4 drinks to speed up metabolism
As you know, the speed of exchange and metabolism individual to each person. This is a feature of the body, depending on which it is easier or, conversely, more difficult for a person to get rid of excess fat and kilograms.
Here, of course, heredity plays a very important role, but we can also influence the situation. speed up your metabolism.
And help us in this herbal infusions.
Infusions that will help speed up metabolism
The right ratio of fat to muscle mass index in the body is what will really make us feel good and look great. Each person has his own, “set” metabolic rate, it is responsible for burning fat and maintaining a certain body weight for almost the entire life.
However, often a hereditary predisposition to obesity prevents us from effectively combating excess weight, despite strict, almost "hungry" diets, from which only health, but not kilograms, is lost. And this is a very common problem.
So what can we do?
Ideally, you need to adhere to a proper, balanced diet, with enough vitamins and minerals. In the diet must necessarily be present proteinSince it is necessary for the strengthening and development of muscle tissue, which is very important when reducing body weight (otherwise the muscles will become flabby and sagging).
To such a diet will only add certain infusions that accelerate metabolism.
1. Infusion of cinnamon and apple peel
You’ve probably heard about the beneficial properties. apple-peel and its effectiveness in the fight against excess weight. So the next time you eat an apple, do not peel it, eat it with the skin, of course, after thoroughly washing it.
Apple peel contains a large number of useful substances that contribute to building muscle mass and at the same time help to lose weight. The peel of an apple is rich in ursolic acid, which prevents natural muscle wear, regulates blood cholesterol levels and keeps our bones healthy and strong.
In addition, apple peel activates the production of collagen, which is important for the beauty of our hair, skin and nails. In other words, a truly amazing ingredient in its properties.
How do you make this drink?
The infusion is ready. Now it is only left to drink throughout the day.
2. Green tea with cinnamon
It is no longer a secret to anyone that Green tea speeds up metabolismBut its popularity does not detract from its advantages and useful properties.
This antioxidant-rich drink is extremely beneficial for the heart, digestive system, and our slim figure. And in combination with cinnamon, you will also get a delicious drink, which will be a great addition to your diet.
Just brew green tea and add a little cinnamon to it. If you drink it twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed, you will soon notice the positive effect of this drink.
3. Ginger infusion with pineapple
Delicious, useful, even therapeutic! How can I resist? This infusion is also recommended to drink twice a day, for breakfast and at dinner.
pineapple has cleansing properties, it removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body (so it is very often found in various diets), and combined He will become one of the best allies in the fight for a slim figure and rapid metabolism.
Ginger In turn, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes good digestion, which is also important in this case. It speeds up metabolism, cleanses and heals, so make no mistake and be sure to try!
How do you make this infusion?
It's ready, we can drink!
4. Cayenne pepper infusion with green tea and honey
All ingredients (green tea, cayenne pepper and honey) are thermogenic elements, i.e. they accelerate metabolism. This is a well-known combination, so don’t be afraid to try it.
If you drink this drink at lunchtime, you will significantly reduce the feeling of hunger, which will avoid snacking between meals.
And it's very easy to make.
More useful tips on how to speed up your metabolism
1. For breakfast, try to eat foods with high nutritional value.
If you provide your body with energy in the morning, then you immediately start all the necessary processes in the body, including metabolism. All the necessary nutrients will be available and the fats will begin to go away.
How about a portion? oatmeal? Or whole-grain toast with spinach and feta cheese? Here are examples of the perfect breakfast for boosting your metabolism, take note!
2. Eat more foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids
Fish species such as tuna provide our body with useful fats that accelerate metabolism. At the same time, they have the ability to relieve existing inflammation and control hormonal levels so that harmful fats do not accumulate in the body, and it is because of them that we gain excess weight. So keep that in mind.
3. Do not refuse to eat and do not miss meals.
Are you skipping lunch or dinner? That's a big mistake. Ideally, you should try to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, with breakfast being the main meal.
When food comes regularly, our body always has the necessary energy, if we have not eaten for some reason, then it goes into reserve mode and begins to postpone useful and harmful substances for the future, in case of another “undernourishment”.
That is why you need to eat, just try to make the basis of the diet consist of fruits, vegetables, proteins and dietary fiber.
15 Best Foods to Boost Your Metabolism
3 Unique Recipes to Accelerate Metabolism
And remember: a balanced diet is very important, combine it with regular physical activity, add to your diet the above infusions and enjoy life!
Take Your Step to Health! published
Source: steptohealth.ru/eti-4-nastoya-pomogut-uskorit-metabolizm/
Here, of course, heredity plays a very important role, but we can also influence the situation. speed up your metabolism.
And help us in this herbal infusions.

Infusions that will help speed up metabolism
The right ratio of fat to muscle mass index in the body is what will really make us feel good and look great. Each person has his own, “set” metabolic rate, it is responsible for burning fat and maintaining a certain body weight for almost the entire life.
However, often a hereditary predisposition to obesity prevents us from effectively combating excess weight, despite strict, almost "hungry" diets, from which only health, but not kilograms, is lost. And this is a very common problem.
So what can we do?
Ideally, you need to adhere to a proper, balanced diet, with enough vitamins and minerals. In the diet must necessarily be present proteinSince it is necessary for the strengthening and development of muscle tissue, which is very important when reducing body weight (otherwise the muscles will become flabby and sagging).
To such a diet will only add certain infusions that accelerate metabolism.
1. Infusion of cinnamon and apple peel

You’ve probably heard about the beneficial properties. apple-peel and its effectiveness in the fight against excess weight. So the next time you eat an apple, do not peel it, eat it with the skin, of course, after thoroughly washing it.
Apple peel contains a large number of useful substances that contribute to building muscle mass and at the same time help to lose weight. The peel of an apple is rich in ursolic acid, which prevents natural muscle wear, regulates blood cholesterol levels and keeps our bones healthy and strong.
In addition, apple peel activates the production of collagen, which is important for the beauty of our hair, skin and nails. In other words, a truly amazing ingredient in its properties.
How do you make this drink?
- Peel three apples and put the peel of them in a pan, add 1 liter of water.
- Bring to a boil and remove from the fire, and while the liquid is still warm, do not forget to add one tablespoon of cinnamon there.
The infusion is ready. Now it is only left to drink throughout the day.
2. Green tea with cinnamon

It is no longer a secret to anyone that Green tea speeds up metabolismBut its popularity does not detract from its advantages and useful properties.
This antioxidant-rich drink is extremely beneficial for the heart, digestive system, and our slim figure. And in combination with cinnamon, you will also get a delicious drink, which will be a great addition to your diet.
Just brew green tea and add a little cinnamon to it. If you drink it twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed, you will soon notice the positive effect of this drink.
3. Ginger infusion with pineapple

Delicious, useful, even therapeutic! How can I resist? This infusion is also recommended to drink twice a day, for breakfast and at dinner.
pineapple has cleansing properties, it removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body (so it is very often found in various diets), and combined He will become one of the best allies in the fight for a slim figure and rapid metabolism.
Ginger In turn, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes good digestion, which is also important in this case. It speeds up metabolism, cleanses and heals, so make no mistake and be sure to try!
How do you make this infusion?
- First you need to pour boiling water ginger root (half a glass of water you need one tablespoon of grated plant), when you get the infusion, strain it, then take two slices of pineapple, pass through the blender and add to the ginger drink.
It's ready, we can drink!
4. Cayenne pepper infusion with green tea and honey

All ingredients (green tea, cayenne pepper and honey) are thermogenic elements, i.e. they accelerate metabolism. This is a well-known combination, so don’t be afraid to try it.
If you drink this drink at lunchtime, you will significantly reduce the feeling of hunger, which will avoid snacking between meals.
And it's very easy to make.
- Brew a bag of green tea, then add a pinch of cayenne pepper (but no more, otherwise you can not make a sip) and one tablespoon of honey.
More useful tips on how to speed up your metabolism

1. For breakfast, try to eat foods with high nutritional value.
If you provide your body with energy in the morning, then you immediately start all the necessary processes in the body, including metabolism. All the necessary nutrients will be available and the fats will begin to go away.
How about a portion? oatmeal? Or whole-grain toast with spinach and feta cheese? Here are examples of the perfect breakfast for boosting your metabolism, take note!
2. Eat more foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids
Fish species such as tuna provide our body with useful fats that accelerate metabolism. At the same time, they have the ability to relieve existing inflammation and control hormonal levels so that harmful fats do not accumulate in the body, and it is because of them that we gain excess weight. So keep that in mind.
3. Do not refuse to eat and do not miss meals.
Are you skipping lunch or dinner? That's a big mistake. Ideally, you should try to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, with breakfast being the main meal.
When food comes regularly, our body always has the necessary energy, if we have not eaten for some reason, then it goes into reserve mode and begins to postpone useful and harmful substances for the future, in case of another “undernourishment”.
That is why you need to eat, just try to make the basis of the diet consist of fruits, vegetables, proteins and dietary fiber.
15 Best Foods to Boost Your Metabolism
3 Unique Recipes to Accelerate Metabolism
And remember: a balanced diet is very important, combine it with regular physical activity, add to your diet the above infusions and enjoy life!
Take Your Step to Health! published
Source: steptohealth.ru/eti-4-nastoya-pomogut-uskorit-metabolizm/
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