Vadim Zeland: in Any case not to kill, by reason of a defect or loss of money!
Money is difficult to love without desire to possess them, so it's almost impossible to avoid relations of dependency. You can only try to reduce them to a minimum. Rejoice if you came to money. But in any case not even think about their lack or loss, otherwise they will be less and less. If one earns little, the typical error will be whining about the fact that money is not always enough. The parameters of such radiation correspond to poor lines of life.
It is especially dangerous to give in to the fear that the money is getting smaller. Fear is the most energy-rich emotion, so afraid to lose or make money, you most effectively move yourself on the line, where is the money for you do is becoming less and less. If you are caught in this trap, get out of it would be difficult, but possible. It is necessary to eliminate the excess capacity that you have created. And the reason is its dependence on money, or too strong desire to have them.
To start humble and be content with what you have. Remember, it could always be worse. No need to abandon the desire to have money. We just calmly refer to the fact that they are not yet rolling in. To position a player who is aware that at any moment he can either get rich or lose everything.
A pendulum use money as a universal means for calculations with the followers. Activity of the pendulums has led to a General fetishism of money. With money to ensure their existence in the material world. Almost everything is bought and sold. Paying money all the pendulums – choose any. Here lies the danger. Klyunuv the bait with a false luster, it is very easy to roll on the line of life, far from your happiness.
Pendulums, pursuing their own interests, have created the myth that to achieve the goal need money. Thus, the goal of each individual is replaced by an artificial substitute – money. Money can be obtained from different pendulums, a person thinks not about itself, but about the money and falls under the influence of alien pendulum. The person ceases to understand what he actually wants from life and is involved in a fruitless pursuit of money. For the pendulum this situation is very beneficial and a person falls into addiction, goes astray and hits like a fly on the glass.
Working on an alien pendulum, a person can not get a lot of money because it serves someone else's purpose. Many are in such a position. This is where there was the myth that wealth is the privilege of the minority. Actually the rich can have any man, if he goes to His goal.
Money is not the goal, and not even the means to achieve it, and only the accompanying attribute. The goal is what someone wants from life.
Here are examples of goals. To live in your house and grow roses. To travel the world, watch the far country. Trout fishing in Alaska. To go skiing in the Alps. To breed horses on his farm. Enjoy life on his island in the ocean. To be a pop star. To paint the picture.
It is clear that some goals can be achieved with a bag of money. Most people do aspire to this bag. They think about money, pushing the target into the background. In accordance with the principle of Transurfing, they are trying to move in for the bag. But working on an alien pendulum, a bag of money to very difficult or even impossible. So it turns out that there is no money, no goal is not achieved. Otherwise it can not be, because instead of for the radiation of mental energy is configured for an artificial substitute.
If you think that your goal can be realized only under the condition that you are a rich man, send this condition to hell. Let's say your goal is to travel the world. Obviously it needs a lot of money. To reach goals, think about goals, not about wealth. The money will come themselves because they are accompanying attribute. Just like that. Doesn't that sound incredible? However, it is true, and soon you will see for yourself. Pendulums, pursuing their own benefit, turned everything on its head. Not the goal is achieved through money, and money comes on the way to the goal.
You now know how strong influence have pendulums. This influence gave rise to many misconceptions and myths. And now, reading these lines, you can argue: but it is so clear, the first person became a major industrialist or a banker, or a movie star, and then a millionaire. True, only millionaires were only those who thought not about wealth, but about Its purpose. Most people do the opposite: either serve someone else, is not his goal, substitute goal or an artificial substitute, or even abandon their goal due to impossible conditions to be rich.
In fact, restrictions on wealth do not exist. You may want anything. If it really is Yours, you will get it. If the goal imposed on you by a pendulum, you will not achieve anything. Again, money is nothing more than a companion attribute on the way to the goal. Don't worry about them, they will come to you themselves. Now the main thing – to lessen the importance of money to a minimum, so as not to create excess potentials. Do not think about money – think only about what you want to get.
At the same time, the money must be treated carefully and gently. If you saw on the ground a small coin and you are too lazy to bend over so you do not respect money. The pendulum of the money is unlikely to be to you is if you treat money carelessly.
Can you recommend one magic Ritualist. When you receive or count money, handle them carefully, talk to them aloud or silently. You can say something like: "I love you, my tithe. My crunchy bumazhechki, my ringing of monetki. Come to me, I'm waiting for you I'm saving you, I care about you."
Don't laugh, you love them deeply and sincerely. Meet them with love and attention, and part carefree. This attitude does not create overcapacity and adjust the parameters of your radiation to "cash" line.
No need to worry when you spend money. Thus they fulfill their mission. If you decided to spend, spare. The desire to save money and less waste leads to the creation of a strong potential. In one place accumulates and is not going anywhere. In this case, the probability to lose everything. The money you need to spend wisely, to was movement. Where there is no movement, there is potential. Rich people are knowingly engaged in charity. So they reduce excess capacity accumulated wealth.
Author: Vadim Zeland
It is especially dangerous to give in to the fear that the money is getting smaller. Fear is the most energy-rich emotion, so afraid to lose or make money, you most effectively move yourself on the line, where is the money for you do is becoming less and less. If you are caught in this trap, get out of it would be difficult, but possible. It is necessary to eliminate the excess capacity that you have created. And the reason is its dependence on money, or too strong desire to have them.

To start humble and be content with what you have. Remember, it could always be worse. No need to abandon the desire to have money. We just calmly refer to the fact that they are not yet rolling in. To position a player who is aware that at any moment he can either get rich or lose everything.
A pendulum use money as a universal means for calculations with the followers. Activity of the pendulums has led to a General fetishism of money. With money to ensure their existence in the material world. Almost everything is bought and sold. Paying money all the pendulums – choose any. Here lies the danger. Klyunuv the bait with a false luster, it is very easy to roll on the line of life, far from your happiness.
Pendulums, pursuing their own interests, have created the myth that to achieve the goal need money. Thus, the goal of each individual is replaced by an artificial substitute – money. Money can be obtained from different pendulums, a person thinks not about itself, but about the money and falls under the influence of alien pendulum. The person ceases to understand what he actually wants from life and is involved in a fruitless pursuit of money. For the pendulum this situation is very beneficial and a person falls into addiction, goes astray and hits like a fly on the glass.
Working on an alien pendulum, a person can not get a lot of money because it serves someone else's purpose. Many are in such a position. This is where there was the myth that wealth is the privilege of the minority. Actually the rich can have any man, if he goes to His goal.
Money is not the goal, and not even the means to achieve it, and only the accompanying attribute. The goal is what someone wants from life.
Here are examples of goals. To live in your house and grow roses. To travel the world, watch the far country. Trout fishing in Alaska. To go skiing in the Alps. To breed horses on his farm. Enjoy life on his island in the ocean. To be a pop star. To paint the picture.
It is clear that some goals can be achieved with a bag of money. Most people do aspire to this bag. They think about money, pushing the target into the background. In accordance with the principle of Transurfing, they are trying to move in for the bag. But working on an alien pendulum, a bag of money to very difficult or even impossible. So it turns out that there is no money, no goal is not achieved. Otherwise it can not be, because instead of for the radiation of mental energy is configured for an artificial substitute.
If you think that your goal can be realized only under the condition that you are a rich man, send this condition to hell. Let's say your goal is to travel the world. Obviously it needs a lot of money. To reach goals, think about goals, not about wealth. The money will come themselves because they are accompanying attribute. Just like that. Doesn't that sound incredible? However, it is true, and soon you will see for yourself. Pendulums, pursuing their own benefit, turned everything on its head. Not the goal is achieved through money, and money comes on the way to the goal.
You now know how strong influence have pendulums. This influence gave rise to many misconceptions and myths. And now, reading these lines, you can argue: but it is so clear, the first person became a major industrialist or a banker, or a movie star, and then a millionaire. True, only millionaires were only those who thought not about wealth, but about Its purpose. Most people do the opposite: either serve someone else, is not his goal, substitute goal or an artificial substitute, or even abandon their goal due to impossible conditions to be rich.
In fact, restrictions on wealth do not exist. You may want anything. If it really is Yours, you will get it. If the goal imposed on you by a pendulum, you will not achieve anything. Again, money is nothing more than a companion attribute on the way to the goal. Don't worry about them, they will come to you themselves. Now the main thing – to lessen the importance of money to a minimum, so as not to create excess potentials. Do not think about money – think only about what you want to get.
At the same time, the money must be treated carefully and gently. If you saw on the ground a small coin and you are too lazy to bend over so you do not respect money. The pendulum of the money is unlikely to be to you is if you treat money carelessly.
Can you recommend one magic Ritualist. When you receive or count money, handle them carefully, talk to them aloud or silently. You can say something like: "I love you, my tithe. My crunchy bumazhechki, my ringing of monetki. Come to me, I'm waiting for you I'm saving you, I care about you."
Don't laugh, you love them deeply and sincerely. Meet them with love and attention, and part carefree. This attitude does not create overcapacity and adjust the parameters of your radiation to "cash" line.
No need to worry when you spend money. Thus they fulfill their mission. If you decided to spend, spare. The desire to save money and less waste leads to the creation of a strong potential. In one place accumulates and is not going anywhere. In this case, the probability to lose everything. The money you need to spend wisely, to was movement. Where there is no movement, there is potential. Rich people are knowingly engaged in charity. So they reduce excess capacity accumulated wealth.
Author: Vadim Zeland