What are the different types of clairvoyance:

As it turns out in practice, clairvoyance rather large capacity. There are different kinds of clairvoyance and we will take a closer look at this post ...
Conscious Clairvoyance
Conscious Clairvoyance takes place with the help of willpower and the use of trance states with conscious intention and the will on the part of the practitioner. This type of clairvoyance may develop each striving to knowledge of people. The biggest misconceptions are people who think that this gift is not given to everyone, and only by right of birth. But you know, we all naturally have equal abilities, thanks to the same device of the brain and nervous system. Just one chance to use and work on their own development, while others do not.
Unconscious clairvoyance
Unconscious Clairvoyance, by contrast, occurs spontaneously and without human effort. For example, prophetic dreams or hallucinations, and strange visions at the peak of strong drink or drugs.
This type of clairvoyance is peculiar also to people that are characterized by some innate ability to miraculous visions. These people include Wang, blind from birth, or Nostradamus.
Power Vision
Energy vision is the ability to see the aura and biofield, to conduct energy diagnosis, see the cosmic energy with the eyes. This type of clairvoyance, as a rule, are psychics and people practicing healing.
Front view - energorentgen
Through a vision, like X-rays and having them can see what's going on in the next room, or in the body of another person. He can look through the thick walls and determine the contents of the safe.
Chakra vision
Eye chakra is called the unique ability to see directly the energy centers (chakras) are in the human body. Take, for example, the "third eye" that corresponds to the physical plane, the pituitary gland. Third Eye as well as all other chakra has the ability to see through time and space, without any restrictions.
Vision skin
Human Skin, rather nerve endings in the skin have their fantastic "visual" ability. There are certain points on the body that literally can see, it is often seen in people deprived of view. For example, in the hands of man and his neck, there are three such sensitive points.
Visions of the Past - Retrokognitsiya
The vision of the past allows you to look into the past lives practicing clairvoyance, as well as other people. This ability also allows you to learn the past quite a stranger or unfamiliar objects, terrain, buildings.
Vision Real - Cognition
The vision of this involves the ability to see in space and over long distances by means of the "third eye." With this view, you can look in another country or in an apartment next door and tell you exactly what is going on there at the moment.
Vision of the Future - precognition
Vision of the future have the ability to look at a series of future events and predict their accuracy. She owned the prophets and the prophets of the past. Many ancient texts such scriptures written by the prophets contain information about the future that is going to happen for a long time after the departure of the saints. Many of the events of these writings have already come true.
Clairvoyance - extrasensory perception, which uses the astral vision. All living beings, objects, and all forms of matter have their own energy field, your aura, which includes the astral aura radiating vibrational wave of very high frequency (astral frequency) in the form of so-called astral light. These astral light rays are perceived by the astral body of a man in exactly the same way as ordinary light rays - the physical organ of sight. Since the astral light rays pass through material objects, the most dense bodies are transparent to the experienced clairvoyant.
When a person receives a simple clairvoyance astral experience at close, a limited distance. Such clairvoyant can see through the body located in the vicinity of a person and observe the operation of its internal organs; can see the aura of people with whom he encounters, with different colors to distinguish the parts of the aura, and thus determine the quality of the thoughts of these people. In addition, it can read the text on the sheets hidden in envelopes or observe objects in the adjacent closed room.
When clairvoyance in the space of a person can see people, objects, places, and incidents at a great distance. One means of clairvoyance in space is the "astral tube." (Just as a person to perceive distant bodies using a telescope at the astral vision used tool, is a kind of complement to it - the constant stream of thoughts, "held together" strong flow of prana, is sent along with the idea. This current of thought, or "pipe" how to destroy the distance between distant points. On the way of this current smoothly go astral light radiation and astral sound waves from distant objects.) "astral tube" formed by the will of a clairvoyant or a strong desire (in which is set the required current of thought by means of a strong flow of prana ). Some clairvoyant enough will and desire to establish the "astral tube." In this case, you can use glass balls and crystals. These physical devices are the point of departure, as if "eyepiece" "astral tube."
"Eyepiece" "astral tube" can be a glass of clean water. Glass put on a white tablecloth with concentration look into the center of the surface of the water without blinking and without lowering the age for 10 minutes. Engage need two times a day for several weeks. Eventually it is possible to see on the water surface, persons, events.
In order to develop the ability to see the aura of objects and people, practice hard look in his eyelids and the contour of an object. Relax the body, eyes closed, partially freeing consciousness intensively looking ahead (having closed eyelids), carefully considering the looming outlines of the finest on the "screen" eyelids for 10 minutes. Practiced best in the morning immediately after waking up or before going to bed. After nine days of training, you can move on to the next exercise. Just like the previous one, you need to relax and partially freeing consciousness, stare (eyelids lowered) in the twilight on the outline of a small object in the room. After a while, you start to see the aura surrounding the subject on which directed your mind. If you make such experiments with humans, you'll soon get the ability to see the aura of color (which you can judge the quality of thought and character of these people).