Women's Vision
This discovery could fully explain why the beautiful half of humanity is constantly dissatisfied with their bodies. Even his own reflection in the mirror, proves the absence of any obesity is not able to cope with the distorted representation coming from the mind.
To come to this conclusion, Dr. Longo had an interesting experiment, during which volunteers had to put his left hand under the screen and right-hand point, where are her joints, bones and joints. Installed above the screen, the camera records all the readings volunteers scientists then used to compare with the actual parameters of the limbs. It was found that people who participated in the experiment, tend to take their fingers are shorter than they really are. Moreover, the further behind the big toe, the greater the error in the perception of its length. The thickness of the same hand, perceives the person turns out to 2/3 higher than it actually is. But people who participated in the experiment were fairly accurate visual representation of the shape and parameters of your hand and easily found her picture among the masses of images containing arms with distorted parameters.
Source: world.menu.ru/interesting/3218-zhenshhiny-vidyat-sebya-tolshhe-chem-na-samom-dele.html