In the US plan to build the most powerful supercomputer in the world

The need for efficient and super productive computer systems permanently increases. Military, meteorologists, economists, physicists - all need supercomputers. Every year the number of supercomputers increases, so does the performance of the systems. In 2018 in the United States должен appear most powerful supercomputer in the world, in the performance of 180 petaflops. This is about 3 times larger than the current result shown by the Chinese supercomputer Tianhe-2, currently in first place in the list of the most powerful systems in the world (33, 2 PF). Project called Aurora.
Order for the creation of such a system is given Ministerstovm Energy. It is worth noting that the US is now developing a project to create an even more powerful systems, the performance of which is equal to about 300 PF. But so far it is unclear whether such projects are implemented. A Aurora here already receiving funding.
Develop supercomputer will be two main contractor: Intel and Cray, Inc. Aurora will be part of the framework Shasta . The system will be based on a scalable environment, Intel, using processors Xeon Phi.
The purpose of creating such a powerful computer system - not getting into the top position in the list the most powerful computers in the world, not at all. The main goal - the use of system resources for the development of practical and reliable sources of electricity, development of biofuel projects, disease control, improved transport systems, the development of powerful and efficient engines, designing wind turbines.
The project cost is approximately $ 200 million. Aurora Resources will be available to the entire scientific community. Some scientists hope that in a few years the performance of supercomputers will reach a point where it will be possible simulation of the human brain.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/248938/