You nedosypaet? Then they come to you

Remember how we hated quiet day at the kindergarten and is now, as adults, we dream to go back to those happy times to sleep peacefully in his crib. And it makes sense, because people who have children and who are forced to sleep it off every morning to work, often suffer from lack of sleep. In fact, lack of sleep is a serious thing that can lead to very unpleasant consequences, if not corrected in time. Next, you will find 15 effects of sleep deprivation that will make you go to bed earlier.
Change the look of

Sounds awful, does not it? However, scientists at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm confirmed through research that the lack snanegativno affect the appearance. It may be pale skin hanging corners of the mouth, swollen eyelids, and other signs of deterioration in appearance. The study involved ten people who were awake for 31 hours. After that their photos were carefully reviewed 40 observers. The conclusion was unanimous: all participants looked unhealthy, unhappy and tired after such a long period of insomnia.
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Your condition will not literally drunk if you nedospite. It was found that 17 hours of sustained wakefulness correspond to the model of human behavior, in which blood is contained 0, 05% * Expose al. Simply put, drowsiness may be similar to al * ogolnym intoxication and lead to a decrease of concentration, poor thinking and slow reaction.
Loss of creativity

Suppose you are planning to create a grand online project like Facebook or VKontakte, but chronically enough sleep. Scientists claim that in this case you have little chance. The grounds were the studies that were carried out on the military. They have not slept for two days, and then decreased significantly in people's ability to think creatively and come up with something new. Study published by the British Journal of Psychology in 1987.
Increased blood pressure

There is growing evidence that sleep deprivation leads to a significant increase in blood pressure and, consequently, to a deterioration of health. Moreover, non-compliance in hypertensive patients sleep can cause a sharp jump in pressure.
Decrease in intellectual abilities

Not only that, from lack of sleep reduced intellectual capacity, so more and in addition there is a memory impairment, which may adversely affect the quality of life in general and professional activities in particular.
Increased risk of diseases

During sleep, the immune system produces cytokines are proteins, which are then "fighting" with the different types of viruses. The number of cytokine proteins increases when your body needs protection against bacteria. Depriving yourself of sleep, we become more prone to disease and virus attacks, because the levels of cytokines falls.
Premature aging

You can spend a lot of money on the magical beauty products and treatments to halt the aging process, but it does not help if you are deprived of normal sleep. Stress that a person experiences due to lack of sleep, increases the production of a hormone called cortisol. This hormone increases the sebum secretion and contributes to aging skin. That's why sleep plays a key role in the regeneration process kozhi.Poka you sleep, cortisol levels returned to normal and gives the cells time to regeneration. According to the study, which was attended by women from 30 to 49 years old who do not have enough sleep, skin tissue twice as fast aging, wrinkles and other pathologies.

A man who does not have a full sleep, inclined to corpulence, which is confirmed by numerous studies. These tests have shown that people who sleep less than four hours a day, will be obese with a probability of 73%. And blame the hormones again. Hunger in our brain is controlled by ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin sends a signal to the brain when the body requires reinforcement. A leptin, on the contrary, developing in the fatty tissues, reduces appetite and causes a feeling of satiety. When you're tired, then the level of ghrelin in the blood increases and decreases leptin levels.

Sleep deprivation slows down the metabolism (metabolism), which in turn lowers the body temperature. As a result, people quickly freezes.
Mental disorders

According to statistics, in patients with sleep disorders are four times greater than the risk of a wide range of mental disorders than people with normal rest. If the period of insomnia lasts long enough, it can even lead to suicidal thoughts.
Bone damage

The theory of bone damage due to lack of sleep has not been fully proved. But experiments on rats confirmed this ailment. Scientists in 2012 discovered the change in bone mineral density and bone marrow of these little creatures, after they were kept awake for 72 hours. The assumption that lack of sleep can harm the skeletal system, it may make sense not only for rats and humans.

According to a statement MD, director of Stanford University cage Kushida (Clete Kushida), lack of sleep undermines our perception of reality, and dulls our reflexes. In other words, a person becomes awkward.
Emotional instability

If you do not want to become emotionally unstable, it is better to sleep well. This was confirmed by a study conducted on 26 people who have a chronic lack of sleep recorded a heightened sense of fear and anxiety.
Decrease in life expectancy

Numerous studies show that even irregular sleep deprivation causes an increase in mortality, because it causes the body irreversible processes. If we add to the lack of proper sleep effects of such illnesses as obesity, alcohol and depression, the result would be disastrous at all. According to a survey in 2010 found that people who slept less than six hours a night, it was four times more likely to die within the next 14 years.
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