When the money back to back

Vitaly Klimov writes: "Sometimes in travel comes up with the idea that you do something wrong. Time and money fly into the pipe, and do not feel any impact. After the last trip I brought a bunch of ideas and determine how we should act to trip cost is cheaper and at the same time it became more interesting. At the top is not specific Life hacking and tips in the direction of right thought ».
1) to adjust to the circumstances. If you have a limited budget, it makes no sense to put strict limits. Learn to be flexible. It should be understood that there are many good options for a low price, you just have to find them. Spain France interesting? Possible. But if the ticket to France stands on the desired date in 3 times cheaper, it makes no sense to overpay. Of course, if you want to visit Barcelona, you have to go there and not think about the money.

1. I was taken to the trip, during which I take pictures and write a couple of posts (which I would have done so after the trip). How I saved?
2) travel radially. Ie first of all visit the closest and accessible places. Believe me, close to your home is bound to have something interesting! At the time, while you attend inexpensive and close to your home space, your income will grow and you will be sent each time farther.
Radial system operates not only close to home, but also when traveling. Time travel is very expensive, and it makes no sense to sit on the bus half a day to see something a few hundred kilometers of the planned space travel. First, should carefully examine the nearby area, and if there is nothing interesting left, it makes sense to look for interesting away.
What do you think, why am I so often travel?

2. Remove lavstori on the coast 50 km from the house, saw the glider. Why travel far, because near by so much new and interesting!
3) Calculate how much time traveling. Rather than explain, just take as an example the last trip. We flew in Salou for 2 full days and two half (days of arrival and departure). The planned budget for the trip, including all costs - 20 TR
For simplicity combine the two halves of the same day, and it turns out 72 hours of time for everything. Of these, I can safely cross out 24 hours - 8 hours of sleep every day for me and required under any circumstances to sleep less, I do not want to.
Now consider how much it costs per hour in travel time. 20000 TR / 48 hr = 417 r. / Hr. Now clearly understood that 1 hour of time is worth 417 rubles. So what? Now before doing something, substitute the figure and believe the real value. For example:
a) Sit in the morning vkontakte half an hour - 200 rubles. If you do it three times, it has 600. So, outside vkontakte no longer sit. Expensive.
b) There is a hotel near the coast for 1000 p., but there is a similar 15-minute walk from the beach, but at 900 p. Ie walk away from the sea and back will cost 200 rubles. It turns out that it is cheaper to take off the coast and not to waste time.
c) It is possible to prepare a meal, and can be ordered at the restaurant. Count yourself what is more profitable?

3. I'm afraid to count how many I got this free game.
4) Do not pay attention to the level of comfort. Do not be afraid to take the low-cost housing (in which you need only a bed, shower and toilet), travel loukost (because you can not eating 3 hours to save thousands of 5?), Do yourself a simple meal (homemade sandwich 3 times cheaper than in the same any fast food).

4. The procuring products in Poland before traveling to Western Europe.
5) Try to more unique items. It is a moot point for this stamp, but I'll try to explain my point of view. In the need to travel as much as possible to try unique things. There is no sense in traveling to do something normal. We need to look, touch, taste, check yourself for strength and otherwise withdraw himself from the comfort zone. The more unique things you can try, the less expensive it turns out each of them. Ie The point is not to save, and squeeze all of the money you have already spent.

5. It does not matter what it cost under 1000 r. Without it, the trip would have been incomplete.
And the main thing. Do not listen to any advice and do as you wish. Fulfill their dreams - the main thing in travel.