"Epidemic of infertility": myths about conception after 35
According to popular belief, women have a list of responsibilities. First paragraph – motherhood. If you decide not to have children, you will be called childfree and put an end. But if you plan to give birth, wait for the Council to conceive early. Supposedly with age, reproductive function is weakened, and have need to a certain time.
Ten years ago in our country, mothers older than 25 were called staracademie. In the US, the tipping point comes at 35.
Ominous deadline
In his column Olivia Katangian tells the story of the panic of conception. Olivia almost 30, and she says she feels the approach "the deadline".
I am a single woman, I'm almost 30. I know that we are approaching a deadline. This deadline can complicate career and family life. At least I think so.
Watch this video. The belief that your fertility at risk if you delay children until 35 is just a lie:
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor
American Association of reproductive medicine (the largest in the United States Association for specialists in fertility) has launched an advertising campaign. Baby bottle shaped like an hourglass, but instead of sand the milk. In the advertisement said, in 30 years, the chance of getting pregnant is 20%, and for 40 years it is reduced to 5%. The Association continues to publish these figures in the report without referring to the data source.
The Association declares that it knows the data source. The best explanation for their press Secretary: "the Cases patients were investigated by the Committee, all members of the Committee changed, I couldn't find the source." We found a source of statistics. It is strange that such fragile data is firmly crept into the modern medical advice.
The figures referred to statistics of France 1700-ies. This is the time before modern medicine, before the invention of antibiotics. In those days, 35 years women had 6-7 children. Not surprisingly, pregnant at 35, no one was going.
How it all began
"The term "biological clock" scientists have introduced to describe the circadian rhythms and processes that tell our body when to Wake, eat and sleep," writes Moira Wagle in his article about the myths of late conception.
In 1970-80 years the meaning changed and came to refer to female reproductive status. Moira believes that in times of dramatic social and economic changes, the term "biological clock" used to reinforce ideas about gender differences.
More and more women broke into the male world of paid work, and talk about "ticking clocks" meant that women's care – procreation.
We first see how these myths have become conventional wisdom. "Industry women's panic," says that we have to balance between career and personal life. Again and again we prove that finding this balance difficult. At the dawn of the 21st century women who choose a career, be warned: you are playing Russian roulette with your biological clock, writes Olivia Katangian.
What is the "industry female panic"? Was not fashionable to get women to stand in the kitchen and to bear children because "God commands it". Began to say that the case in science. Women are told that they are not good enough in all directions, and the cornerstone of this pseudoscience, the so – called "baby panic" — the belief that babies need up to a certain age. This idea, along with stereotypes about women's monogamy and the parent mission, were actively developed both in the USA and beyond.
Moira Wagle explains when the idea of the biological clock, has the economy and organization of work. Women began to feel that they are playing with time "catch-up". The nine to five shared a time paid and free. In the 1950s and 60s in paid work was considered mainly male.
Women worked at home – in the free space. In the 1970s, U.S. feminists have celebrated the ability to work with men on an equal basis. It was caused not only by the desire to escape, but also economic factors.
But employers have not changed the rules and women were running a race to combine career and family. In 1989 sociologist Arlie of Hochshild called it "the second shift". Ten years after Arlie noticed that there were "third shift" – the need to cope with the guilt and resentment. Women realized that "having it all" means just "do". The difficulty of balancing work and personal life were seen as pathology.
Conspiracy doctors
Moira says that the conflict has matured around social priorities. The hysteria around the "biological clock" has created the image of the time bomb in every woman's ovaries. Each woman is responsible for correcting "deficiency".
Careers bought. They did not demand maternity leave or help with child care. Instead of listening to the experts who have inspired another idea – in vitro fertilization.
ECO was developed to solve a medical problem – the failure of the fallopian tubes. But in 1981, researchers found a way to stimulate the ovaries to produce many eggs at a time. Instead trust the natural cycle, the doctors began to pull out of patients more genetic material. ECO, which was designed to help women with problems, began to offer to everyone.
In 1983, Sevgi Aral and Willard cates, two doctors from the Center for disease control in Washington, published an article about the "epidemic of infertility". By the mid 80-ies in the United States clinics offered IVF. In the 90s, a proposal for donor eggs and surrogate gestation and the method of introducing sperm directly into the egg for fertilization reliable.
IVF has helped many women get pregnant, but it is not an easy way to solve the problem. The method is expensive, requires surgery, exhausting and maiming of patients.
The industry of reproductive technologies is expanding, and the audience of women who resort to ECO – friendly younger. The last 10 years, this sector promotes expensive services to those who need them. Freezing eggs offers women who are building careers as a chance to take matters into their own hands. A method has been developed for women who underwent chemotherapy. They could freeze eggs before treatment. But now clinic suggest the procedure and healthy customers.
In the freezing of eggs is often said about choice and control over their lives. In practice, this procedure pushes women to take on all the work on the organization of reproduction. It is easy to imagine how opportunities will be responsibilities. For example, the company offering to pay for freezing my eggs, about an employee who refused treatments, I will say that she is not serious about a career. It's a weird form of control – you spend a lot of money for the comfort of the partner or promotion through the ranks, which does not bend.
New research
If we talk about the "late" conception, the research conducted by David Danson, studied the chances of pregnancy in 770 European women, showed that 82% of women 35 to 39 years who had sex at least twice a week, became pregnant during the year. At the age of 27 to 34, the figure was 86%. Another study was conducted by Kenneth Rothman of Boston University.
If your desire is not fulfilled, it has not been paid
Russian catch phrase: the secret meaning
He watched 2820 the Danes in the period when they were trying to get pregnant. Among women aged 35 to 40 years who had sex in the ovulation period, 78% became pregnant during the year. Among women 20 to 34 years, this figure is 84%. Study Anne Steiner, docendi University medical school in North Carolina showed that among the 38-39 year old women who was already pregnant, 80% of white women of normal weight got pregnant naturally within 6 months.
It is not surprising that we easily give in to panic, says Olivia Katangian. – Awesome facts about fertility of women border on the topic of women's economic independence. For the past several decades we hear we must pay for equality.
Mothers who went to work in the 1980s, saying they expose children to the epidemic of sexual violence, leaving them in extended-day groups. In 1989, Newsweek reported that a 40-year-old single women are more likely to be killed by a terrorist than find a husband. These and many other stories, of course, completely untrue. Probably the best way to deal with panic and to question those who have made a business out of this.
In our country, unlike the USA, formally, women have access to maternity leave and the birth of the child. However, we have other methods of struggle and stereotypes about motherhood. Tips and questions: "First, Rodi, and then build your career", "on maternity leave?", "Do you have children?", – do not make society fit for women, and women have to adapt to the society. published
Author: Elena Alkanova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: thedevochki.com/2016/07/29/vashi-chasiki-ne-tikayut-mif-o-zachatii-posle-35/
Ten years ago in our country, mothers older than 25 were called staracademie. In the US, the tipping point comes at 35.

Ominous deadline
In his column Olivia Katangian tells the story of the panic of conception. Olivia almost 30, and she says she feels the approach "the deadline".
I am a single woman, I'm almost 30. I know that we are approaching a deadline. This deadline can complicate career and family life. At least I think so.
Watch this video. The belief that your fertility at risk if you delay children until 35 is just a lie:
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor
American Association of reproductive medicine (the largest in the United States Association for specialists in fertility) has launched an advertising campaign. Baby bottle shaped like an hourglass, but instead of sand the milk. In the advertisement said, in 30 years, the chance of getting pregnant is 20%, and for 40 years it is reduced to 5%. The Association continues to publish these figures in the report without referring to the data source.
The Association declares that it knows the data source. The best explanation for their press Secretary: "the Cases patients were investigated by the Committee, all members of the Committee changed, I couldn't find the source." We found a source of statistics. It is strange that such fragile data is firmly crept into the modern medical advice.
The figures referred to statistics of France 1700-ies. This is the time before modern medicine, before the invention of antibiotics. In those days, 35 years women had 6-7 children. Not surprisingly, pregnant at 35, no one was going.
How it all began
"The term "biological clock" scientists have introduced to describe the circadian rhythms and processes that tell our body when to Wake, eat and sleep," writes Moira Wagle in his article about the myths of late conception.
In 1970-80 years the meaning changed and came to refer to female reproductive status. Moira believes that in times of dramatic social and economic changes, the term "biological clock" used to reinforce ideas about gender differences.
More and more women broke into the male world of paid work, and talk about "ticking clocks" meant that women's care – procreation.
We first see how these myths have become conventional wisdom. "Industry women's panic," says that we have to balance between career and personal life. Again and again we prove that finding this balance difficult. At the dawn of the 21st century women who choose a career, be warned: you are playing Russian roulette with your biological clock, writes Olivia Katangian.
What is the "industry female panic"? Was not fashionable to get women to stand in the kitchen and to bear children because "God commands it". Began to say that the case in science. Women are told that they are not good enough in all directions, and the cornerstone of this pseudoscience, the so – called "baby panic" — the belief that babies need up to a certain age. This idea, along with stereotypes about women's monogamy and the parent mission, were actively developed both in the USA and beyond.
Moira Wagle explains when the idea of the biological clock, has the economy and organization of work. Women began to feel that they are playing with time "catch-up". The nine to five shared a time paid and free. In the 1950s and 60s in paid work was considered mainly male.
Women worked at home – in the free space. In the 1970s, U.S. feminists have celebrated the ability to work with men on an equal basis. It was caused not only by the desire to escape, but also economic factors.
But employers have not changed the rules and women were running a race to combine career and family. In 1989 sociologist Arlie of Hochshild called it "the second shift". Ten years after Arlie noticed that there were "third shift" – the need to cope with the guilt and resentment. Women realized that "having it all" means just "do". The difficulty of balancing work and personal life were seen as pathology.
Conspiracy doctors

Moira says that the conflict has matured around social priorities. The hysteria around the "biological clock" has created the image of the time bomb in every woman's ovaries. Each woman is responsible for correcting "deficiency".
Careers bought. They did not demand maternity leave or help with child care. Instead of listening to the experts who have inspired another idea – in vitro fertilization.
ECO was developed to solve a medical problem – the failure of the fallopian tubes. But in 1981, researchers found a way to stimulate the ovaries to produce many eggs at a time. Instead trust the natural cycle, the doctors began to pull out of patients more genetic material. ECO, which was designed to help women with problems, began to offer to everyone.
In 1983, Sevgi Aral and Willard cates, two doctors from the Center for disease control in Washington, published an article about the "epidemic of infertility". By the mid 80-ies in the United States clinics offered IVF. In the 90s, a proposal for donor eggs and surrogate gestation and the method of introducing sperm directly into the egg for fertilization reliable.
IVF has helped many women get pregnant, but it is not an easy way to solve the problem. The method is expensive, requires surgery, exhausting and maiming of patients.
The industry of reproductive technologies is expanding, and the audience of women who resort to ECO – friendly younger. The last 10 years, this sector promotes expensive services to those who need them. Freezing eggs offers women who are building careers as a chance to take matters into their own hands. A method has been developed for women who underwent chemotherapy. They could freeze eggs before treatment. But now clinic suggest the procedure and healthy customers.
In the freezing of eggs is often said about choice and control over their lives. In practice, this procedure pushes women to take on all the work on the organization of reproduction. It is easy to imagine how opportunities will be responsibilities. For example, the company offering to pay for freezing my eggs, about an employee who refused treatments, I will say that she is not serious about a career. It's a weird form of control – you spend a lot of money for the comfort of the partner or promotion through the ranks, which does not bend.
New research
If we talk about the "late" conception, the research conducted by David Danson, studied the chances of pregnancy in 770 European women, showed that 82% of women 35 to 39 years who had sex at least twice a week, became pregnant during the year. At the age of 27 to 34, the figure was 86%. Another study was conducted by Kenneth Rothman of Boston University.
If your desire is not fulfilled, it has not been paid
Russian catch phrase: the secret meaning
He watched 2820 the Danes in the period when they were trying to get pregnant. Among women aged 35 to 40 years who had sex in the ovulation period, 78% became pregnant during the year. Among women 20 to 34 years, this figure is 84%. Study Anne Steiner, docendi University medical school in North Carolina showed that among the 38-39 year old women who was already pregnant, 80% of white women of normal weight got pregnant naturally within 6 months.
It is not surprising that we easily give in to panic, says Olivia Katangian. – Awesome facts about fertility of women border on the topic of women's economic independence. For the past several decades we hear we must pay for equality.
Mothers who went to work in the 1980s, saying they expose children to the epidemic of sexual violence, leaving them in extended-day groups. In 1989, Newsweek reported that a 40-year-old single women are more likely to be killed by a terrorist than find a husband. These and many other stories, of course, completely untrue. Probably the best way to deal with panic and to question those who have made a business out of this.
In our country, unlike the USA, formally, women have access to maternity leave and the birth of the child. However, we have other methods of struggle and stereotypes about motherhood. Tips and questions: "First, Rodi, and then build your career", "on maternity leave?", "Do you have children?", – do not make society fit for women, and women have to adapt to the society. published
Author: Elena Alkanova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: thedevochki.com/2016/07/29/vashi-chasiki-ne-tikayut-mif-o-zachatii-posle-35/
Neurotic fears: WHAT's behind them
Something worth thinking about before you shout at their screaming child