What slows down the metabolism?

Sometimes we do not even suspect that doing certain things that can slow and speed up metabolism. How to solve problems with the metabolism and speed up the metabolism in the body of this in today's article.
Of course, food plays an important role in the metabolic processes of the body, but inevitably metabolism slows with age. And so it is. Let's try to correct the situation and allow the body to more effectively cope with excess fat.
9 reasons for slowing down the metabolism:
Reducing the number of calories
If you are determined to lose weight and reduce calories, keep in mind that malnutrition is able to harm the metabolism. The body tries to maintain stocks and inhibits metabolism. Worse, due to poor diet body can switch to using the muscle tissue as energy. Driving Standard - eat every 3 hours (4-5 times per day), food that contains about 350-400 calories. In this mode, your metabolism will remain at an appropriate level.
The absence of caffeine
Personally, I am not an advocate of frequent consumption of coffee, but to maintain the metabolism at a certain level it is necessary from time to time to consume products containing caffeine (unless contraindicated). This does not necessarily coffee. Green tea is also an excellent source of caffeine. For example, green tea is capable of improving the metabolism of 15%. Tea due to its properties as it gives a boost to the body to burn calories.
Lack of fiber
The absence or small amount in the diet of these great products as whole grain bread, pasta made from durum wheat and vegetables, affects the quality of metabolism. Daily consumption of fiber (about 100 g) can reduce weight by 5-7% for some time, depending on the weight of the person.
Lack of protein
It is no secret that proteins are the building blocks of muscles. With the active protein consumption can burn fat and not many people know it. In fact, if your diet is sufficiently staffed in protein (meat, fish, poultry, nuts, dairy products), it is quite possible to get rid of 20-25% of calories as proteins activate metabolism.
Lack of calcium
I recently wrote an article that mentioned about calcium, the properties of which, to a certain extent, does not allow digested fats. Therefore regularly consume foods containing calcium (cheese, cottage cheese, milk). By the way, calcium is very important for women. This can be read in the article "Nutritional Supplements for Women».
The water temperature
A very interesting fact - cold water speeds up metabolism. This is due to the fact that the body spends energy to heat water. Water is, in principle, the need to drink in abundance (2 - 2, 5 liters per day), and water in a cool, improves metabolic processes.
Lack of vitamin D
Vitamin D is directly involved in the metabolism. How much do you know of people (especially the elderly), which is maintained at the proper level the consumption of oily fish (trout, salmon, mackerel), bran, eggs? After all, these products - the best natural sources of vitamin D.
Lack of iron
Iron is essential for fat burning. First of all, this iron is associated with the delivery of oxygen to the muscles, which is burned and the fat. Either special iron supplements or natural sources (seafood, meat, oatmeal, herbs) to help you fill in the cost of iron and thus improve metabolism.
As you can see, nothing complicated in improving metabolism is not. The whole success of proper nutrition and healthy lifestyles.

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