Superhero Ukraine
His name, I'm sorry, asshole. Gritsko asshole. He - the first Ukrainian superhero. Zaporizhzhya Cossack magician called "harakternyk" (Little Russian name of the sorcerer). They say that his appearance caused a lot of noise in the Ukrainian Internet and generated a wave of imitators. It is said that superhero comics featuring Cossack distinguishes politically incorrect and provocative content, so it is circulated only within the so-called youth Significant Groupings "Besoedov».
The man who invented the first superhero of Ukraine, called "chief besoedov" and "father of the GOP-art." In the photo he seems, well, strange. It's not a freak, not a creative person, which in principle is almost the same.
In general, judge for yourself ...
(information on a subject a little, that's all I could find)
The man who invented the first superhero of Ukraine, called "chief besoedov" and "father of the GOP-art." In the photo he seems, well, strange. It's not a freak, not a creative person, which in principle is almost the same.
In general, judge for yourself ...

(information on a subject a little, that's all I could find)