Approved the list of projects that will load the most powerful supercomputer in the world

News about supercomputers periodically pop up in the press. Every now and then changing list of the fastest computers . If you have been wondering what you can download supercomputers but render the last Pixar cartoon and GTA V in resolving 4K, then there you are - a list of 13 research projects, that were made to work on the latest digital monster, which will be ready by 2018. This Summit supercomputer capacity of 300 petaFLOPS. The project aims to outperform the most powerful existing computers, Chinese Tianhe-2.
The computer will be constructed from 3500 nodes running on IBM Power9 and Nvidia Volta GPU, connected together via NVlink, superfast bus transfers data at speeds up to 200 Gb / s.
The list of projects is as follows:
- Project study of plasma physics XGC from Princeton University. Simulation and Study of electrostatic turbulence and other effects in the toric synthesis system.
- Seismological project SPECFEM from Princeton University. Modeling of seismic wave propagation.
- Climate Simulator ACME labotorii from Lawrence Livermore. Study of changes in the polar caps and other climate research.
- Relativistic chemistry DIRAC from the University of Amsterdam. Calculation of molecular properties and simulation of quantum chemistry.
- The astrophysical simulation FLASH from the Oak Ridge lab. The study of thermonuclear supernovae and other objects with high energy density.
- Plasma Physics GTC from the University of California. Simulating the behavior of particles in nuclear fusion.
- Cosmological simulations HACC from the Argonne National Laboratory.
- Electronic structure LS-DALTON from the University of Aarhus. The study of molecular electronic structures.
- Biophysics, Project NAMD from the University of Illinois. Simulation of large biomolecular systems.
- Nuclear Physics NUCOR from Oak Ridge lab .
- Computational Chemistry NWCHEM , Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
- Materials QMCPACK from Oak Ridge lab. Calculations of molecular electronic structures, and quasi-solid-state systems.
- Engineering development engines RAPTOR , Sandia National Laboratories. Platform for simulating modern internal combustion engines.
Russia ranks 7th in terms of total processing power available supercomputers. In this most recent Top-500 from November 2014 Powerful computers from Russia became computer MSU (22nd place).
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249126/