5 interesting facts about Batman

When the character of Batman first appeared in May 1939 in the 27th edition of the comic book «Detective Comics» entitled "The point of the chemical syndicate", it was not anyone's sidekick and assistant in shining armor.
On the contrary, Batman was a violent, he did not have any remorse when he threw the villain into a tank of acid. Today, Batman is much nicer, and turned into a solid product, sold through comics, cartoons, TV series, and, of course, the hero of a series of films that do not expect to stop shooting. Four of the actor who played Batman (Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney and Christian Bale) is inevitably shared by fans on several camps, although not as violently as fans of James Bond.
1. The name of the hero "Batman" is derived from the names of two historical fighters svoboduOdin Batman creator Bill Finger came up with the name as follows. The name was taken from Robert the Bruce, or King Bruce I of Scotland - the man who led the Scottish people in the war for independence against the British, and is sung by William Wallace (think "Braveheart") as the protector of Scotland in 1298. Surname Finger borrowed from Anthony "Mad" Wayne - brigadier general and hero of the American Revolutionary War.
2. The character of Batman was created by Da Vinci's drawings, films and the hero in maskeKeynu and Finger had to recycle many materials when creating the original Batman character, including:
- Character radio show "The Shadow", which was borrowed raincoat, a duality of character and the ability to track down;
- Douglas Feyrbenksa film "The Mask of Zorro" (1920), where it was taken the embodiment of a wealthy and respected man;
- Film 1930 "Bat whispered," where he was taken by his costume and character;
- A sketch of a flying device of Leonardo Da Vinci «ornothopter», where were Batman taken wings.
3. The secret identity of Batman is not that taynayaPo at least 11 characters know (or know) that Batman and Bruce Wayne - is one and the same person. Namely:
- All three of Robin (Dick Grayson, Jason Peter Todd and Tim Drake);
- The butler of Batman Pennivort;
- The mute inventor, handyman and sometime right arm Penguin - Harold;
- A fellow superhero Superman (and Wayne also know who is hiding behind silly glasses Kent);
- A fellow superhero Azrael;
- Girlfriend superhero Batgirl (aka Barbara Gordon, aka tied to a wheelchair librarian Oracle);
- As well as the three enemies (Bane, Ras Al Ghul and Hugo Strenzh), although they all learned the truth during "Crisis infinity of the Earth "(a big event in 1985 in a series of comic publisher DC Comics), then all is well forgotten.
4. Batman is constantly 34 godaBryus Wayne seems to be stuck at 34, but he at least has a story. Batman spent several years in Cambridge and the Sorbonne, and his 20 years, he began at the FBI, and then went to Korea, Japan and China to learn martial arts, including lessons in disguise of ninja.
Since the debut in 1939, Batman has appeared in comic books many things, depending on the time. In the '40s he sold war bonds; in the 50s he taught criminology and suffered from the emergence of a large number of satellites Bethaund (Bathound), Betmayt (Batmite), Betvumen (Batwoman) and Batgirl (Batgirl). In the 60s he began to fight with the advent of "Aliens"; in the 70s he returned to his old habits dark and 80s, Frank Miller gave the character his anger and suspicion.
In complex 90 he had a broken back, as a result, he was tied to a chair (after which he is fully recovered).
5. Batman and Robin shared krovatNachinaya since 1954 on the "Knight in a raincoat" began to fall a plurality of charges of homosexuality, and the psychologist Fredrik Werth (Fredric Wertham) in his book "The Seduction of the innocent," criticized not only Batman, but also other comic book characters. < br />
His accusations were so dubious and absurd that time and people just laugh at his thoughts about Batman.
Perhaps it was one of those laughs that people hide their inconvenience. In the end, Batman creators responded by introducing a new character Betvumen and later Batgirl. But even a cursory glance at the character of Batman provides us with many examples of homosexuality if not, then at least a tendency to pederasty Batman - an elderly man interested in young boys.
With the release of Batman No. 84 "Ten Nights of fear!" Can be found a couple in bed at the time when it was not safe on TV, even for married couples. After that Batman has recommended to shower his young friend, although it remains a mystery, but they can and also shared.
First Robin (Dick Gordon) was an eight-year circus acrobat until the murder of the parents did not lead him into the cave to Batman. The second Robin (Jason Todd Peter) continued the tradition of being the son of acrobats, who was orphaned as a result of the murder of his parents as well as the tradition of his name, which is a phallic slang (in fact, readers of comics have voted for the death of Robin). Last Robin (Tim Drake) finished this tradition, and his girlfriend Stephanie dressed as a superhero «The Spoiler» (Marauder).
Source: www.xage.ru
via factroom.ru
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