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SOMATOTROPIN – a hormone of youth, health and beauty

The value of somatotropin, also called growth hormone, is difficult to overestimate. It has a rejuvenating effect, removes fat and increases muscles, promotes rapid recovery after illness. Growth hormone in the human body responsible for growth and repair of bones and tissues, regulates the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It is produced in the anterior pituitary gland. In composition of this hormone includes 191 amino acids. FOR CHILDREN'S GROWTH AND REJUVENATION OF ADULT

Somatotropin is produced in the course of man's life is cyclical. From birth to 20-25 years has the highest performance with the magnifying rate. To 30 years the development slows down and stops approximately at the same level. In this regard, starting while invisible processes of aging is a decrease in immunity. After 40-45 years the pituitary gland produces growth hormone by 50% less compared to previous years. The signs of physiological aging become more apparent. This reduces the quality of sleep, disturbed appetite, the extra pounds. Growth hormone is very important for people of any age:
  • helps to normalize metabolic processes;
  • inhibits muscle breakdown;
  • enhances the process of fat burning;
  • helps the liver to produce energy for the entire body (increased muscle glycogen);
  • provides quick recovery of tissues (internal organs, joints, skin);
  • increases the number of healthy cells of the liver and thymus gland, which is responsible for immunity;
  • improves the process of collagen (prevention of prolapse of internal organs, strengthen joints and ligaments, improving elasticity of blood vessels, external rejuvenation); normalizes the level of cholesterol, improving the activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • increases sexual activity.
 THREE MAIN ways growth Hormone has multiple peaks of increasing per day. It mostly happens during a night's sleep, food intake and physical activity. Therefore, doctors insist that regular exercise, proper nutrition and proper sleep are the three most proven way to maintain adequate level of this hormone in the body.

MORE TRAFFIC AND LESS FAT Physical activity stimulate the production of growth hormone. In fact, any physical activity - from walking to heavy lifting, has a positive effect on the production of somatotropin. However, some types of loads are more effective than others. As you know, in sports there are two types of loads:1) a power or anaerobnye (lifting for a short time)

2) aerobic (running, walking, skiing, etc.).

Their reasonable combination is the Golden mean for increasing the production of growth hormone. So, the most beneficial kinds of exercise:
  • walking at a speed of 4 to 6 km/h depending on level of training;
  • training with weights with number of repetitions from 10 to 15.
Ideally, if every day you will walk in the fresh air though for 30-60 minutes. As for the exercises with weights - you need to pick a weight with which you will be hard to do planned (in our case 10-15) reps. After that you should rest, but not more than a minute, and again to repeat the exercise. It is advisable to power training was held to aerobic exercise. That is, the first exercise with dumbbells, and then a walk. But if you are limited to only one type of physical activity (walking, or Jogging or morning exercises, or yoga, or something else), it certainly contributes to growth hormone in your body. Speaking of exercise, it is important to note one caveat: they contribute to reduce fat deposits in the body. While getting rid of fat also significantly increases the performance of somatotropin. And finally, the training regime. It is very important to maintain regularity. The best option would be: 3-4 times a week for a period not less than 30 - 45 minutes. By the way, the breathing exercises of breathing also has a beneficial impact on the production of somatotropin. HIGH-QUALITY PROTEIN

A proper balanced diet is very important for the production of growth hormone. The main enemies of this hormone is fatty, sweet and starchy products. But protein dishes create optimal conditions for its production and accumulation in the body. Products the best for recovery and lifting growth hormone:
  • cheese,
  • cheese
  • milk,
  • poultry,
  • lean beef,
  • veal,
  • legumes,
  • nuts,
  • fish
  • buckwheat and oat cereals,
  • chicken eggs.
 Completely eliminate fat is impossible: it will result in loss of strength and reduced efficiency of the brain, but to limit their consumption costs. The insulin released into the blood in response to the emergence of sugar and slows the production of growth hormone. Therefore, for better secretion of growth hormone, it is desirable to use slow carbohydrates (cereals, etc.), not fast (white bread, sugar) to insulin was separated in the blood is not on such a wide scale and did not interfere with production of growth hormone. Slow carbohydrates are found in:
  • legumes,
  • cereals,
  • pasta and whole grain bread,
  • fruits,
  • vegetables
  • greenery
  • berries.
The number of meals it is better to increase to 5-6, but lower quantities of food. Eat often and in small portions. At night, try not to overload the stomach food 3 hours before bedtime. Be sure to drink plain water up to 2 liters per day. Fasting days and fasting health also contribute to increasing the body's level of HGH. To DREAM IS IMPORTANT For the production of growth hormone needed full night sleep at least 8 hours. The process of natural production starts in 1.5-2 hours after falling asleep in REM sleep. As this phase dreams, wishing to look younger can take into account: dreaming – then, work on the rejuvenation goes on at night. It turned out that live longer and look younger than those who sleep 6 to 7 hours a day. Sleep duration more than 8 and less than 4 hours, it gives less opportunities to reach a ripe old age and to the maturity of the ages. Also interesting: Insulin: the hormone of health and longevity pleasure Hormone: EVERYTHING You didn't know about the serotonin CONTRASTING CHANGES of TEMPERATURE human growth Hormone is actively produced from the contrasting changes of temperature. Therefore, the sauna, alternating with oblibenym cold water or a dip in the pool, as well as a contrast shower is very useful for maintaining adequate level of growth hormone. According to doctors, he intensively produced within 30 minutes after you several times changed the sauna for a cool shower and Vice versa.published

Source: www.zid.com.ua/rus_creativework/somatotropyn-hormon-molodosty-zdorovya-y-krasoty