3 recipe healthy drinks to speed up metabolism

To speed up the metabolism, and nutritionists suggest three drinks that can affect your weight. If you are trying to lose weight, an increased metabolism will help you cope with this problem, you don't need to exhaust yourself by fasting and diets. In recent times, there are many magical medication to speed up metabolism, most of which are pure quackery.
First we must understand what is metabolism (metabolism). In simple terms, metabolism is the rate at which the body burns calories. People who eat healthy food and do sports, have good metabolism. For other tasty, but unhealthy, food and the couch are preferable to a good metabolism. You can help your body to burn unnecessary calories with the help of several natural foods combined with light exercise.
1st recipe to speed up metabolism: it is necessary to thinly slice one Apple, add 300 ml of water and add a dessert spoon of ground cinnamon, let stand in cool place two hours, then drink before bedtime. This combination will allow you to accelerate metabolism, excrete excess fluid and easy to "burn" fat.
2nd recipe to speed up metabolism and improve the digestive tract: you need one Cup of yogurt add a dessert spoon of ground cinnamon and half a dessert spoon of ground ginger Cora, mix thoroughly and drink twice a day, morning and evening.
3rd recipe to speed up metabolism and strengthen the body: brew 300 ml of natural green tea, add to it a dessert spoon of cinnamon, and after it has cooled slightly teaspoon of honey, drink half an hour before lunch and half an hour before dinner.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: viveris.ru/read/665/dietologi_nazvali_3_napitka_dlya_uskoreniya_obmena_veshestv