10 most bizarre futuristic concepts of human evolution

When science fiction writers and futurists make assumptions about how we will look in the distant future, these assumptions are always united by one idea: "It is not like it is now." People become cyborgs, change their DNA confused with aliens to become unconscious vegetables, living in a virtual world, or come up with something else to trick the old lady-evolution, but certainly not remain the same intelligent primates. Here are 10 futuristic concepts that will happen to our progeny.
1. Anti-evolyutsiya

This concept is a voluntary human resign, "the king of nature" and "Crown of mind." People no longer consider themselves especially compared to the rest of the population of the Earth and leave in total regression. Civilization collapses, cities possess wild animals, roads and factories overgrown jungle, and everything will return to the roots. Daunshiftery, we can say already embody this idea in life, but the rest of humanity still is not eager to cling to the chest of Mother Nature.
2. Voluntary extinction chelovechestva

But why stop there? Every case should be brought to the end: regress, mankind will have no choice than to share the fate of many other species on the planet, that is extinct. That is the purpose of the Voluntary Extinction human rights movement, whose activists seriously suggest people stop bustle of everyday life, and nobly died out, leaving the planet to those who were originally its owners - the animals. Supporters of extinction did not believe that their concept sounds like misanthropy: they think it is a "hopeful alternative to the brutal exploitation and total destruction of the Earth's environment».
3. Improving the environmental cheloveka

But do not be so cruel to me: there are softer ways to evolve. For example, artificially closer to nature with modern means. In an article titled "Human Engineering and Climate Change" philosophers S. Matthew Liao, Anders Sandberg and Rebecca Roache offer to do the following steps to nature:
Stop eating meat, and thus destroy the animals;
Zoom - men 21%, women - 25% to accordingly reduce our "ecological footprint»;
With the help of genetic engineering to make a cat's eyes to see well in the dark and do not waste energy on lighting;
Enlarge willpower, what side effects will increase in people compassion and altruism.
In general, nothing complicated.
4. Transgenic lyudi

Why limit yourself by taking in animals just a couple of qualities, if you can take everything you need in bulk? Transgenic technologies of the future will allow to create a huge variety of human-animal hybrids. In our little overall quality, which can be envied: canine sense of smell and hearing, sight bird, monkey agility and who knows what else. People of the future will increase their sustainability to such an extent, do not be surprised if instead of your neighbor, you will one day have to bottlenose dolphins greet with Hawkeye.
5. The brain instead myshts

This is a fairly classical vision of the human future, which has developed on the basis of information that the human brain is the biggest among the animals in relation to the body. Although it has already found that brain size does not correlate with intelligence in the past, people believed that the accumulation of knowledge and of the mind, the brain is constantly growing.
In his article "The Man million the year" (1893) HG Wells proposed the idea that the development of technologies in the body need a man at all will disappear, and will remain one brain that controls various robotic devices. The development of transport will cause the death of the legs and body, and our descendants will, in fact, something of a brain, walking on his hands.
By the way, very small, but the truth in this assumption, perhaps, is: according to the theories of Darwinism, unnecessary physical properties gradually die. But modern humanity more and more interested in a healthy lifestyle and sports, so we can assume that our legs will serve us for a long time.
6. Collective razum

From the point of view of the concept of humanity gradually turned into something like a beehive or anthill, then there will be a superorganism, one equipped with all the mind. The human mind will manage the whole team, the decisions will be taken together for the good of humanity as a whole. It should be noted that the totalitarian experiments of the last century tried to build in our country, something similar but, in practice, to artificially impose a person the idea that the collective is more important than the individual, is not possible, as this is against our selfish nature and innate predatory tendency to competition.
However, if you carefully look around, you may find that some penchant for the existence of one mind in us still there. For example, Twitter.
7. Postgendernye lyudi

We - a binary view, but in the future the technology will enable us to abandon such things as sex. Firstly, the artificial conception has long been invented. Secondly, we have more and more time to deal with this ... you know what. Third, even if it is, when the gradually become lazy. Fourth, fast virtual communication replaces the real. In general, the concept of people postgendernyh offers us three options for the development of mankind:
We do refuse to have sexual intercourse, replacing conception in the womb of conception in a test tube, and the gradual loss of sex differences;
We can choose to cancel or keep the gender characteristics;
We obtain amorphous gender, which can change at will.
8. Genticheskaya "arms race"

Assisted reproductive technologies, such as genomics, will allow people to plan for their children's susceptibility to various kinds of activities even before they were born. For example, a pair of basketball fans will be able to give birth to the son of a high-physically developed with an innate love for the collective sports. A couple of physicists Stephen Hawking give birth to several different floors. There is no limit self-improvement! Possibilities of genetics will create a society in which obsessive dreams about the success of their children people will create strange and extreme forms of their own offspring.
9. People changed for kosmosa

In its present form of humanity, certainly, there is nothing in space. Gagarin extinct and lifeless space of the universe today conquers appliances. But some visionaries still want to launch a man into space, as a rational being can achieve in the study and development of other planets much larger than the unfeeling robots. And for this we should be, fragile, something correct.
An expert in nanotechnology Robert Freitas offers eliminate the light, there is no need to breathe. Another enthusiast, Ray Kurzweil, inventor and futurist, has offered to give up food, instead introducing into human nano-robots that will take care of the saturation of the cells necessary for life agents. Even well-known geneticist Craig Venter has contributed, calling for the improvement of the inner ear, in order to avoid motion sickness. He also believes that people need to reduce the growth, get rid of the hair, and, in general, seems to have become a osminogoobraznyh creatures happily crawling through uncharted planets.
10. Computer mozg

The concept of transformation of the brain into a supercomputer the country itself as well as computers copes with its tasks being outside of us. Even more strange assumption economics professor Robin Hanson that computer-human mind can create unlimited number of copies of itself to compete in the tough economic markets.
Another idea is to increase the clock frequency of the brain that appear to lead to the fact that people of the future will be able to watch the melancholy longing, for example, the growth of grass, or the destruction of the stone, in quickening the shooting.
Or, for example, brain-computer on their own will change the parameters of perception, learning new aspects of life and himself. Prospects for unlimited, but it sounds pretty boring. It seems that the imperfection of the human brain allows us to really fun to spend your life.
via factroom.ru
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