Mangetsu man — a superhero with a broom in hand + video

Superheroes from comic books usually help the good people that fight with different villains. Someone of the characters with great speed rushes where need his help on a fast car, someone is silently flies in the night sky, and someone climbing the walls of skyscrapers. Is not Mangetsu man (Mangetsu Man).
A new superhero that appeared on the streets of Tokyo last fall does not fight with his fists pood and not stop rushing to the edge of the train. The area where Mangetsu man found a use for his abilities — cleaning of city streets. Armed with a broom and a bucket, "the last superhero" Japan tries to defend the capital and its inhabitants from the debris.
Mangetsu man means "full moon". But unlike the moon the hero emerges on the city streets during the day. If Batman hides her face behind a black leather mask, Mangetsu man, true to his name, puts on his huge soft ball yellow color. Body Mangetsu torqued bright purple tights, large soft hands gloves, and the legs shod in huge boots.
Social networks are clogged with pictures of the selfless Savior of the city. On them, the hero sweeps the street, collects the fallen leaves of the trees and feeds the animals at the zoo. By and large, Mangetsu man does nothing exceptional. It simply reminds citizens how to behave like people who care about the environment and cherish the place where you live.

Like all real heroes, Mangetsu hides his real name and never removes the mask. To remain incognito, moon-faced character doesn't even talk. The most he allows himself, talking to fans, it is announced by a voice synthesizer of mobile communications.
"Cleaning is not only to make something dirty clean," said with your smartphone Mangetsu the correspondent of Reuters. — We are talking about how to stay clean himself, to preserve the purity of your heart. I think the more people around the world will do the cleaning, the less will be bad news. Cleaning I want to rid the world of negative."
In its quest to make the world a better Mangetsu man is not alone. Should he appear in public, like going around the volunteers, followers and just curious. At that time, how many take photos or video, volunteers help the superhero in his very mundane but necessary and useful mission.
"Unlike the other characters, I have no powers, no weapons. All I've got is a broom and a trash can. But I hope to prove that can help keep the peace on earth by the power of cleaning," says Mangetsu.
Source: facepla.net
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