10 golden rules of training.

Over the past five years, Skip La Cour has helped thousands of bodybuilders reach their potential and break through a training plateau. Before you 10 of the most valuable tips to improve training bodybuilders straight!
Author: Skip La Cour
1 / Libra - not the best indicator of success
Many people attach too much importance to the figures that turn on the meter. They forget that we are not trying to increase the weight of the commonplace, our goal - a set of high-quality lean muscle mass. The number on the scale may vary from day to day, it can change even within a few hours. Yes, you have to be weighed regularly, but without fanaticism. Mirror - a much more rigorous and reliable indicator of the judge success.
2 / Muscle pain - not the best way to judge the quality of training
Muscle pain is a direct result of microscopic tears that occur in muscle fibers during a training session, but the pain - a very unreliable meter. Yes, as a rule, it means that your training was at the highest level, but keep in mind that if you do after a year's break, the muscles will ache, regardless of the effectiveness of the training session.
In addition, over time, effective and regular exercise will cause less pain. This does not mean that your workouts have become less productive. You just get stronger.
3 / The best training program - your program
Even with the most remarkable training program, you will not get the desired result if you do not carry it with confidence, enthusiasm and, above all, systematically. The result - only it matters. If what you are doing is working and gives you confidence in the success, stay the course. With experience, you will be able to progress, whatever your "optimal" training program. Remember, if you want to succeed, it is important to adhere to the fundamental principles and to raise them to higher and higher levels.
4 / Better Fewer, but better. Honestly!
Shortened session with fewer exercises, sets and reps - the perfect way to gain muscle mass in a short period of time. I came to this conclusion based on his own career. Forcing a person to progress without increasing the number of sets, reps and exercises, you will learn what it's really capable of in the gym.
It cost me a while to reduce the amount of exercise and force yourself to adhere strictly to 4-6 reps with weight gain, I got incredible results. Such training is great, because it develops strength of mind and emotional stability, and at the same time promotes muscle growth and increased power performance.
5 / Sports Nutrition - only part of an effective program
I earn by selling sports nutrition, but I assure you that supplements are no substitute for quality training, healthy eating and mental focus. It's just a great addition to the main components of success, and they help only to those who clearly stated objectives and set priorities. How's that for a straight answer?
6 / intensity - the key to muscle growth
The foundation of quality training programs is their intensity, and it does not matter, they are designed for long-distance or short term, it is split or training the whole body. Training should be a sprint, not a marathon. And the higher your speed in the sprint race, the more effective your workout. And engaged in marathon style, you slow down your progress in the long run.
Intensive training forces you to step forward and use their full capacity in the physical, mental and emotional abilities. You'd be surprised at how to increase your performance in the gym, when you have no other choice. Not everyone understands this, some have to go through the pain, but because I know how difficult it produces a result, I'm in my coaching practice often use painful methods. But I assure you, it is worth it.
7 / Because of inexperience, do you think that you need to train for a long time
I am convinced that shorter and more intensive training - the key to achieving fantastic results in a short time. I do not think that any training should last more than an hour.
Many people think that this is because of 25 years of experience I can get results from short workouts, but they see a picture of the wrong angle. This is not my experience allows me to spend less time in the room, without losing in efficiency. It is your lack of experience makes you think that you need to be registered in the gym. And to blame a lack of confidence in their abilities and in their performance. It is important to force yourself to be as productive, but less time. And then, having reached the proper degree of intensity, you will start getting results from short workouts.
8 / brain - the most important muscle to it and start training
The right attitude - an essential element of effective training.
If you Philo, with the same success can go home.
Unfortunately, most guys think that "lay himself
in the cake "in the gym, but it is not so. But this
You have to concentrate fully
at each iteration, pay attention
every muscle. You must believe in yourself and what you are doing. You can use all the muscle fibers, but you do not get impressive results, not yet connect the mind. When crossing the threshold of the gym, you feel that you are not prepared psychologically, stop for five minutes and tune in, otherwise you will waste your time and energy.
9 / Shortening the rest is not always appropriate
Today it is very fashionable to reduce the break between sets, and I say that you can even increase their duration. You must rest long enough to recover almost 100%, but not long enough to lose concentration and mood. The merciless strength training, where the goal is to complete muscle failure before another approach, you'll need all the power. Only by exercising at the limit of human capabilities, you can develop this muscle the most effective and efficient manner. You must learn to train in such a manner as to gain maximum muscle mass for a minimum period of time.
Many guys think that short pause help them burn fat faster, but we stick to a diet and perform cardio. When you lift weights, the goal is muscle growth rather than fat burning.
10 / Do not underestimate the importance of nutrition
Competent training - it's not just what you do with your body, it's also what you feed him. All of you have seen guys who work like crazy, but it does not lead to the expected result. The most common reason for this is the lack of nutrients that should ensure this result.
Experts say that your appearance is determined at 80% of the diet. My experience fully confirms the opinion of experts, and if I have to choose between training and quality food, I choose food. Master the basic principles of a healthy diet and follow them strictly! Power - the most important part of the world of bodybuilding.