7 things and phenomena that exist in the US, but not in Russia
In this post, we collected some of the most common for American things and phenomena that we do not have or clabo developed.
1. Dr. Pepper, Ginger Ale, Root Beer I think many of you remember the taste Dr. Pepper, jars of which disappeared from the shelves a certain number back. Of course, now you can buy in the "ABC taste", for example, but there is no such that you came to MaDonalds and the question "What will you drink?" The answer, "Dr. Pepper." In the States, it is still one of the most popular carbonated drinks, and has a younger brother - a diet version.
About ginger ale too many heard only in the movies. Ginger ale - a carbonated beverage with the aroma of ginger. It has almost no color. For my taste, not sugary, and most harmless of all soda, if the word "friendly" can be attributed to a soda in principle). Root Beer (root beer) is non-alcoholic and alcoholic. Alcohol did not try, nothing will gvoorit. A couple of times tried the soda and tried to penetrate somehow. But the taste is very strange. I do not know what can be compared, but not for everybody.
2. Cigarettes 100's 120's I think it is no secret that tobacco products in the United States expensive (an average of 6 - $ 10 per pack). Government regularly raises prices and stricter laws. But not everyone knows that cigarettes in the United States come in three sizes: standard (60's), 100's (hundred's) and 120's (one twenty's). The price of the standard 100 and 120 is the same. In the picture below you can see how different the pack height and marking:
2. Cigarettes 100's 120's I think it is no secret that tobacco products in the United States expensive (an average of 6 - $ 10 per pack). Government regularly raises prices and stricter laws. But not everyone knows that cigarettes in the United States come in three sizes: standard (60's), 100's (hundred's) and 120's (one twenty's). The price of the standard 100 and 120 is the same. In the picture below you can see how different the pack height and marking: & quot; / & gt;
3. Bagels with cream cheese Virtually traditional American breakfast. Beygl - it is something similar to our bagel, but a little softer and more luxuriant. Beygl cut in half and generously topped with cheese curd. Pre can stick the two halves in the toaster. Needless to say, that a calorie breakfast will be almost half the daily allowance? Beygly there almost every taste: from the simple (plain) and ending with a cranberry orange (a large part of byygla orange-red). Also, there are plenty of "substitutes" cottage cheese. For example, salmon or butter and jam. Everything is limited only by your imagination.
4. Laundry (laundry) in the US is not at all the apartments are washing machines. In order to wash the things people they are in a separate building - laundry. As a rule, a laundry service for a few quarters. About once a week, Americans fill their baskets, special bags or carts graznoy clothing, take powders, and bleaches and are "doing Landry." Inside there are several rows of washing machine, and the side walls are dryers. Washers very simple - with a vertical cylinder and three washing modes: cold, warm, hot. On the side is the receiver of coins: 6 or 7 coins for 25 cents - is inserted pushes the receiver and push it obrytno have no money. The machine starts to work). Deceive the machine by inserting the receiver 2 rubles. coin, will not succeed. The wash cycle takes 40-50 minutes. During this time, you have time to go to the magazni Food, for example, or dine at the nearby cafe, after putting on the lid of the washing machine powder container with liquid (liquid detergent) - powder Ktorov accustomed to all of us in the United States is not in vogue. By the way, it is absolutely not the fact that during your absence some unlucky Americans will steal your bag of things (as an option - the things themselves) or "borrow" some liquid powder. After you took out your laundry, you have to load it into the dryer. Throw-heavy after washing things in the second yarys dryers else pleasure). Here the principle of "25 cents - 5 minutes drying." 6 modes to choose from - from very hot to cold. I noticed that not all Americans have a home iron. A small trick is to, pulling very warm clothes from the dryer, lay it on a table, a little smooth hands and neatly folded. Laundries improved type are in apartment buildings (apartment buildings). When you check you issued a special card, which is necessary to put the money and pay it instead to the receiver zakidyvaniya Quarter coins. In such laundry can get only the residents of the house and the chance that your clothes will be stolen by someone, it tends to zero.
5.Toll roads (toll road) Such roads are found on Highway when traveling from one state to another. The roads are constantly found yesterday, in which it is written, how much is left to the Toll and how much you have to pay. Typically, this amount is from 2 to 10 dollars. At the entrance to the Toll drivers slow down, choose the appropriate fare (depending on whether you have a cargo transport, a bus or a passenger and whether you will pay off the card or cash), and are in place, if any. Drive up to the machine, and pay by credit card or to the booth, where sits a worker who pushes a button lifting barrier after you have given it the necessary amount of cash. The trip from state to state or several states can do in 30 and 100 dollars. I heard Cho free roads also exist, but they are an order of magnitude worse (I suspect that the US is "worse" is very different from Russian in terms of roads) and the path is longer. So few people use them.
6. Plastic card format "key." Almost every store has its own codes, savings, bonus cards, you are in a hurry to deliver after purchase. As a rule, once a set of hand: the standard plastic card format, a brochure detailing the features of the product and a mini-version of a plastic card with a hole for the ring. These mini-version of the Americans hang on keys that are similar to the volume color plastic ball. On average, keys accumulated from 15 to 30 such cards. This can be a library card, and the card is a favorite clothing store. If desired, you can also book a mini-version of your credit card with the bank, which serves you.
7. Giant package you ever seen a pack of crisps Lazy weighing half a kilo? So be aware that they exist. A 5-liter canisters with milk or juice? also no? Personally, I have them always caused some confusion. But in fact, such packages are very popular for several reasons: - Americans eat a lot and constantly. Everywhere. - Go to a store many times a week, once every two weeks. - Price per package of 12 bottles of mineral water a little higher than the price for the same package, consisting of 6 bottles. - Ongoing action «Buy 4, get 1 free» So, if ever you meet a 5-liter bottle of wine or a liter container of concentrated cream, do not be surprised - you are in America).
via community.livejournal.com
1. Dr. Pepper, Ginger Ale, Root Beer I think many of you remember the taste Dr. Pepper, jars of which disappeared from the shelves a certain number back. Of course, now you can buy in the "ABC taste", for example, but there is no such that you came to MaDonalds and the question "What will you drink?" The answer, "Dr. Pepper." In the States, it is still one of the most popular carbonated drinks, and has a younger brother - a diet version.

About ginger ale too many heard only in the movies. Ginger ale - a carbonated beverage with the aroma of ginger. It has almost no color. For my taste, not sugary, and most harmless of all soda, if the word "friendly" can be attributed to a soda in principle). Root Beer (root beer) is non-alcoholic and alcoholic. Alcohol did not try, nothing will gvoorit. A couple of times tried the soda and tried to penetrate somehow. But the taste is very strange. I do not know what can be compared, but not for everybody.
2. Cigarettes 100's 120's I think it is no secret that tobacco products in the United States expensive (an average of 6 - $ 10 per pack). Government regularly raises prices and stricter laws. But not everyone knows that cigarettes in the United States come in three sizes: standard (60's), 100's (hundred's) and 120's (one twenty's). The price of the standard 100 and 120 is the same. In the picture below you can see how different the pack height and marking:

2. Cigarettes 100's 120's I think it is no secret that tobacco products in the United States expensive (an average of 6 - $ 10 per pack). Government regularly raises prices and stricter laws. But not everyone knows that cigarettes in the United States come in three sizes: standard (60's), 100's (hundred's) and 120's (one twenty's). The price of the standard 100 and 120 is the same. In the picture below you can see how different the pack height and marking: & quot; / & gt;
3. Bagels with cream cheese Virtually traditional American breakfast. Beygl - it is something similar to our bagel, but a little softer and more luxuriant. Beygl cut in half and generously topped with cheese curd. Pre can stick the two halves in the toaster. Needless to say, that a calorie breakfast will be almost half the daily allowance? Beygly there almost every taste: from the simple (plain) and ending with a cranberry orange (a large part of byygla orange-red). Also, there are plenty of "substitutes" cottage cheese. For example, salmon or butter and jam. Everything is limited only by your imagination.

4. Laundry (laundry) in the US is not at all the apartments are washing machines. In order to wash the things people they are in a separate building - laundry. As a rule, a laundry service for a few quarters. About once a week, Americans fill their baskets, special bags or carts graznoy clothing, take powders, and bleaches and are "doing Landry." Inside there are several rows of washing machine, and the side walls are dryers. Washers very simple - with a vertical cylinder and three washing modes: cold, warm, hot. On the side is the receiver of coins: 6 or 7 coins for 25 cents - is inserted pushes the receiver and push it obrytno have no money. The machine starts to work). Deceive the machine by inserting the receiver 2 rubles. coin, will not succeed. The wash cycle takes 40-50 minutes. During this time, you have time to go to the magazni Food, for example, or dine at the nearby cafe, after putting on the lid of the washing machine powder container with liquid (liquid detergent) - powder Ktorov accustomed to all of us in the United States is not in vogue. By the way, it is absolutely not the fact that during your absence some unlucky Americans will steal your bag of things (as an option - the things themselves) or "borrow" some liquid powder. After you took out your laundry, you have to load it into the dryer. Throw-heavy after washing things in the second yarys dryers else pleasure). Here the principle of "25 cents - 5 minutes drying." 6 modes to choose from - from very hot to cold. I noticed that not all Americans have a home iron. A small trick is to, pulling very warm clothes from the dryer, lay it on a table, a little smooth hands and neatly folded. Laundries improved type are in apartment buildings (apartment buildings). When you check you issued a special card, which is necessary to put the money and pay it instead to the receiver zakidyvaniya Quarter coins. In such laundry can get only the residents of the house and the chance that your clothes will be stolen by someone, it tends to zero.

5.Toll roads (toll road) Such roads are found on Highway when traveling from one state to another. The roads are constantly found yesterday, in which it is written, how much is left to the Toll and how much you have to pay. Typically, this amount is from 2 to 10 dollars. At the entrance to the Toll drivers slow down, choose the appropriate fare (depending on whether you have a cargo transport, a bus or a passenger and whether you will pay off the card or cash), and are in place, if any. Drive up to the machine, and pay by credit card or to the booth, where sits a worker who pushes a button lifting barrier after you have given it the necessary amount of cash. The trip from state to state or several states can do in 30 and 100 dollars. I heard Cho free roads also exist, but they are an order of magnitude worse (I suspect that the US is "worse" is very different from Russian in terms of roads) and the path is longer. So few people use them.

6. Plastic card format "key." Almost every store has its own codes, savings, bonus cards, you are in a hurry to deliver after purchase. As a rule, once a set of hand: the standard plastic card format, a brochure detailing the features of the product and a mini-version of a plastic card with a hole for the ring. These mini-version of the Americans hang on keys that are similar to the volume color plastic ball. On average, keys accumulated from 15 to 30 such cards. This can be a library card, and the card is a favorite clothing store. If desired, you can also book a mini-version of your credit card with the bank, which serves you.

7. Giant package you ever seen a pack of crisps Lazy weighing half a kilo? So be aware that they exist. A 5-liter canisters with milk or juice? also no? Personally, I have them always caused some confusion. But in fact, such packages are very popular for several reasons: - Americans eat a lot and constantly. Everywhere. - Go to a store many times a week, once every two weeks. - Price per package of 12 bottles of mineral water a little higher than the price for the same package, consisting of 6 bottles. - Ongoing action «Buy 4, get 1 free» So, if ever you meet a 5-liter bottle of wine or a liter container of concentrated cream, do not be surprised - you are in America).

via community.livejournal.com