Do not rush to judge those who have an eternal home a mess! Unexpected arguments even for me ...
Have you noticed how much time to spend on cleaning? How much effort? Continuing to maintain order in the house - then make yourself a hostage to perform household tasks that many people feel are not so required. We used to condemn a man, if he has a permanent home a mess. But even this fact, as in everything in life, we can look the other way. The disorder and negligence in circumstances indicates that the person who lives here - creative, bold, inventive personality. It sounds strange and even ridiculous, but there is an opinion that is difficult to argue.
We are surrounded by patterns, the company is trying to fit everything under the same framework. But in actual fact, the world is chaotic in its diversity. «This is a law of physics. The harsh truth of life is that the universe itself - is chaos. How can you put things in order at home or in your life, if it is contrary to the nature of the universe? » Em> - so said the physicist Adam Frank. If you think about throwing trash out of the house, we are polluting the environment. Cleaner was in your house, but the chaos in the world remained unchanged. No matter how you tried to perfect order, it is the unpredictability of life will not let you achieve it fully.
There are people who put up with the chaos and the inability to overcome it. Despite the fact that they did not spend a lot of time and effort in cleaning their homes, everything became quite successful. Albert Einstein, Alan Turing, Roald Dahl, JK Rowling - known names. People with unusual thinking, creative and imaginative. Why do not they attached great importance to the order around? They realized that they need to use the chaos for their own purposes. The unusual situation promotes creative thinking, the search for new solutions. Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Minnesota Kathleen CSW conducted a scientific experiment that proved this fact. Prone to confusion, people living in the untidy room, more developed creative than others. One group of students went to a room where there was chaos, another - in the tidy, well maintained. They have offered to solve several problems. Both groups have coped well with the task, but the students who surrounded the scattered things came to solving problems outside the box.
Check it out on their own experience: when the head does not have ideas to radically change the situation. The brain reacts instantly: in the new circumstances to think in a new way, visit the thought that before, probably would not have arisen. Dirty room leads into a stupor, terrifying, stressful situation stimulates the ability to rethink the situation. Order - an illusion of security.
This article does not justify the dirt in the house and not call you throw everyday business completely. People are rarely cleaned, very often too much work and do not want to be distracted by the mundane affairs. For some, the disorder - an integral part of the creative process. In order to live not as all need some courage, agreed. Share this interesting study with friends, it will make them look at the chaos anew!
via takprosto cc

We are surrounded by patterns, the company is trying to fit everything under the same framework. But in actual fact, the world is chaotic in its diversity. «This is a law of physics. The harsh truth of life is that the universe itself - is chaos. How can you put things in order at home or in your life, if it is contrary to the nature of the universe? » Em> - so said the physicist Adam Frank. If you think about throwing trash out of the house, we are polluting the environment. Cleaner was in your house, but the chaos in the world remained unchanged. No matter how you tried to perfect order, it is the unpredictability of life will not let you achieve it fully.
There are people who put up with the chaos and the inability to overcome it. Despite the fact that they did not spend a lot of time and effort in cleaning their homes, everything became quite successful. Albert Einstein, Alan Turing, Roald Dahl, JK Rowling - known names. People with unusual thinking, creative and imaginative. Why do not they attached great importance to the order around? They realized that they need to use the chaos for their own purposes. The unusual situation promotes creative thinking, the search for new solutions. Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Minnesota Kathleen CSW conducted a scientific experiment that proved this fact. Prone to confusion, people living in the untidy room, more developed creative than others. One group of students went to a room where there was chaos, another - in the tidy, well maintained. They have offered to solve several problems. Both groups have coped well with the task, but the students who surrounded the scattered things came to solving problems outside the box.

Check it out on their own experience: when the head does not have ideas to radically change the situation. The brain reacts instantly: in the new circumstances to think in a new way, visit the thought that before, probably would not have arisen. Dirty room leads into a stupor, terrifying, stressful situation stimulates the ability to rethink the situation. Order - an illusion of security.
This article does not justify the dirt in the house and not call you throw everyday business completely. People are rarely cleaned, very often too much work and do not want to be distracted by the mundane affairs. For some, the disorder - an integral part of the creative process. In order to live not as all need some courage, agreed. Share this interesting study with friends, it will make them look at the chaos anew!
via takprosto cc
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