Why can perish violet
The cause of death of the growing point of the violets
When growing violets, sometimes you can see that the center of the socket (the place where there are new young leaves) suddenly darkens, shrinks, or turns black, young leaves do not develop or are greatly deformed. There is a destruction of the growing point.
The main reasons:
1. Improper application of mineral fertilizers.
Deficiency of boron leads to the fact that in the tissues of plants accumulate phenolic compounds, they poison it. More likely to suffer the young leaves, they remain small, their edges screwed down, then the leaves turn brown and die. The growing point dies, stalk and leaf blade become brittle. The flowers wither, die, and young flower stalks with buds.
Boron deficiency can cause excess potassium in the fertilizer, in this case there is also disruption of the normal absorption of calcium, magnesium and zinc. Lack of calcium also leads to oppression and death of the growing point. If a fertilizer with too high concentration of potassium was made when watering, and it got to the point of growth, it will die.
If the plant is transplanted into the substrate with excessive potassium content, it will appear the symptoms of high salt content: the socket is dark green, the leaves are shrinking, growth is slowing. If the time to pay attention to it, it is possible to prevent the death of the growing point, if it is good to shed a weak ground ball warm (slightly pink) solution of potassium permanganate (not less than 0.3 l per plant), allowing it to drain from the pot and place it on a dry pan.
2. The attack and the rapid multiplication of ticks.
Young leaves in the center of the outlet to deform, curl, become hard and brittle. In severe cases may be withering away of the center of the socket, the point of growth of violets. But this is not the only symptom, if violet was struck by the mites, the leaves can be seen traces of puncture marks, tiny points of light. The mites themselves may not be visible due to small sizes.Remember that the strong defeat the mites usually occurs in hot and dry area.
3. The defeat of the Central part of the rosette fungal diseases.
In this case, the young leaves become limp, pale or brownish. Poisoning with fertilizers and lose the mites can cause fungal diseases. For example, grey rot — fungi of the genus Botrytis (has many species), it strikes poisonous secretions adjacent healthy cells, thus the affected area is widening and increasing.
Contributes to the development of the disease: the presence of water in the center of the outlet, low temperature (below 18 degrees) in the premises, the drafts, the center of the outlet is closed off from fresh air thick raised leaves middle row bouquet or abundant flowering.
Treatment: remove all affected parts of the plant, spray a violet solution of a fungicide (Fundazol, Ambulance, Vectra, Chistotsvet, etc.). For prevention: spray all plants that are in the same room with the patient in a timely manner to remove leaves with signs of decay, to control the number of ticks, to prevent the spread of other pests, do not store vegetables and fruits in the room with a collection of violets, enter the quarantine mode for all new instances.
4. Incorrect planting or transplanting violets.
If you put a violet incorrectly and too bury in the ground, when watering the water will get to the point of growth that contributes to decay and even death of the whole plant.
Tips to help you avoid the loss of transplanted plants:
When boarding children in the earthen substrate to make a hole, cover it wet repeatedly washed (the last 2-3 times with boiling water) river sand. Then make the hole already in the sand, to put there the roots separated children and sprinkle them in the same almost sterile sand. The roots then grow through the sand, and will take food in the earthen soil, but with such a landing even if there is penetration, the water will just flow down through the sand, kids not dying ever. Method is especially good if the pot is too big.
If you want to transplant an adult or violet to fill up the earth in the pot and barrel is already stripped, had to remove the rotten leaves from the bottom row.Then, you need to separate all the "hemp" leaf with a fingernail, cover the trunks of powdered charcoal, to make a small meditates, wearing of moss-sphagnum moss soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or drug Maxim, then pour land.
What to do if violet killed the growth point:
If the growing point was killed from the deposited sheet from the kids, the prognosis is not encouraging: the plants most likely will die.
If the growing point was killed at the adult violet, that after all amputations, treatments, medications, you can try rooting a healthy leaf, better than the second bottom row, after cutting it 2/3 of petiole. The remaining after removal of the top slice can appear multiple growth points.
To wait when they will grow up to 4 leaves, remove all but one. If you have experience of growing, then you can slightly raise stepchildren, to break them by lifting with a fingernail, and then implant in a sterile river sand, as is done when breeding violets-chimeras.
It may be that the disease has spread through the vascular system deeply along the inner barrel and no fungicide does not help, the leaves will continue to die, Cernei is helped by at the beginning of the petiole, the plant is better to throw away the pot boil for 20 min. If the variety is very valuable to try to root a leaf is still possible. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/public47900340?w=wall-47900340_287782
When growing violets, sometimes you can see that the center of the socket (the place where there are new young leaves) suddenly darkens, shrinks, or turns black, young leaves do not develop or are greatly deformed. There is a destruction of the growing point.

The main reasons:
1. Improper application of mineral fertilizers.
Deficiency of boron leads to the fact that in the tissues of plants accumulate phenolic compounds, they poison it. More likely to suffer the young leaves, they remain small, their edges screwed down, then the leaves turn brown and die. The growing point dies, stalk and leaf blade become brittle. The flowers wither, die, and young flower stalks with buds.
Boron deficiency can cause excess potassium in the fertilizer, in this case there is also disruption of the normal absorption of calcium, magnesium and zinc. Lack of calcium also leads to oppression and death of the growing point. If a fertilizer with too high concentration of potassium was made when watering, and it got to the point of growth, it will die.
If the plant is transplanted into the substrate with excessive potassium content, it will appear the symptoms of high salt content: the socket is dark green, the leaves are shrinking, growth is slowing. If the time to pay attention to it, it is possible to prevent the death of the growing point, if it is good to shed a weak ground ball warm (slightly pink) solution of potassium permanganate (not less than 0.3 l per plant), allowing it to drain from the pot and place it on a dry pan.
2. The attack and the rapid multiplication of ticks.
Young leaves in the center of the outlet to deform, curl, become hard and brittle. In severe cases may be withering away of the center of the socket, the point of growth of violets. But this is not the only symptom, if violet was struck by the mites, the leaves can be seen traces of puncture marks, tiny points of light. The mites themselves may not be visible due to small sizes.Remember that the strong defeat the mites usually occurs in hot and dry area.

3. The defeat of the Central part of the rosette fungal diseases.
In this case, the young leaves become limp, pale or brownish. Poisoning with fertilizers and lose the mites can cause fungal diseases. For example, grey rot — fungi of the genus Botrytis (has many species), it strikes poisonous secretions adjacent healthy cells, thus the affected area is widening and increasing.
Contributes to the development of the disease: the presence of water in the center of the outlet, low temperature (below 18 degrees) in the premises, the drafts, the center of the outlet is closed off from fresh air thick raised leaves middle row bouquet or abundant flowering.
Treatment: remove all affected parts of the plant, spray a violet solution of a fungicide (Fundazol, Ambulance, Vectra, Chistotsvet, etc.). For prevention: spray all plants that are in the same room with the patient in a timely manner to remove leaves with signs of decay, to control the number of ticks, to prevent the spread of other pests, do not store vegetables and fruits in the room with a collection of violets, enter the quarantine mode for all new instances.
4. Incorrect planting or transplanting violets.
If you put a violet incorrectly and too bury in the ground, when watering the water will get to the point of growth that contributes to decay and even death of the whole plant.
Tips to help you avoid the loss of transplanted plants:
When boarding children in the earthen substrate to make a hole, cover it wet repeatedly washed (the last 2-3 times with boiling water) river sand. Then make the hole already in the sand, to put there the roots separated children and sprinkle them in the same almost sterile sand. The roots then grow through the sand, and will take food in the earthen soil, but with such a landing even if there is penetration, the water will just flow down through the sand, kids not dying ever. Method is especially good if the pot is too big.
If you want to transplant an adult or violet to fill up the earth in the pot and barrel is already stripped, had to remove the rotten leaves from the bottom row.Then, you need to separate all the "hemp" leaf with a fingernail, cover the trunks of powdered charcoal, to make a small meditates, wearing of moss-sphagnum moss soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or drug Maxim, then pour land.

What to do if violet killed the growth point:
If the growing point was killed from the deposited sheet from the kids, the prognosis is not encouraging: the plants most likely will die.
If the growing point was killed at the adult violet, that after all amputations, treatments, medications, you can try rooting a healthy leaf, better than the second bottom row, after cutting it 2/3 of petiole. The remaining after removal of the top slice can appear multiple growth points.
To wait when they will grow up to 4 leaves, remove all but one. If you have experience of growing, then you can slightly raise stepchildren, to break them by lifting with a fingernail, and then implant in a sterile river sand, as is done when breeding violets-chimeras.
It may be that the disease has spread through the vascular system deeply along the inner barrel and no fungicide does not help, the leaves will continue to die, Cernei is helped by at the beginning of the petiole, the plant is better to throw away the pot boil for 20 min. If the variety is very valuable to try to root a leaf is still possible. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/public47900340?w=wall-47900340_287782
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