Ladoga. Day 5
Mannerheim Line, fords and swamp
Finally, it began to rain, turning the puddles in the dust so pleasant for jeepers dirt. To our joy even greater today, in addition to the yellow and green trails, paved and red organizers, promising to end it interesting ford and bonus swamp. But first we stopped to stare at the MegaDrive athletes ...
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 6
34 ph © Sergey Dolya
Our camp was right at the Mannerheim Line - a complex of fortifications of stone length of 135 kilometers. It named after Marshal Mannerheim. It was built to protect the Finns from the former Soviet Union. The construction was from 1918 to 1939:
During the Soviet-Finnish War in 1939, the line kept the Red Army offensive for 2 months, and then the Soviet officers were able to develop effective tactics of the assault:
Initially, the area was surveyed scouts. As close as possible to strengthen, but under the cover of vegetation, installed 203 mm howitzer of the sample in 1931 (almost the only weapon that can destroy the concrete pillbox or "stone recess"). In the next stage, which is usually started at dawn on Howitzer tank starts to move. He felled trees towards the strengthening and completing their task, crawled to the side. Howitzer immediately opened direct fire. Gun crew had to act quickly, and not only because of possible retaliatory artillery fire: the Finnish snipers acted no less effectively. However, the strengthening of disabling (on memoirs, one "point" spent on average about 200 shells). In the last step of the Mannerheim Line at advancing infantry. Often she finds a live Finnish soldiers who managed to escape the hail of iron and stone fragments, but by huge gaps 100-kilogram shells and shell-shocked, they were no longer capable of active resistance. © Wikipedia.
Near the camp trail passes MegaDrive, where at this time of sausage athletes. This small special stage collected all the elements of off-road obstacles: rut, stones, swamps, mosquitoes and Brodick. We drove to the finish line and his little watch as the athletes overcome the last trickle:
It was a team raid, ie 2 cars running on the track together. Rear crew decided to break into detours and quickly laid in a new forest clearing:
While they waited for their comrades drove another car and easily oboshla them with the other hand, what has reaffirmed the old wisdom: "If you can drive around, you'd better go round»:
The rain was falling, gnawed by mosquitoes and more athletes to our vantage point not to drive up, so we decided to go on his red special stage. Ride has elevated and meandered between picturesque lakes:
Start we had from the village Koyvuselga:
Just as the second day, the judges comfortably in a chair, using the same umbrella, but not from the sun and rain:
Brodick started small trail where we were finally able to wash the wheels from the mud yesterday. At the same time to practice before tomorrow's race beach:
In the first task had to count the number of cuts in the logs of the bridge on the left side:
A little further on was the point of the next job. We counted the number of holes in the metal parts. Zhelezyaka just lay by the roadside. Well, no one dragged her out of here, and then we would have a problem with counting:
And then the miracles began. The job had to find half of the number of fragments in the destroyed foundation. There we toured the floor of the forest until he found the foundation of a huge house, overgrown with bushes and grass. From the base of the column of land sticking out, covered with moss:
Considered 2 times. I first turned 48, at the navigator 36. The next to us thought the guys from other crews. They turned 44. I decided to recalculate everything again, moving back and forth along each line, and treading on each piece. It turned 55, which is not divided in half. They spit. We decided to ask this question after the passage of the ford bonus. Let me remind you that on this day the organizers have prepared a bonus ford and swamp, which could go round. In the case of overcoming them, were allowed to ask any question to the organizers about previous jobs and get an answer.
After 200 meters along the road, we saw yet another foundation, consisting of 16 well-preserved fragments. Hmm ... Because of the unbreakable GPS points, we were running in the rain for half an hour through the woods, crashing through bushes and cobwebs.
The following task: "The number on the right side of the road marked stone." To him we arrived along with several crews:
What is meant by a marked stone was not clear. Boulders were so many, and they were all visible. They began combing each stone. Climb up into the forest and looked to see if the numbers on the reverse side. Not found.
"Perhaps they are referring to the geographical right side of the road?" - I gave the idea of a co-driver crews. They began combing the other side of the road. Empty.
We picked up the GPS. Baaa! So the point is not on the road, and 100 meters deep into the forest. Maybe there is a monument kakoy and figure on it? We took a GPS in hand and went into the woods. Thorny branches, tall grass is wet, nasty slanting rain, traces of large wild boar - all located in the forest walk. But, alas! And here we have found nothing.
The search lasted for one and a half hours. We spat and agreed to ask this question to the organizers after the bonus swamp. After 400 meters we passed here this huge stone. Without saying anything to each other, we gritted his teeth and silently figure recorded in the notebook and went to the bonus ford to meet with the organizers:
Wade was not deep. At first it was muddy bottom, and at the end of a steep departure. A couple of cars were sitting in the middle and unwound troscy winches hooked to them extensions:
Another rushed into battle Gelend. The guys had only manual winch, so they went over the edge neatly and passed it without a winch, leaping upward with their regular locks:
Inspired by his example, after it went to Mitsubishi. Unfortunately, the boys sat down on the line interface sludge and solid sandy bottom. I also decided to go round the side of the tracks Gelenda. In any case, co-driver drove into the water, the bottom of feelers:
Next to the Mitsubishi I stalled. What the hell? I tried to back - again stalled. Such a machine had not happened. I inspect the unit. It turned out that I forgot to include ponizhaykoy and four-wheel drive. Hmm. Sometimes. All I stuck and went ashore to waiting for me organizers. As a bonus, the navigator got beer. They disarmed us with their smiles, and the theme of "the search numbers in a prominent rock" was turned into a joke.
Then we had a choice either to go to the camp or to storm the bonus swamp. Of course, we chose the swamp. But before it we had a little Brodick:
We caught up with one crew:
But then began the swamp. It was the right marsh. Where there is nothing Swan, where every time the foot falls into Chacha on the edge of the boot, where jumping, apart from you ripple swaying moss. HO ride we had not on it, and on the causeway rotten, cut through its center, which significantly simplified overcome it:
At the end of the logs have rotted completely, forming a small crater in which sat a little gelend:
Electric winch they had, but it was tame. We must pay tribute to the co-driver - he's a real wild boar:
UAZ passed gently into the incision track and fell into the pit:
Even before departure on the asphalt, we stopped to eat. Especially in this part of the wood work of Beeline. Lack svzi was an unpleasant surprise for me. Moreover, MTS and Megafon people worked steadily in almost every camp, and my phone is constantly searching Network Bilaynovskuyu:
The next day was perhaps the most spectacular of all the competition. It is a pity that there was no sun. Read tomorrow on the beach and the dune race. Stay Tuned!
Finally, it began to rain, turning the puddles in the dust so pleasant for jeepers dirt. To our joy even greater today, in addition to the yellow and green trails, paved and red organizers, promising to end it interesting ford and bonus swamp. But first we stopped to stare at the MegaDrive athletes ...
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 6
34 ph © Sergey Dolya

Our camp was right at the Mannerheim Line - a complex of fortifications of stone length of 135 kilometers. It named after Marshal Mannerheim. It was built to protect the Finns from the former Soviet Union. The construction was from 1918 to 1939:

During the Soviet-Finnish War in 1939, the line kept the Red Army offensive for 2 months, and then the Soviet officers were able to develop effective tactics of the assault:
Initially, the area was surveyed scouts. As close as possible to strengthen, but under the cover of vegetation, installed 203 mm howitzer of the sample in 1931 (almost the only weapon that can destroy the concrete pillbox or "stone recess"). In the next stage, which is usually started at dawn on Howitzer tank starts to move. He felled trees towards the strengthening and completing their task, crawled to the side. Howitzer immediately opened direct fire. Gun crew had to act quickly, and not only because of possible retaliatory artillery fire: the Finnish snipers acted no less effectively. However, the strengthening of disabling (on memoirs, one "point" spent on average about 200 shells). In the last step of the Mannerheim Line at advancing infantry. Often she finds a live Finnish soldiers who managed to escape the hail of iron and stone fragments, but by huge gaps 100-kilogram shells and shell-shocked, they were no longer capable of active resistance. © Wikipedia.
Near the camp trail passes MegaDrive, where at this time of sausage athletes. This small special stage collected all the elements of off-road obstacles: rut, stones, swamps, mosquitoes and Brodick. We drove to the finish line and his little watch as the athletes overcome the last trickle:


It was a team raid, ie 2 cars running on the track together. Rear crew decided to break into detours and quickly laid in a new forest clearing:


While they waited for their comrades drove another car and easily oboshla them with the other hand, what has reaffirmed the old wisdom: "If you can drive around, you'd better go round»:

The rain was falling, gnawed by mosquitoes and more athletes to our vantage point not to drive up, so we decided to go on his red special stage. Ride has elevated and meandered between picturesque lakes:


Start we had from the village Koyvuselga:



Just as the second day, the judges comfortably in a chair, using the same umbrella, but not from the sun and rain:

Brodick started small trail where we were finally able to wash the wheels from the mud yesterday. At the same time to practice before tomorrow's race beach:


In the first task had to count the number of cuts in the logs of the bridge on the left side:

A little further on was the point of the next job. We counted the number of holes in the metal parts. Zhelezyaka just lay by the roadside. Well, no one dragged her out of here, and then we would have a problem with counting:


And then the miracles began. The job had to find half of the number of fragments in the destroyed foundation. There we toured the floor of the forest until he found the foundation of a huge house, overgrown with bushes and grass. From the base of the column of land sticking out, covered with moss:

Considered 2 times. I first turned 48, at the navigator 36. The next to us thought the guys from other crews. They turned 44. I decided to recalculate everything again, moving back and forth along each line, and treading on each piece. It turned 55, which is not divided in half. They spit. We decided to ask this question after the passage of the ford bonus. Let me remind you that on this day the organizers have prepared a bonus ford and swamp, which could go round. In the case of overcoming them, were allowed to ask any question to the organizers about previous jobs and get an answer.
After 200 meters along the road, we saw yet another foundation, consisting of 16 well-preserved fragments. Hmm ... Because of the unbreakable GPS points, we were running in the rain for half an hour through the woods, crashing through bushes and cobwebs.
The following task: "The number on the right side of the road marked stone." To him we arrived along with several crews:

What is meant by a marked stone was not clear. Boulders were so many, and they were all visible. They began combing each stone. Climb up into the forest and looked to see if the numbers on the reverse side. Not found.
"Perhaps they are referring to the geographical right side of the road?" - I gave the idea of a co-driver crews. They began combing the other side of the road. Empty.
We picked up the GPS. Baaa! So the point is not on the road, and 100 meters deep into the forest. Maybe there is a monument kakoy and figure on it? We took a GPS in hand and went into the woods. Thorny branches, tall grass is wet, nasty slanting rain, traces of large wild boar - all located in the forest walk. But, alas! And here we have found nothing.
The search lasted for one and a half hours. We spat and agreed to ask this question to the organizers after the bonus swamp. After 400 meters we passed here this huge stone. Without saying anything to each other, we gritted his teeth and silently figure recorded in the notebook and went to the bonus ford to meet with the organizers:

Wade was not deep. At first it was muddy bottom, and at the end of a steep departure. A couple of cars were sitting in the middle and unwound troscy winches hooked to them extensions:

Another rushed into battle Gelend. The guys had only manual winch, so they went over the edge neatly and passed it without a winch, leaping upward with their regular locks:

Inspired by his example, after it went to Mitsubishi. Unfortunately, the boys sat down on the line interface sludge and solid sandy bottom. I also decided to go round the side of the tracks Gelenda. In any case, co-driver drove into the water, the bottom of feelers:

Next to the Mitsubishi I stalled. What the hell? I tried to back - again stalled. Such a machine had not happened. I inspect the unit. It turned out that I forgot to include ponizhaykoy and four-wheel drive. Hmm. Sometimes. All I stuck and went ashore to waiting for me organizers. As a bonus, the navigator got beer. They disarmed us with their smiles, and the theme of "the search numbers in a prominent rock" was turned into a joke.
Then we had a choice either to go to the camp or to storm the bonus swamp. Of course, we chose the swamp. But before it we had a little Brodick:


We caught up with one crew:

But then began the swamp. It was the right marsh. Where there is nothing Swan, where every time the foot falls into Chacha on the edge of the boot, where jumping, apart from you ripple swaying moss. HO ride we had not on it, and on the causeway rotten, cut through its center, which significantly simplified overcome it:


At the end of the logs have rotted completely, forming a small crater in which sat a little gelend:

Electric winch they had, but it was tame. We must pay tribute to the co-driver - he's a real wild boar:


UAZ passed gently into the incision track and fell into the pit:

Even before departure on the asphalt, we stopped to eat. Especially in this part of the wood work of Beeline. Lack svzi was an unpleasant surprise for me. Moreover, MTS and Megafon people worked steadily in almost every camp, and my phone is constantly searching Network Bilaynovskuyu:
The next day was perhaps the most spectacular of all the competition. It is a pity that there was no sun. Read tomorrow on the beach and the dune race. Stay Tuned!
