This woman was in seventh heaven, waiting for a triple in 42 years. But it turned out it's not all ...
The couple lives Fugate usual measured life. Kimberly and Craig happy together for many years. They both forties, and together they are raising 10-year-old daughter Caitlin. But to his 42 th birthday Kimberly gets an unexpected gift. She learns that soon will give life just four identical twins!
Shortly before Kimberly was pleasantly surprised by the fact that she was pregnant. She and her husband did not plan to make new children, so this pleasant surprise expectant mother found out quite late after the fact. The first medical examination Kimberly passed at the 13th week of pregnancy. The results shocked the couple doctors told them to prepare for triplets!
Craig and Kimberly decided that triplets - a true gift from above. But before they get used to the idea that they will soon have to babysit three children, appeared in time as an even more exciting news.
During a medical examination, which took place in the 28th week of pregnancy, and almost coincided with the 42 th birthday of Kimberley, the doctor advised the couple to cook more things for the newborn. «You have too many legs for three twins» i>, - said the doctor, looking at ultrasound results.
It turned out that Kimberly will be the mother of four children! Moreover, it turned out that all twins are identical, that is developed from a single egg. And the probability of this event is estimated as 1 in 13 million!
Pregnancy has passed without any complications, and soon came to light four beautiful girls. Like all members of the family Fugate, newborns got the names of the letter "K". Babies named Kenley, Kristen and Kelsey Kaylee.
A year after the birth of their happy mom shares her impressions: «I'm not planning to have children after my first daughter Caitlin. But now I think that it is God himself gave me such a gift. When I look at these cute little faces with dimpled cheeks, I feel the happiest in the world! » I>
Shortly before Kimberly was pleasantly surprised by the fact that she was pregnant. She and her husband did not plan to make new children, so this pleasant surprise expectant mother found out quite late after the fact. The first medical examination Kimberly passed at the 13th week of pregnancy. The results shocked the couple doctors told them to prepare for triplets!

Craig and Kimberly decided that triplets - a true gift from above. But before they get used to the idea that they will soon have to babysit three children, appeared in time as an even more exciting news.

During a medical examination, which took place in the 28th week of pregnancy, and almost coincided with the 42 th birthday of Kimberley, the doctor advised the couple to cook more things for the newborn. «You have too many legs for three twins» i>, - said the doctor, looking at ultrasound results.

It turned out that Kimberly will be the mother of four children! Moreover, it turned out that all twins are identical, that is developed from a single egg. And the probability of this event is estimated as 1 in 13 million!

Pregnancy has passed without any complications, and soon came to light four beautiful girls. Like all members of the family Fugate, newborns got the names of the letter "K". Babies named Kenley, Kristen and Kelsey Kaylee.

A year after the birth of their happy mom shares her impressions: «I'm not planning to have children after my first daughter Caitlin. But now I think that it is God himself gave me such a gift. When I look at these cute little faces with dimpled cheeks, I feel the happiest in the world! » I>

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