How the body heals itself on a raw food diet?

• If a person is 44 days does not eat cooked food, then open the "gates" to defeat the ailments obstacles. Immunity is gaining strength, prepares "reserve", "army", "special forces».
• If a person is in a raw food diet 62, 71 days, the body "get" the disease. Forces immunity so high that they have the opportunity to win the most serious illness (but more likely if before the body was not "obhimichen" scorched, burned irradiation, that is not brought to the edge).
• 80 days eating only raw vegetables and fruits and fresh juices of them provide the body with the ability to break free from the disease. At this time, the immune system rejects disease, tumor, separates it from the body. Possible remaining antibodies - a kind of "scar", a track in the body of the meeting with the disease, but they need not fear, we need to continue to work on yourself. If you did everything correctly and honestly, it's all over.
• From 80 to 107 days without food cooked - immunity "in harness" with the brain checks whether there was not whether there was not renewed if the pathology, disease Wednesday.
• 116 days raw food diet - the second (general) self-test organism. Carried out so-called "erasure" is selected diameter vessels (with the help of special exercises creates pressure in the vessels and can judge whether the body picked up the required diameter of the vessels, whether it is stable), to check the concentration of bile, the release of hormones into the blood. That is to say that at this stage "cleaned house", "washed the floor," left to make the last "finishing touches" to the interior and "roll out the carpet».
If we were able to stay on a raw food diet 125 days, we get what we want. The organism is updated so that the chariot of human destiny hurtle three horse - success, health and happiness. Everything is in harmony and in tune around and inside.