Sea worry again!
As they say in the old days: the thunder breaks out - peasant will not cross.
I have long realized the simple truth that, "anticipate" and "control" unless written differently, and in other - almost synonyms. With one exception. The exception is in action ... in the adopted on the basis of understanding of the situation, possible in the future, a conscious decision and immediately his incarnation in reality and in the proper amount.
But with these problems ... and often a lot. Unfortunately - many.
I'm not an exception, alas. And plenty of their own experience, and how many "in someone else's eye straws" observed!
Y-yes ... pretty.
Not being totally alien to the analysis, I find it interesting to analyze the bones happened (and yourself - a favorite, and with other people, sometimes not so favorite), though it is not always fun and it was fun.
But helpful - always.
Seeing the obvious - a "golden key" analysis. Sooner or later, but the observation of the facts, without prejudice and other interests turbid gaze, gives the same opportunity to grasp the essence. And if you have enough patience and perseverance to go in this to the end - and then check. And be sure. And get such a rare condition right now, "I know!". At the time, Archimedes expressed this idea of another word, but that's not important - the idea is the same.
It's almost the heroism of our times total "brainwashing" of society with selfish and often very low-lying purposes of certain groups of "influential people", but I happened to get such results and it - with nothing comparable to the state of clarity and knowledge.
Thank God, not again.
That in the said topic was such a moment.
In today's business world reigns limiting and even showy conservatism, so the word "stupid" to use as something not very convenient ... let it be so called - "irrationality».
The irrationality.
By the way, is called one of the articles in "DATA", in which its author - L. Ron Hubbard, a brilliant theorist and practitioner of the most advanced of all existing management systems - as accurately and succinctly outlined the essence of this phenomenon in the business. And not only in business. Expensive, I would have given to be familiar with this knowledge in order to, by itself and in their own skin experienced the consequences of lack of proper competence in the management of people!
As is usually the case, it's simple - when fully understood. Here and there, when confidence in the correctness of the decision is (which also has extraordinary value), and the delay in its implementation can not be. And it's not usually the case, no one ... and this has nothing to do intelligence, charisma and luck. In a short feature articles is difficult to give a comprehensive picture, then it is better to refer to the original source, but if in a nutshell, for the decision (any decision!) Required at least some no, but the score. And no matter how this estimate was, differently it is based on a comparison of something with something else.
One question - what?
The answer is the same one - with something similar and comparable in magnitude. The subject matter of the decisions and perceived differences. In short! - It is necessary something to compare ... and that's the point.
And the essence of the head that he knows exactly what to compare. He has, as he often and creates. And it's just the way from his point of view ... what exactly should be the state of affairs to the case were correctly and in the right direction. Again, it is from his point of view. To do this, the name exists in the control technology - a "picture perfect."
And by the way, everyone, without exception, smart executives and business owners with whom I could communicate, such was. A clear, distinct and precise. And the most successful, regardless of the scale of their activities, even on paper described. They do not have to "think" before embarking on action - they have already thought about it and taken care of.
My favorite Jewish toast is: "May God grant us to be smart" rear "Russian mind!»
As stated in the already mentioned my article by L. Ron Hubbard -
"A man goes astray in the extent to which he was not able to develop a perfect picture."
Tip capacity: management - is an art ... but it can and must learn. There is no need to please the enemies and competitors. For his genius, and wrote volumes of the series "Control" to prosperity was accessible and affordable to anyone who wants to achieve.
And who is willing to accept and assimilate this new information.
Otherwise ...
As it ends Counting children whose beginning I brought in the title?
Sea wave - three ...
Figure stand still in place!
Victor Hudson
Social activist, writer, businessman, analyst netmen
I have long realized the simple truth that, "anticipate" and "control" unless written differently, and in other - almost synonyms. With one exception. The exception is in action ... in the adopted on the basis of understanding of the situation, possible in the future, a conscious decision and immediately his incarnation in reality and in the proper amount.
But with these problems ... and often a lot. Unfortunately - many.
I'm not an exception, alas. And plenty of their own experience, and how many "in someone else's eye straws" observed!
Y-yes ... pretty.
Not being totally alien to the analysis, I find it interesting to analyze the bones happened (and yourself - a favorite, and with other people, sometimes not so favorite), though it is not always fun and it was fun.
But helpful - always.
Seeing the obvious - a "golden key" analysis. Sooner or later, but the observation of the facts, without prejudice and other interests turbid gaze, gives the same opportunity to grasp the essence. And if you have enough patience and perseverance to go in this to the end - and then check. And be sure. And get such a rare condition right now, "I know!". At the time, Archimedes expressed this idea of another word, but that's not important - the idea is the same.
It's almost the heroism of our times total "brainwashing" of society with selfish and often very low-lying purposes of certain groups of "influential people", but I happened to get such results and it - with nothing comparable to the state of clarity and knowledge.
Thank God, not again.
That in the said topic was such a moment.
In today's business world reigns limiting and even showy conservatism, so the word "stupid" to use as something not very convenient ... let it be so called - "irrationality».
The irrationality.
By the way, is called one of the articles in "DATA", in which its author - L. Ron Hubbard, a brilliant theorist and practitioner of the most advanced of all existing management systems - as accurately and succinctly outlined the essence of this phenomenon in the business. And not only in business. Expensive, I would have given to be familiar with this knowledge in order to, by itself and in their own skin experienced the consequences of lack of proper competence in the management of people!
As is usually the case, it's simple - when fully understood. Here and there, when confidence in the correctness of the decision is (which also has extraordinary value), and the delay in its implementation can not be. And it's not usually the case, no one ... and this has nothing to do intelligence, charisma and luck. In a short feature articles is difficult to give a comprehensive picture, then it is better to refer to the original source, but if in a nutshell, for the decision (any decision!) Required at least some no, but the score. And no matter how this estimate was, differently it is based on a comparison of something with something else.
One question - what?
The answer is the same one - with something similar and comparable in magnitude. The subject matter of the decisions and perceived differences. In short! - It is necessary something to compare ... and that's the point.
And the essence of the head that he knows exactly what to compare. He has, as he often and creates. And it's just the way from his point of view ... what exactly should be the state of affairs to the case were correctly and in the right direction. Again, it is from his point of view. To do this, the name exists in the control technology - a "picture perfect."
And by the way, everyone, without exception, smart executives and business owners with whom I could communicate, such was. A clear, distinct and precise. And the most successful, regardless of the scale of their activities, even on paper described. They do not have to "think" before embarking on action - they have already thought about it and taken care of.
My favorite Jewish toast is: "May God grant us to be smart" rear "Russian mind!»
As stated in the already mentioned my article by L. Ron Hubbard -
"A man goes astray in the extent to which he was not able to develop a perfect picture."
Tip capacity: management - is an art ... but it can and must learn. There is no need to please the enemies and competitors. For his genius, and wrote volumes of the series "Control" to prosperity was accessible and affordable to anyone who wants to achieve.
And who is willing to accept and assimilate this new information.
Otherwise ...
As it ends Counting children whose beginning I brought in the title?
Sea wave - three ...
Figure stand still in place!
Victor Hudson
Social activist, writer, businessman, analyst netmen