If you are angry, do not try to count to 10 to calm down - it will make you even more angry

Psychological research conducted with the participation of young people showed that in a stressful situation, when the anger and breaks out, the worst thing you can do - is to mentally count to 10 or 30 or even before anything, as this will only strengthen your concentration on the problem.
"Grandmothers and mothers often give their children advice is to calm down, you have to shut up and mentally count to 10. When you finish the score, the problem seems not so serious. Unfortunately, this rule does not work perfectly. Trying to escape from the wrath of the score's like to count to 10, looking at the annoying fly on the wall - in the end you focus on the fly even further. - Explains the professor of communications and psychology Brad Bushman, who led the research - is better to try to distance from the problem, present it to a point on the horizon, not having to do with you. »
Of course in order to learn how to distance from the problem, we need some experience, but if you try it once, you probably start to receive. This technique is similar to meditation, it will suppress the anger and aggression will not break out. Just look at the situation from the outside, as if she is not with you, such as your friends - what would you advise?
via factroom.ru
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