This is a dangerous mistake kills your metabolism. Fix it!
You can eat right and hard to play sports, and the results are not visible. You can use special additives or medication, and your metabolism will continue to be in the sleep mode. Indeed, even as a supporter of a healthy lifestyle is not always possible to look and feel your best. Most people do not realize that constantly make the same mistake that "kills" the metabolism and generally all the efforts. Because of this erroneous actions there are problems with the hormonal system, hence the constant hunger, weight gain, loss of energy and clarity of thought. And worst of all - because of the negligence of the tests perfectly healthy person can show that he was a diabetic second type. The shocking data, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, said that almost all modern people in their bedrooms « make the fatal mistake, in fact, kill them em>». So what kind of a great and terrible error in question? About the defective dream ...
6 main reasons that sleep should be a priority, or why sleep deprivation is detrimental
1. Due to lack of sleep decreases the level of the hormone leptin, which tells that we are full. At the same time, the hunger hormone, conversely, increases. As a result, it is difficult to control appetite. Waking up, we just want to eat, and pulls us only harmful products. As experts say: « not rested nervous system requires stimulation, and in the course are the most challenging products em>». That's where the dependence on the sweet and starchy foods, then unwanted fat layers in different places.
2. Many people do not know that fat burning processes take place during sleep. When we sleep, fat cells are activated by leptin, which helps burn excess calories. If little sleep, this process slows down, then that is reflected in the figure.
3. Lack of sleep is also bad for the sensitivity of cells to insulin. If this level is low, the body needs a large amount of hormone to remove excess blood sugar. And not a small amount of insulin and causes unnecessary fat mass.
4. Lack of sleep is perceived by the body as stress, therefore increasing the level of the stress hormone - cortisol, which is happy to help fat deposited in the abdomen and thighs.
5. Due to the shortage of sleep occurs injury of brain tissue and cognitive decline. Besides a good mood and can not speak. It is in their studies proved neurosurgeon Maiken Nidergad. It turns out that during sleep our brain never sleeps; he saves us from strong neurotoxins - by-products accumulated during the day. If this process does not take place, there are problems with memory, attention and good spirits. A chronic sleep neglecting observed slowing of inflammation and increase oxidative stress, which may lead to Alzheimer's disease or in the development of other age-related diseases.
6. A small amount of sleep very quickly old man. This is a growth hormone that helps to restore and maintain our youth. That's just the "Update Wizard" is working night ... due to lack of the hormone of aging skin, wrinkles, muscle tissue weakens, but the fat gain the upper hand. I remember someone who has for some time been friends with a dream? Such people just looked exhausted and a little grown old.
With the lack of sleep it is time to fight!
Formula good sleep and speed up metabolism
Step 1. Each week, lie down for 15 minutes before, until you start to sleep for 7-9 hours.
Step 2. The room must be completely dark - only hormonal system will work perfectly.
Step 3. Before going to bed do not watch TV and do not sit on the Internet - well, when the nervous system is at rest.
Step 4. Do not eat 2-3 hours before bedtime, unless you want to zhiroszhigatelny effect came to nothing.
But note: your metabolism does not work faster in the wrong diet! How many do not go to sleep, but, using harmful products, you will not see positive results. Just eliminate from your diet starchy and fatty foods, and start your day with solid fats and proteins.
Wants to open another small secret
If you think that "sleep for wimps," is changing rapidly it is a misconception. And do not forget to share these facts with their friends - even if they get enough sleep!
via takprosto cc
6 main reasons that sleep should be a priority, or why sleep deprivation is detrimental
1. Due to lack of sleep decreases the level of the hormone leptin, which tells that we are full. At the same time, the hunger hormone, conversely, increases. As a result, it is difficult to control appetite. Waking up, we just want to eat, and pulls us only harmful products. As experts say: « not rested nervous system requires stimulation, and in the course are the most challenging products em>». That's where the dependence on the sweet and starchy foods, then unwanted fat layers in different places.
2. Many people do not know that fat burning processes take place during sleep. When we sleep, fat cells are activated by leptin, which helps burn excess calories. If little sleep, this process slows down, then that is reflected in the figure.
3. Lack of sleep is also bad for the sensitivity of cells to insulin. If this level is low, the body needs a large amount of hormone to remove excess blood sugar. And not a small amount of insulin and causes unnecessary fat mass.
4. Lack of sleep is perceived by the body as stress, therefore increasing the level of the stress hormone - cortisol, which is happy to help fat deposited in the abdomen and thighs.
5. Due to the shortage of sleep occurs injury of brain tissue and cognitive decline. Besides a good mood and can not speak. It is in their studies proved neurosurgeon Maiken Nidergad. It turns out that during sleep our brain never sleeps; he saves us from strong neurotoxins - by-products accumulated during the day. If this process does not take place, there are problems with memory, attention and good spirits. A chronic sleep neglecting observed slowing of inflammation and increase oxidative stress, which may lead to Alzheimer's disease or in the development of other age-related diseases.
6. A small amount of sleep very quickly old man. This is a growth hormone that helps to restore and maintain our youth. That's just the "Update Wizard" is working night ... due to lack of the hormone of aging skin, wrinkles, muscle tissue weakens, but the fat gain the upper hand. I remember someone who has for some time been friends with a dream? Such people just looked exhausted and a little grown old.
With the lack of sleep it is time to fight!
Formula good sleep and speed up metabolism
Step 1. Each week, lie down for 15 minutes before, until you start to sleep for 7-9 hours.
Step 2. The room must be completely dark - only hormonal system will work perfectly.
Step 3. Before going to bed do not watch TV and do not sit on the Internet - well, when the nervous system is at rest.
Step 4. Do not eat 2-3 hours before bedtime, unless you want to zhiroszhigatelny effect came to nothing.
But note: your metabolism does not work faster in the wrong diet! How many do not go to sleep, but, using harmful products, you will not see positive results. Just eliminate from your diet starchy and fatty foods, and start your day with solid fats and proteins.
Wants to open another small secret
If you think that "sleep for wimps," is changing rapidly it is a misconception. And do not forget to share these facts with their friends - even if they get enough sleep!
via takprosto cc
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