the world. In this city there is about 500 weddings every day, so it is difficult to call our triumph, "not like everyone else." However, I do not think that many Russians can share similar episodes of his life. The choice is influenced Vegas and what we dreamed of since childhood just visit the States.
So there you go. Get a visa to the United States seemed to us something unreal. Purposefully Googling, we realized an approximate scheme of action, as well as how to behave during the interview at the consulate. Generally, it is a separate topic for conversation (if you are interested, I will write something like). But we have learned basic information on the forum Vinsky.
After a while we had a visa in the passport. And it's time to plan a trip. We decided to spend one week and Vegas wedding. A second week visit to New York. Plane tickets and hotel we booked ourselves. Fortunately, the lack of services is now to do it. As a result, he flew from St. Petersburg to New York and back cost us 25,000 rubles. Flight New York - Vegas and back 14,000 rubles. Prices per person. In principle, not so expensive, considering that it was still a "season" - August-September.
Total travel time in one direction (from St. Petersburg to Vegas) have already reached 28 hours. The fact that we made 2 stops (Amsterdam and New York). It aggravates the situation that we had with him for the suitcase per person - that's okay, flies somewhere near you and not "soared." But as we drove along, in addition to other carry-on baggage, our wedding outfits! My mother is a fashion designer, and it was a sin to take the clothes to hire on the spot. Here we are with costumes and enough of hardship: Each suit in a special separate trunk is packed and no kneading or kick could not be natural. At the end of tired like rabbits after the wedding night, but also change the time ... But nothing - sleep off;)
Apologies for the pathos, but with the top box on the costume just found this picture)
After a day of acclimatization we went to choose the chapel, which will host our celebration. In advance of her book does not make sense. Simply do everything in place. We believed that the chapel scattered throughout Vegas. But we were wrong: the area with the main chapels located north of the major hotels and casinos. We advise to do simple: take the bus to get to the casino Stratosphere. And then - peshochkom on South Las Vegas Boulevard to the north, on the right side.
You'll find many different chapels (chapel they are called). All offer a variety of services, price lists and venue of the celebration. You can order classic wedding, wedding-style mafia 30s (we, by the way, saw a - very stylish), the ceremony, which will lead ELVIS (The King of Rock 'n' roll here on every corner). Is there a chapel-trailer. ALL come and where you wish to marry you (of course, in the aisles of Nevada). You go in every chapel, takes brochure, ask about the price tags ...
Further, considering where you hold a wedding, a leisurely stroll to the address 201 Clark Ave. There is gos.kontora, which produces the so-called "wedding license." Without this license you are not married. It works office from 8 am to 00 nights each day (and she state, yeah). Worth $ 60 license if paying in cash and $ 65 if you pay card (see here, too, is sometimes seen idiocy gos.kontor). Inside the office is simple: a lot of free window, a table with forms. Fill in a primitive form (for example I can not find, unfortunately) - and to the window. After 5 minutes, you have a license. Here is attached diagram "how to get" the chapel that we have chosen.
Now go to the chapel, which of course you have chosen, walking along the "sleeping" areas of Vegas documents;) Our eyes fell on Viva Las Vegas Wediing Chapel. I've got a whole booklet with different wedding programs (in fact they are there much more can almost anything to book - just pay). The next two pictures are from this brochure.
As the couple choose wedding program. Think about your budget and desires. We chose the wedding in the gazebo in the garden (Gazebo). The package includes: a bouquet, boutonniere, limousine (in both directions), video ceremony to VHS (WHAT ?!) and DVD, the ability to shoot with my camera (by the way, it is much better than them - had to pay $ 35 for it), translation online to everyone your ceremony (for us it was super important, because we are the guests did not take with him - they are all on the internet looked at us), storage on their video server ceremony 90 days meykap and hairstyle for the bride photos (about it separately and later). All this work to us cost $ 624, 43.
Once the date and time of the wedding were appointed - August 24, 2012, 21:00 - we were given a link to our page on their website. It was there held online broadcasting. Also, we were in a room at 17:30 promised the girl that her hair and make-up will make the bride. But while there were still a day before the wedding, we went to sleep in a hotel.
The next day, at 5:30 am (!!!), we knock on the room. I open and do not understand the makeup artist is happy, "I have come!". At first I thought we mixed all the AM and PM, and misunderstood the time of arrival of the girl. But it turned out that the Americans themselves are sometimes confused the morning and evening;))) Well, nothing escaped, vowing to come in the evening. And we ourselves in the morning of the wedding day even had time to go to Wallmart - decided to look at the normal US prices))
At 17:30, as promised, I already kicked out of the room, in order to do make-up. And I first 2 days went down to the casino. It was funny - I was in a wedding dress, and the hotel we say, was not the first magnitude. And here the main contingent - African Americans and Latinos. And here I am, a white, in a suit "haute couture". Everyone looked like an idiot, but as soon as they learned that my wedding today - immediately greeted and rejoiced. I went to the bar, ordered a beer. The bartender, looking suspiciously at me - "Your Aidi?". I showed the right Russian driver. With the words, "These are always trying to deceive the Russian" poured me a beer)) After another half an hour I was sitting at the entrance to the hotel and talked to some alcoholic (learn interesting places in Vegas where you can go).
Finally, after talking, I decided to go up to the room. It turned out that my fiancee and meykapersha I have about 15 minutes around the hotel looking for - thought I had escaped) said the bride before the wedding, you can not see - but we already "popyorli" all traditions - no loaf, whipping glasses on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island, natsepleniya locks on the fence embankment ... So I saw my bride and was stunned - it is beautiful (in the photo we have in the limo ride to the chapel);)
Zakovyrka that Moscow wedding was obtained on August 25 at 8 am, and it's Saturday. But relatives gathered at the monitors successfully ...
Before the ceremony, we had a small briefing (as a stand, what to do). We asked for a priest to say it is simpler and slower - in order to grasp the essence of him and successfully repeated in the right place. We were handed a bouquet and boutonniere, I put the tripod with the camera. And there was a ceremony ...
Do you know why I admire Americans? They know how to make money and do not hesitate to do so. Before the ceremony, we were given 3 envelope with the words "photograph", "priest", "limuzinovodu." You know what? Praaaaavilno! Americans like no other nation taking tips. They have it in the blood. It is normal lifestyle. We are accustomed only 3 days, and then themselves become all in a row to tip. We booked a good car? - Hold 5 bucks! Gave advice at the reception? - Take at least a buck, trivia no more!
Something I digress. In general, these envelopes could put any amount, but the priest is necessary to allow $ 60. I do not know why, but we were told.
After the main part of the ceremony, we were given the opportunity to the camera that broadcast online video to convey greetings to relatives and began a photo shoot ...
After all we were given just such a beautiful piece of paper, which has no legal force. It's like a souvenir. And they said to come the next day to get the pictures from the photo shoot, as well as instructions on how to legalize the marriage in general. Only a careful reading and then we realized that our witness was some Kalin Ivanov. I even found it in facebook then. It turned out to webmaster in this chapel)) And he, according to data on Facebook once again, speaks Russian! And we did not admit!)
By the way, we recommend the restaurant where we went after the ceremony. It is located in the Eiffel Tower, Casino Paris. If you book a table by the window in advance - you can watch from the best point of the fountain dance casino Belagio. The price tag here is certainly not small, and the portions are directly proportional to the price list to the other side, but the place is gorgeous!
After dinner, we went directly to the casino. And Vegas gave us a gift - we have won more than $ 500 (spending about 20)! I must say that we, in principle, remained in positive territory after a good play on everyday machines - the main thing is not to lose your head. But this is, again, a topic for another post.
Everyone, I notice every passer when we walked along the main street in Vegas our costumes, we congratulate and compliments. It's cool, that feeling in St. Petersburg will not receive. Sea of positive, everything would be so kind and open Americans!
The next day, a good sleep off, we went back to the chapel for our photo and information about the documents. And it is here that we expect a catch! No documents, no. With photo session. Like I said, I admire the ability of Americans to make money? It turned out that the concept of "photo shoot" is a photo shoot. BUT NOT frame with her! That is, there is a free 5 shots like. Print 10 x 15 cm! Each additional frame - $ 10! I tell them, "If in digital form all this?". And then one option - they drive you to write the entire photo shoot. And it's worth it ... TADADADAM ... WARNING ... $ 700 (seven hundred dollars) !!!
As a result, we took 5 free shots we were supposed to have bought another 5 and scanned the house already. Quality, of course, not that - but what do you do? ..
Finally, we are with you, go to the documents. We have long tried to figure out what to do next - English we, of course, not native, and to understand the bureaucratic damn thing is not so simple. After the tenth time we manageress tried to explain what to do - go out ... Elvis Presley! Dadada, and begins to explain to us more than simple words our next steps. I went, opened on your computer the necessary materials. He also worked there as a priest - has the right to enter into marriage, and therefore knows all the nuances.
Photography is not mine, from their website brazenly rested. Here it is - that is sitting behind the wheel;)
24. © vivalasvegasweddings.com
So I hasten to share information with you - how to legalize marriage in Russia, concluded in Vegas - details I have not found at the time on the Internet. After marrying, not earlier than 10 days, you will need to order a copy of your marriage certificate.
Go to the website www.clarkcountynv.gov/depts/recorder. Click «Order Copies Online» top stranitsyNa open pages top right click «Sign Up», fill in the form and register. Address introduce transliteration! After registering in the same press Login and enter your username and parol.Na page from step 2 select «Get a copy of my certified Marriage Certificate». Enter the last name, first name. And selects the period in which the interval to seek your marriage, press Search.Esli all entered correctly - see below record your marriage. And next to the button «Add to cart». Clicks, podtverzhdaem.Posle these actions, press the right Chekout. I advise you to change the number of copies to 2. It should be one copy only $ 15, but believe me, prigoditsya.Dalee process does not think it is worth describing, as in any online store everything. Enter the address (transliteration!), Credit card data ...
And yet, we begin to wait. About a month and a half (thanks to Russian Post), you come here this paper.
It is too early to rejoice. You need to get even the so-called "Apostille". To do this, we pass on this link. Download the «Apostille / Certification Order Form (PDF)», fill - details will not paint, it's simple: your card, address, name and so on. Cost Apostille $ 20 (it fits in the column «Total amount enclosed»).
After filling, print the completed order form, take the obtained in the previous paragraph one copy of the marriage certificate and happily send it all to the address:
Nevada Secretary of State
101 North Carson St., Suite 3
Carson City, NV. 89701
The catch is that we have a country of idiocy. And official mail can not send any documents. Therefore, just ask at the post office to send a registered letter to the United States, do not say that in the documents.
About a month later you withdraw money from a credit card. And where else in six months (you already forget that you had the wedding;)) you will receive an email where inside is an apostille and attached a copy of your marriage certificate.
Now. We go to a notary, who is engaged in translations. We pass the resulting document. I service cost 1,200 rubles kind. The day we get officially translated document about your marriage. IT WILL BE YOUR MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE. Anything else you do not get. That is, you will be on hand to have a loose-leaf 5 (1 copy of the marriage certificate apostille 1, 3 sheets transfer).
Next. Make a copy here of the sheet stack on all sides. And we go to the passport office (where you obtained your passport civilian, it is there). I advise you to know in advance the hours and days of work - everything is chaotic. At the reception, you explain that you need to put down printing of marriage as the marriage took place in the US, and you have on hand all necessary documents. Nothing more to demand from you are not eligible. Surrenders his passport, and about a week later with a passport stamp of marriage in your hands!
We have so happened that I put down stamp, and my wife just after 2 months passport handed over) Well, it's not a problem any day should do) That's it!
Thank you want to say to the Americans for their hospitality, a desire to help in all areas, as well as the sincere smile!
We are glad to answer questions. If you are interested in the theme of the United States - can some more reviews to write. For 2 week stay in the United States just a lot of things seen and experienced a lot;)
For more photos from our trip look at me VKontakte, as well as the project "Focus - WORLD!».
Material Wrote 3 hours, so post it for another couple of sites probably ...
On the sim I finish, thank you for your attention! I hope someone can help my review. I am waiting for reviews and comments.
Will 29 ph and text.

In my youth, I realized that if they were married, my wedding would be unusual. Last year, I met "the unique", and now it's time to do the wedding.
Our thoughts are with my future wife coincide: tired of the standard wedding that people are comfortable with in St. Petersburg (and we are from St. Petersburg). All the same: a registry office, a limousine, a cafe-restaurant, swell, wake up, opohmelilis began routine. Boring. And here so still it fell that very much, we love to travel.

Doubt did not last long. The choice fell on the Las Vegas - the wedding capital of the world. In this city there is about 500 weddings every day, so it is difficult to call our triumph, "not like everyone else." However, I do not think that many Russians can share similar episodes of his life. The choice is influenced Vegas and what we dreamed of since childhood just visit the States.

So there you go. Get a visa to the United States seemed to us something unreal. Purposefully Googling, we realized an approximate scheme of action, as well as how to behave during the interview at the consulate. Generally, it is a separate topic for conversation (if you are interested, I will write something like). But we have learned basic information on the forum Vinsky.

After a while we had a visa in the passport. And it's time to plan a trip. We decided to spend one week and Vegas wedding. A second week visit to New York. Plane tickets and hotel we booked ourselves. Fortunately, the lack of services is now to do it. As a result, he flew from St. Petersburg to New York and back cost us 25,000 rubles. Flight New York - Vegas and back 14,000 rubles. Prices per person. In principle, not so expensive, considering that it was still a "season" - August-September.

Total travel time in one direction (from St. Petersburg to Vegas) have already reached 28 hours. The fact that we made 2 stops (Amsterdam and New York). It aggravates the situation that we had with him for the suitcase per person - that's okay, flies somewhere near you and not "soared." But as we drove along, in addition to other carry-on baggage, our wedding outfits! My mother is a fashion designer, and it was a sin to take the clothes to hire on the spot. Here we are with costumes and enough of hardship: Each suit in a special separate trunk is packed and no kneading or kick could not be natural. At the end of tired like rabbits after the wedding night, but also change the time ... But nothing - sleep off;)
Apologies for the pathos, but with the top box on the costume just found this picture)

After a day of acclimatization we went to choose the chapel, which will host our celebration. In advance of her book does not make sense. Simply do everything in place. We believed that the chapel scattered throughout Vegas. But we were wrong: the area with the main chapels located north of the major hotels and casinos. We advise to do simple: take the bus to get to the casino Stratosphere. And then - peshochkom on South Las Vegas Boulevard to the north, on the right side.

You'll find many different chapels (chapel they are called). All offer a variety of services, price lists and venue of the celebration. You can order classic wedding, wedding-style mafia 30s (we, by the way, saw a - very stylish), the ceremony, which will lead ELVIS (The King of Rock 'n' roll here on every corner). Is there a chapel-trailer. ALL come and where you wish to marry you (of course, in the aisles of Nevada). You go in every chapel, takes brochure, ask about the price tags ...

Further, considering where you hold a wedding, a leisurely stroll to the address 201 Clark Ave. There is gos.kontora, which produces the so-called "wedding license." Without this license you are not married. It works office from 8 am to 00 nights each day (and she state, yeah). Worth $ 60 license if paying in cash and $ 65 if you pay card (see here, too, is sometimes seen idiocy gos.kontor). Inside the office is simple: a lot of free window, a table with forms. Fill in a primitive form (for example I can not find, unfortunately) - and to the window. After 5 minutes, you have a license. Here is attached diagram "how to get" the chapel that we have chosen.

Now go to the chapel, which of course you have chosen, walking along the "sleeping" areas of Vegas documents;) Our eyes fell on Viva Las Vegas Wediing Chapel. I've got a whole booklet with different wedding programs (in fact they are there much more can almost anything to book - just pay). The next two pictures are from this brochure.

As the couple choose wedding program. Think about your budget and desires. We chose the wedding in the gazebo in the garden (Gazebo). The package includes: a bouquet, boutonniere, limousine (in both directions), video ceremony to VHS (WHAT ?!) and DVD, the ability to shoot with my camera (by the way, it is much better than them - had to pay $ 35 for it), translation online to everyone your ceremony (for us it was super important, because we are the guests did not take with him - they are all on the internet looked at us), storage on their video server ceremony 90 days meykap and hairstyle for the bride photos (about it separately and later). All this work to us cost $ 624, 43.

Once the date and time of the wedding were appointed - August 24, 2012, 21:00 - we were given a link to our page on their website. It was there held online broadcasting. Also, we were in a room at 17:30 promised the girl that her hair and make-up will make the bride. But while there were still a day before the wedding, we went to sleep in a hotel.

The next day, at 5:30 am (!!!), we knock on the room. I open and do not understand the makeup artist is happy, "I have come!". At first I thought we mixed all the AM and PM, and misunderstood the time of arrival of the girl. But it turned out that the Americans themselves are sometimes confused the morning and evening;))) Well, nothing escaped, vowing to come in the evening. And we ourselves in the morning of the wedding day even had time to go to Wallmart - decided to look at the normal US prices))

At 17:30, as promised, I already kicked out of the room, in order to do make-up. And I first 2 days went down to the casino. It was funny - I was in a wedding dress, and the hotel we say, was not the first magnitude. And here the main contingent - African Americans and Latinos. And here I am, a white, in a suit "haute couture". Everyone looked like an idiot, but as soon as they learned that my wedding today - immediately greeted and rejoiced. I went to the bar, ordered a beer. The bartender, looking suspiciously at me - "Your Aidi?". I showed the right Russian driver. With the words, "These are always trying to deceive the Russian" poured me a beer)) After another half an hour I was sitting at the entrance to the hotel and talked to some alcoholic (learn interesting places in Vegas where you can go).

Finally, after talking, I decided to go up to the room. It turned out that my fiancee and meykapersha I have about 15 minutes around the hotel looking for - thought I had escaped) said the bride before the wedding, you can not see - but we already "popyorli" all traditions - no loaf, whipping glasses on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island, natsepleniya locks on the fence embankment ... So I saw my bride and was stunned - it is beautiful (in the photo we have in the limo ride to the chapel);)
Zakovyrka that Moscow wedding was obtained on August 25 at 8 am, and it's Saturday. But relatives gathered at the monitors successfully ...

Before the ceremony, we had a small briefing (as a stand, what to do). We asked for a priest to say it is simpler and slower - in order to grasp the essence of him and successfully repeated in the right place. We were handed a bouquet and boutonniere, I put the tripod with the camera. And there was a ceremony ...

Do you know why I admire Americans? They know how to make money and do not hesitate to do so. Before the ceremony, we were given 3 envelope with the words "photograph", "priest", "limuzinovodu." You know what? Praaaaavilno! Americans like no other nation taking tips. They have it in the blood. It is normal lifestyle. We are accustomed only 3 days, and then themselves become all in a row to tip. We booked a good car? - Hold 5 bucks! Gave advice at the reception? - Take at least a buck, trivia no more!
Something I digress. In general, these envelopes could put any amount, but the priest is necessary to allow $ 60. I do not know why, but we were told.
After the main part of the ceremony, we were given the opportunity to the camera that broadcast online video to convey greetings to relatives and began a photo shoot ...

After all we were given just such a beautiful piece of paper, which has no legal force. It's like a souvenir. And they said to come the next day to get the pictures from the photo shoot, as well as instructions on how to legalize the marriage in general. Only a careful reading and then we realized that our witness was some Kalin Ivanov. I even found it in facebook then. It turned out to webmaster in this chapel)) And he, according to data on Facebook once again, speaks Russian! And we did not admit!)

By the way, we recommend the restaurant where we went after the ceremony. It is located in the Eiffel Tower, Casino Paris. If you book a table by the window in advance - you can watch from the best point of the fountain dance casino Belagio. The price tag here is certainly not small, and the portions are directly proportional to the price list to the other side, but the place is gorgeous!

After dinner, we went directly to the casino. And Vegas gave us a gift - we have won more than $ 500 (spending about 20)! I must say that we, in principle, remained in positive territory after a good play on everyday machines - the main thing is not to lose your head. But this is, again, a topic for another post.

Everyone, I notice every passer when we walked along the main street in Vegas our costumes, we congratulate and compliments. It's cool, that feeling in St. Petersburg will not receive. Sea of positive, everything would be so kind and open Americans!

The next day, a good sleep off, we went back to the chapel for our photo and information about the documents. And it is here that we expect a catch! No documents, no. With photo session. Like I said, I admire the ability of Americans to make money? It turned out that the concept of "photo shoot" is a photo shoot. BUT NOT frame with her! That is, there is a free 5 shots like. Print 10 x 15 cm! Each additional frame - $ 10! I tell them, "If in digital form all this?". And then one option - they drive you to write the entire photo shoot. And it's worth it ... TADADADAM ... WARNING ... $ 700 (seven hundred dollars) !!!
As a result, we took 5 free shots we were supposed to have bought another 5 and scanned the house already. Quality, of course, not that - but what do you do? ..

Finally, we are with you, go to the documents. We have long tried to figure out what to do next - English we, of course, not native, and to understand the bureaucratic damn thing is not so simple. After the tenth time we manageress tried to explain what to do - go out ... Elvis Presley! Dadada, and begins to explain to us more than simple words our next steps. I went, opened on your computer the necessary materials. He also worked there as a priest - has the right to enter into marriage, and therefore knows all the nuances.
Photography is not mine, from their website brazenly rested. Here it is - that is sitting behind the wheel;)
24. © vivalasvegasweddings.com

So I hasten to share information with you - how to legalize marriage in Russia, concluded in Vegas - details I have not found at the time on the Internet. After marrying, not earlier than 10 days, you will need to order a copy of your marriage certificate.
Go to the website www.clarkcountynv.gov/depts/recorder. Click «Order Copies Online» top stranitsyNa open pages top right click «Sign Up», fill in the form and register. Address introduce transliteration! After registering in the same press Login and enter your username and parol.Na page from step 2 select «Get a copy of my certified Marriage Certificate». Enter the last name, first name. And selects the period in which the interval to seek your marriage, press Search.Esli all entered correctly - see below record your marriage. And next to the button «Add to cart». Clicks, podtverzhdaem.Posle these actions, press the right Chekout. I advise you to change the number of copies to 2. It should be one copy only $ 15, but believe me, prigoditsya.Dalee process does not think it is worth describing, as in any online store everything. Enter the address (transliteration!), Credit card data ...
And yet, we begin to wait. About a month and a half (thanks to Russian Post), you come here this paper.

It is too early to rejoice. You need to get even the so-called "Apostille". To do this, we pass on this link. Download the «Apostille / Certification Order Form (PDF)», fill - details will not paint, it's simple: your card, address, name and so on. Cost Apostille $ 20 (it fits in the column «Total amount enclosed»).
After filling, print the completed order form, take the obtained in the previous paragraph one copy of the marriage certificate and happily send it all to the address:
Nevada Secretary of State
101 North Carson St., Suite 3
Carson City, NV. 89701
The catch is that we have a country of idiocy. And official mail can not send any documents. Therefore, just ask at the post office to send a registered letter to the United States, do not say that in the documents.
About a month later you withdraw money from a credit card. And where else in six months (you already forget that you had the wedding;)) you will receive an email where inside is an apostille and attached a copy of your marriage certificate.

Now. We go to a notary, who is engaged in translations. We pass the resulting document. I service cost 1,200 rubles kind. The day we get officially translated document about your marriage. IT WILL BE YOUR MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE. Anything else you do not get. That is, you will be on hand to have a loose-leaf 5 (1 copy of the marriage certificate apostille 1, 3 sheets transfer).

Next. Make a copy here of the sheet stack on all sides. And we go to the passport office (where you obtained your passport civilian, it is there). I advise you to know in advance the hours and days of work - everything is chaotic. At the reception, you explain that you need to put down printing of marriage as the marriage took place in the US, and you have on hand all necessary documents. Nothing more to demand from you are not eligible. Surrenders his passport, and about a week later with a passport stamp of marriage in your hands!

We have so happened that I put down stamp, and my wife just after 2 months passport handed over) Well, it's not a problem any day should do) That's it!
Thank you want to say to the Americans for their hospitality, a desire to help in all areas, as well as the sincere smile!
We are glad to answer questions. If you are interested in the theme of the United States - can some more reviews to write. For 2 week stay in the United States just a lot of things seen and experienced a lot;)
For more photos from our trip look at me VKontakte, as well as the project "Focus - WORLD!».
Material Wrote 3 hours, so post it for another couple of sites probably ...
On the sim I finish, thank you for your attention! I hope someone can help my review. I am waiting for reviews and comments.
