10 best Soviet kinoskazka family-safe
For weekend there are several win-win options: you can look at the list of movies, can we have a party playlist favorite musicians or begin to catch up the series.
There is a nostalgic journey that will delight the entire family: remember your favorite Soviet kinoskazki childhood and revise them.
Alexander Rowe, 1960
Marya-Iskusnitsa was the victim of a nasty underwater king Vodokrut Thirteen. He didn't know that love can not be and took the poor woman prisoner so she embroidered his joy. The phrase "What will that bondage — all the same" has long been a motto of hard days of living in our harsh country, but that's to rely on some brave hero or heroine, who would, eating a onion, dealing with tyranny, can not count. In the tale, all the rules, all ends well: he receives kidnapped mother, the family is reunited, and look at carnival and eerie inhabitants of the Kingdom under the water kind of hilarious.
The Kingdom of crooked mirrors
Alexander Rowe, 1963
In the Kingdom of crooked mirrors, the opposite is true: the names topsy-turvy, and if the local mirrors which reflect, it is not exactly what's in front of them. Little girl Olya and her looking-glass double Yalo in an attempt to catch the escaped cat accidentally start a revolution. Zerkalschik Gourde, that is, Friend, sentenced to death for refusing to obey the regime, so that the random twins decide to save him. Singing a pioneer song, they solve all problems — enemies humiliated and defeated, while Jane and kitty happily return home. In addition to the provocative story, watch the tale is also for the beauty of the colorful characters: the dictator of the parrot or the Minister toads, and simple, but at all times true morality.
Alexander Rowe, 1964
"Heat is your girl?" — from the humility of the answer to this question depends the fate of a character in the story. Answer with ambition that actually frost on the yard — then you are a negative character and will not receive from father Frost for New year nothing. However, to look much more exciting on a painted Marfusha Inna Churikova, not amorphous Nastya. The main character lives the life of Cinderella: offends her sadistic stepmother, and after all sends to die in the woods. Saves all the characters here, the power of love: the lover pour Ivan turns from a bear back into a human good deed, and frozen grandfather frost Nastya Ivan rescues her in red boots. The film itself is rumored to be rescued in his shorts Millyar, trapped in the building, where he kept the film at a time when there was a flood.
Aladdin and the magic lamp
Boris Rytsarev, 1967
In Baghdad, all is quiet — need to be repeated over the singing crowd like a mantra while watching. In the winter you need to watch something about a hot country — here comes a Soviet film adaptation based on one of fairy tales "Thousand and one nights." Aladdin according to the Director does not like disney charming rascal: it's different here — in a big way and a little tomfoolery. A poor man finds a lamp, where he lives, not at all friendly, and quite frightening Jinn, similar, rather, on the flames, while he is hunting an evil magician-maghribian. The love story of Aladdin and capricious Princess boudour will be resolved well — but only after they learn the lessons of life.
Stone flower
Alexander Ptushko, 1946
Danila-master as an example of the workaholic who die on the job. His obsession with the mysteries of the craft leads to the fact that the guy destroys personal happiness — all will be corrected only at the end when he realizes that nothing is more important than living people. Seduce him not the money and not the glory: like a true obsessive, he embarks on an impossible quest to the Mistress of Copper mountain, to make a flower out of stone, indistinguishable from the present. Screen version on motives of collections Bazhov, who recorded the legends of the Ural miners, it captures the spirit of the stories collected by the writer, and the hand she plays is atypical for a Russian fairy tale setting. Instead of idiots and bears here the personification of the mysterious stone and the forces of nature.
Evenings on a farm near Dikanka
Aleksandr Rou, 1961
Formally, this is the Christmas movie — the action here happens on Christmas eve. Adaptation of Gogol's short stories was only a matter of time: all hell is always a lot of fun to watch and even minimal special effects will fit here. "The night before Christmas", which removed the "Evenings at Khutor near Dikanka", contains all the elements of this winter Wonderland: here, the supernatural, and flying under the moon, and fun drunk friends, and the snow outside the window. Rowe, of course, purposely did not take the word "Christmas" in the title — at the time of filming this if you can hint, but only in a satirical context.
Konstantin Bromberg, 1982
Christmas story with songs and a little as though according to GOST, however, each year heat is perceived by the audience from the former Soviet Union. For "Sorcerers" Strugatsky brothers took NIICHAVO invented them, as if forgetting all that wrote earlier, and become unwitting accomplices in another questionable film adaptation of themselves — even the name of the Institute changed, all because the Director didn't like the original spirit of the story. Don't be a conditional source, in the form of their own works, all would be well, so to watch "Wizards" to forget that once was written "Monday begins on Saturday", and without prejudice to plunge into Soviet realities of "real" wizards, ready to present to colleagues wand.
Twelve months
Anatoly Granik, 1972
Favorite tales nursery school teachers in addition to the cartoon there is a film version, it is very beautiful and without unnecessary long plans under the pathetic Symphony music. Marshak, paraphrasing the plot of a Czech writer, tells an instructive story about what is not in vain in the world opened a certain order of things, and rude, and the vagaries of anything good will not achieve. Fans to go to Thailand to laugh the first dogma in the face, and for all who is winter here, the film is about why December can't be April, works as a sedative.
Finist — Yasnyy Sokol
Gennady Vasilyev, 1975
In "Finist — a Clear Falcon" met a truly Herculean labors; there is a whole layer of Slavic folklore, and the script died by the time of the filming of the Doc, and play Shestakova as the base material. Protect native land the hero here goes by the wayside: the tale was very funny and even feminist perspective on traditional story. In "Finist" save all Alyonushka and the old woman-veselushki, clearing the way for first enchanted and then trapped in Plowman who must defeat the main villain, taking responsibility for the protection of Russia.
Also interesting: 5 wonderful French Comedy for autumn evenings
10 strong movies that make you think
Kashchei The Immortal
Alexander Rowe, 1944
The folklore story about the warlock came in handy during the filming: in the midst of the Second world row relieves uplifting black-and-white story for all ages about how a good man makes a beauty Marju Morevna from the evil Kashchei the Immortal. Watch black and white classics, where Millyar not Hamming and truly terrifying, absolutely without drawing any Parallels with the salvation of the Russian land from invaders, but only as a dramatic story with fairytale elements about the eternal confrontation between good and evil.published
Source: cameralabs.org/7716-10-luchshikh-sovetskikh-kinoskazkok-dlya-semejnogo-prosmotra
There is a nostalgic journey that will delight the entire family: remember your favorite Soviet kinoskazki childhood and revise them.
Alexander Rowe, 1960

Marya-Iskusnitsa was the victim of a nasty underwater king Vodokrut Thirteen. He didn't know that love can not be and took the poor woman prisoner so she embroidered his joy. The phrase "What will that bondage — all the same" has long been a motto of hard days of living in our harsh country, but that's to rely on some brave hero or heroine, who would, eating a onion, dealing with tyranny, can not count. In the tale, all the rules, all ends well: he receives kidnapped mother, the family is reunited, and look at carnival and eerie inhabitants of the Kingdom under the water kind of hilarious.
The Kingdom of crooked mirrors
Alexander Rowe, 1963

In the Kingdom of crooked mirrors, the opposite is true: the names topsy-turvy, and if the local mirrors which reflect, it is not exactly what's in front of them. Little girl Olya and her looking-glass double Yalo in an attempt to catch the escaped cat accidentally start a revolution. Zerkalschik Gourde, that is, Friend, sentenced to death for refusing to obey the regime, so that the random twins decide to save him. Singing a pioneer song, they solve all problems — enemies humiliated and defeated, while Jane and kitty happily return home. In addition to the provocative story, watch the tale is also for the beauty of the colorful characters: the dictator of the parrot or the Minister toads, and simple, but at all times true morality.
Alexander Rowe, 1964

"Heat is your girl?" — from the humility of the answer to this question depends the fate of a character in the story. Answer with ambition that actually frost on the yard — then you are a negative character and will not receive from father Frost for New year nothing. However, to look much more exciting on a painted Marfusha Inna Churikova, not amorphous Nastya. The main character lives the life of Cinderella: offends her sadistic stepmother, and after all sends to die in the woods. Saves all the characters here, the power of love: the lover pour Ivan turns from a bear back into a human good deed, and frozen grandfather frost Nastya Ivan rescues her in red boots. The film itself is rumored to be rescued in his shorts Millyar, trapped in the building, where he kept the film at a time when there was a flood.
Aladdin and the magic lamp
Boris Rytsarev, 1967

In Baghdad, all is quiet — need to be repeated over the singing crowd like a mantra while watching. In the winter you need to watch something about a hot country — here comes a Soviet film adaptation based on one of fairy tales "Thousand and one nights." Aladdin according to the Director does not like disney charming rascal: it's different here — in a big way and a little tomfoolery. A poor man finds a lamp, where he lives, not at all friendly, and quite frightening Jinn, similar, rather, on the flames, while he is hunting an evil magician-maghribian. The love story of Aladdin and capricious Princess boudour will be resolved well — but only after they learn the lessons of life.
Stone flower
Alexander Ptushko, 1946

Danila-master as an example of the workaholic who die on the job. His obsession with the mysteries of the craft leads to the fact that the guy destroys personal happiness — all will be corrected only at the end when he realizes that nothing is more important than living people. Seduce him not the money and not the glory: like a true obsessive, he embarks on an impossible quest to the Mistress of Copper mountain, to make a flower out of stone, indistinguishable from the present. Screen version on motives of collections Bazhov, who recorded the legends of the Ural miners, it captures the spirit of the stories collected by the writer, and the hand she plays is atypical for a Russian fairy tale setting. Instead of idiots and bears here the personification of the mysterious stone and the forces of nature.
Evenings on a farm near Dikanka
Aleksandr Rou, 1961

Formally, this is the Christmas movie — the action here happens on Christmas eve. Adaptation of Gogol's short stories was only a matter of time: all hell is always a lot of fun to watch and even minimal special effects will fit here. "The night before Christmas", which removed the "Evenings at Khutor near Dikanka", contains all the elements of this winter Wonderland: here, the supernatural, and flying under the moon, and fun drunk friends, and the snow outside the window. Rowe, of course, purposely did not take the word "Christmas" in the title — at the time of filming this if you can hint, but only in a satirical context.
Konstantin Bromberg, 1982

Christmas story with songs and a little as though according to GOST, however, each year heat is perceived by the audience from the former Soviet Union. For "Sorcerers" Strugatsky brothers took NIICHAVO invented them, as if forgetting all that wrote earlier, and become unwitting accomplices in another questionable film adaptation of themselves — even the name of the Institute changed, all because the Director didn't like the original spirit of the story. Don't be a conditional source, in the form of their own works, all would be well, so to watch "Wizards" to forget that once was written "Monday begins on Saturday", and without prejudice to plunge into Soviet realities of "real" wizards, ready to present to colleagues wand.
Twelve months
Anatoly Granik, 1972

Favorite tales nursery school teachers in addition to the cartoon there is a film version, it is very beautiful and without unnecessary long plans under the pathetic Symphony music. Marshak, paraphrasing the plot of a Czech writer, tells an instructive story about what is not in vain in the world opened a certain order of things, and rude, and the vagaries of anything good will not achieve. Fans to go to Thailand to laugh the first dogma in the face, and for all who is winter here, the film is about why December can't be April, works as a sedative.
Finist — Yasnyy Sokol
Gennady Vasilyev, 1975

In "Finist — a Clear Falcon" met a truly Herculean labors; there is a whole layer of Slavic folklore, and the script died by the time of the filming of the Doc, and play Shestakova as the base material. Protect native land the hero here goes by the wayside: the tale was very funny and even feminist perspective on traditional story. In "Finist" save all Alyonushka and the old woman-veselushki, clearing the way for first enchanted and then trapped in Plowman who must defeat the main villain, taking responsibility for the protection of Russia.
Also interesting: 5 wonderful French Comedy for autumn evenings
10 strong movies that make you think
Kashchei The Immortal
Alexander Rowe, 1944

The folklore story about the warlock came in handy during the filming: in the midst of the Second world row relieves uplifting black-and-white story for all ages about how a good man makes a beauty Marju Morevna from the evil Kashchei the Immortal. Watch black and white classics, where Millyar not Hamming and truly terrifying, absolutely without drawing any Parallels with the salvation of the Russian land from invaders, but only as a dramatic story with fairytale elements about the eternal confrontation between good and evil.published
Source: cameralabs.org/7716-10-luchshikh-sovetskikh-kinoskazkok-dlya-semejnogo-prosmotra