A global vision as a springboard for growth
Seventy one million four hundred twenty five thousand eight hundred twenty eight
You know, there are people who actually know how to do themselves. Not at the behest of the boss, mom or dad, spouse or a passerby from the Internet – and themselves. Such people not as much as I would like, but they are. Business people who don't need endless stories about self-discipline or self-motivation if they contain some magical reason productivity.
They just do: break the process into steps and get results, whatever it touched – as work health and form, and all the rest. They know how to negotiate with them. You can tell yourself "no" when required. They have, indeed, is that they undertake – not always smoothly, not always as originally planned, is not always "no" comes in time, but in General they are "in the black", when I sincerely seek and apply for all.
Do you know them?
As a rule, they are fairly well organized your life in all spheres and if somewhere there is a "leak" - they're looking for ways to fix it or "completely change the plumbing".
They would like to live and rejoice, continuing in the same spirit to re-create the areas that you want.
But unfortunately, even the real action doesn't always take away from a strange sense of inner turbulence, on which as mushrooms after a rain, the fruit of fears, doubts and other anxiety.
Especially clearly this feeling can be encountered after the first lot of money (when the person begins to earn as much as a couple of years ago for him, was "a lot") or by any other threshold that seemed unreachable in the recent past. Such a person sometimes becomes oddly uncomfortable inside. He seems to be doing the same as before, gets the results, but that's just rejoice all the more difficult. The previous level is not satisfied, the magnification — does not give the same spark as before...
What should I do?
If you recognize yourself in this description, congratulations! You grew up in. It's time to change pants.
When I meet people they always want only one thing – a large-scale vision. All the rest - a trick and they'll get over it: strategy — goal – steps – steps. Action at all levels when there is unity between what you say, feel, take and think. But yet these people will gain a vision of themselves and their business on a much larger scale than used - to be satisfied with minor jobs of the current day will be harder and harder. Begin to appear the idea in the style of: "And what for it to me generally it is necessary?".
Just want you to put before the fact: the routine is never going to go away. It can be minimized, outsource, automate – but delete repetitive actions from your life will fail. And do not need. Will change the man himself. Possessing a broad vision of your life, current tasks, even boring and uninteresting, he will deal playfully, continuing to feel the taste of life.
What is a large-scale vision and how it can be treated from samonaetost?Large-scale vision – the ability to see the picture of his life in the amount of 5-10 years. And seen in the Grand version. The maximum. The story about global life's purpose and his own mission — from the Opera.
There is a wonderful expression in English:
Dissatisfaction and discouragement aren't caused by the absence of things but the absence of vision
Don't know who the author is – but noticed very precisely. A rough translation would be: "the Reason for the dissatisfaction and frustration is not the absence of things or events, and in the absence of vision."
In other words, when you understand: what for it is necessary to you — life becomes much more fun and easier. The meanings in the style of "do everything and I do" work only on the deeply sleeping consciousness. At the slightest sign of awakening requires an inspiring and clear vision to you personally.
You know exactly what every day you get up and go-doing, somewhere deny yourself somewhere save, somewhere doing something you do not close. This knowledge gives you a great joy in itself, and the movement in the chosen direction just inspires. In moments of doubts and fear you always have something to rely on and to continue its movement.
To gain a global vision worth it
Large-scale vision vs pantaservice broad vision and a fantasy on the theme of "what will I be when I grow up/retire/get married/find single/leave" all the same fine line, which is repeatedly treated in these pages. The main difference:
Ambitious vision is grounded from the current moment.
That is, here and now, today, your actions, thoughts, words, and States have a connection point with your vision. No differences. You make concrete steps toward your global goal directed thoughts there, do not give yourself to become limp or lose heart (what limp? With such a vision) and your words do not disagree with the intent.
Here and there the whole mystery, which is written in the literature – due events and people begin to appear themselves, the process is accelerated.
Making up, as a rule, is based only on the words and chaotic thoughts. Namely, chaotic. Dreamer happy lists yourself five years from now, awash in money, love and fame, he believes that everything is real and he deserves it, but his process of movement in the selected direction to end... he's Probably waiting for signs of the universe in the form of appropriate events and people that will begin to appear by themselves...
A trivial example – visualisation (or affirmation). It is the work of taming their thoughts or mental images and give them a single form intentions. Daily visualization, among other things, hard work. Try? Dreamer is not even enough for a month.
I'm not saying that without such techniques do not achieve. I say that if daily not to do the steps to your vision – nothing. Visualization is one of the variants of such steps, which is supplied under the esoteric sauce (which attracts visionaries and discourages workers), but works quite skillfully, if d-e-l-a-t-s regularly, even casually, rather than under the magic sounds of another Indian diva every six months in the middle of a recession.
Back to the topic:
Large-scale vision brings joy to a daily process – gives it a deeper meaning, but doesn't this way for you. It's your candle in a still-dark tunnel, where each of us seeking the light of self-knowledge and the disclosure of the wisdom of your being through personal experience.
Large-scale vision of how the stage room dweezle you've got an ambitious vision and from the age of 5 knew who to be/what to do – well, you. This also happens. But a standard stage of development implies that in order to be on the lookout – we have to go to the mountain. If you haven't even wet on the road of life, too early to talk about large-scale vision.
A large-scale vision, rather, the second stage – as a more informed result of your initial experiments, "probovali" of themselves and their place in the world. It is necessary for those who have long takes responsibility, knows how to act to get results and is willing to understand the capabilities of themselves and of the world beyond their sandbox. See globally and plan for the maximum, because the power is given to the case.
Author: Olesya Novikova
Source: re-self.ru/masshtabnoe-videnie-kak-tramplin-dlya-rosta.html#more-1030
You know, there are people who actually know how to do themselves. Not at the behest of the boss, mom or dad, spouse or a passerby from the Internet – and themselves. Such people not as much as I would like, but they are. Business people who don't need endless stories about self-discipline or self-motivation if they contain some magical reason productivity.
They just do: break the process into steps and get results, whatever it touched – as work health and form, and all the rest. They know how to negotiate with them. You can tell yourself "no" when required. They have, indeed, is that they undertake – not always smoothly, not always as originally planned, is not always "no" comes in time, but in General they are "in the black", when I sincerely seek and apply for all.
Do you know them?
As a rule, they are fairly well organized your life in all spheres and if somewhere there is a "leak" - they're looking for ways to fix it or "completely change the plumbing".
They would like to live and rejoice, continuing in the same spirit to re-create the areas that you want.
But unfortunately, even the real action doesn't always take away from a strange sense of inner turbulence, on which as mushrooms after a rain, the fruit of fears, doubts and other anxiety.
Especially clearly this feeling can be encountered after the first lot of money (when the person begins to earn as much as a couple of years ago for him, was "a lot") or by any other threshold that seemed unreachable in the recent past. Such a person sometimes becomes oddly uncomfortable inside. He seems to be doing the same as before, gets the results, but that's just rejoice all the more difficult. The previous level is not satisfied, the magnification — does not give the same spark as before...
What should I do?
If you recognize yourself in this description, congratulations! You grew up in. It's time to change pants.
When I meet people they always want only one thing – a large-scale vision. All the rest - a trick and they'll get over it: strategy — goal – steps – steps. Action at all levels when there is unity between what you say, feel, take and think. But yet these people will gain a vision of themselves and their business on a much larger scale than used - to be satisfied with minor jobs of the current day will be harder and harder. Begin to appear the idea in the style of: "And what for it to me generally it is necessary?".
Just want you to put before the fact: the routine is never going to go away. It can be minimized, outsource, automate – but delete repetitive actions from your life will fail. And do not need. Will change the man himself. Possessing a broad vision of your life, current tasks, even boring and uninteresting, he will deal playfully, continuing to feel the taste of life.
What is a large-scale vision and how it can be treated from samonaetost?Large-scale vision – the ability to see the picture of his life in the amount of 5-10 years. And seen in the Grand version. The maximum. The story about global life's purpose and his own mission — from the Opera.
There is a wonderful expression in English:
Dissatisfaction and discouragement aren't caused by the absence of things but the absence of vision
Don't know who the author is – but noticed very precisely. A rough translation would be: "the Reason for the dissatisfaction and frustration is not the absence of things or events, and in the absence of vision."
In other words, when you understand: what for it is necessary to you — life becomes much more fun and easier. The meanings in the style of "do everything and I do" work only on the deeply sleeping consciousness. At the slightest sign of awakening requires an inspiring and clear vision to you personally.
You know exactly what every day you get up and go-doing, somewhere deny yourself somewhere save, somewhere doing something you do not close. This knowledge gives you a great joy in itself, and the movement in the chosen direction just inspires. In moments of doubts and fear you always have something to rely on and to continue its movement.
To gain a global vision worth it
Large-scale vision vs pantaservice broad vision and a fantasy on the theme of "what will I be when I grow up/retire/get married/find single/leave" all the same fine line, which is repeatedly treated in these pages. The main difference:
Ambitious vision is grounded from the current moment.
That is, here and now, today, your actions, thoughts, words, and States have a connection point with your vision. No differences. You make concrete steps toward your global goal directed thoughts there, do not give yourself to become limp or lose heart (what limp? With such a vision) and your words do not disagree with the intent.
Here and there the whole mystery, which is written in the literature – due events and people begin to appear themselves, the process is accelerated.
Making up, as a rule, is based only on the words and chaotic thoughts. Namely, chaotic. Dreamer happy lists yourself five years from now, awash in money, love and fame, he believes that everything is real and he deserves it, but his process of movement in the selected direction to end... he's Probably waiting for signs of the universe in the form of appropriate events and people that will begin to appear by themselves...
A trivial example – visualisation (or affirmation). It is the work of taming their thoughts or mental images and give them a single form intentions. Daily visualization, among other things, hard work. Try? Dreamer is not even enough for a month.
I'm not saying that without such techniques do not achieve. I say that if daily not to do the steps to your vision – nothing. Visualization is one of the variants of such steps, which is supplied under the esoteric sauce (which attracts visionaries and discourages workers), but works quite skillfully, if d-e-l-a-t-s regularly, even casually, rather than under the magic sounds of another Indian diva every six months in the middle of a recession.
Back to the topic:
Large-scale vision brings joy to a daily process – gives it a deeper meaning, but doesn't this way for you. It's your candle in a still-dark tunnel, where each of us seeking the light of self-knowledge and the disclosure of the wisdom of your being through personal experience.
Large-scale vision of how the stage room dweezle you've got an ambitious vision and from the age of 5 knew who to be/what to do – well, you. This also happens. But a standard stage of development implies that in order to be on the lookout – we have to go to the mountain. If you haven't even wet on the road of life, too early to talk about large-scale vision.
A large-scale vision, rather, the second stage – as a more informed result of your initial experiments, "probovali" of themselves and their place in the world. It is necessary for those who have long takes responsibility, knows how to act to get results and is willing to understand the capabilities of themselves and of the world beyond their sandbox. See globally and plan for the maximum, because the power is given to the case.
Author: Olesya Novikova
Source: re-self.ru/masshtabnoe-videnie-kak-tramplin-dlya-rosta.html#more-1030