5 reasons due to which you will never be enough energy:

1) Ignoring tips mozga-
If you are constantly creating a mess in his room, but with all my heart hate him, it means that somewhere in the subconscious screams about a very important matter unfulfilled, even more important than the fact that you are busy at the moment. Your lazy unwillingness to get out at this point - it is not even lazy, no, but rather a signal of the potential energy, which you can get by doing their job. This signal is sent in order to gain as much inspiration as necessary to cope with all its pressing problems, and when did you ignore, you begin to postpone the issue until later (especially if you do not believe in the implementation of the case at all) - the blind subconscious determines that you are dealing as it were carried out (the spiritual discomfort would still remain, he also eats his own) and slowly begins to devour this energy as an empty stomach eats itself. Energy is consumed as much as it should have been obtained as a result - a broken willed person yourself. As a result, the pleasure of an abandoned business fails for a second, you're in space, "the lone culprit time" - you do not want to do anything, but not the slightest pleasure from razdolbaystva not work.
All the energy is hidden in the action, and this is the hardest to understand. Where to take the energy to take action? And just pick up and start to roll on this hill filled and from the fact that you need so. If you ever watched a / f "Men in Black", it should be remember the scene where the main characters open the skull of one of the tiny aliens who manages a man in his head. So imagine yourself just such an alien being, relax and just mechanically watched you perform actions, afford to make a mistake, you just learn, you train the muscle strength of will, so give the same to her work in a user-friendly operation, but also do not refuse s pleasure to become strong as it can make it.
2) Protivorechiya-
The reluctance to do business may also be associated with fear to move on in life. Our whole life is a struggle with his own body and then goes deeper disease - a speech that if you live by serving only your body that requires only the most basic needs of its (heat, food, bedding), the soul of it is lost. The needs of the soul must be put on a par with the needs of the body, it is - the perfect bunch, and there is happiness, but, of course, is not so simple, because there are also differences. Contradictions - this is the most ugly compromise in the battle between the soul and mind - despite the fact that no one ever did not win this battle. Contradictions - these are the barriers that never allow a person to become. They are all created outside world, huge gatherings of people who once said something to the man with leadership qualities. Probably do not need to explain that such a person could also be wrong.
One of the contradictions common phrase "to become someone else." Someone. Anyone. At the same time, as did our whole environment is not directed at the fact that we do not have anyone except the one who needs them? As they like if you start to introduce new rules? But did they do not like it, and they like you stop very, very quickly. I do not for one second did not hesitate, even if unfamiliar to you personally that you have such a thing in the image, in character, in the enthusiasm that you can not change because there is an environment that will not let you do that. That is, under the "someone" is automatically understood as a successful millionaire, with his business, stylishly dressed and, in general, handsome, and no one else. But what about the other options?
If anything, remember from time to time, take a picture on your camera itself was something shameful before the word self. Do not wait until everything that you love come into fashion, it works very strange and you can not wait for it.
3) Feeding power vampirov-
Man can spin like a pinwheel around other people for many reasons. One of the most important - it is simply a child nedolyubili hence Awesome desire to please others. Such a person becomes a funny and ridiculous, it tried too hard to get approval from the sometimes complete strangers, which seems very strange side.
It is also very important not to get caught on the label of eternal asylum, because there are so many people whose interactions with other based solely on the achievement of their own affairs. Such people obosrut rather than talk to you about the extra minute to you, not them. React to such people because they do not want and they will fall off by themselves. The man you "calculate" will immediately begin to behave very strangely, he seems to be forced to show such a reaction that immediately reveal all your cards will cost you only once to behave non-trivial. Most likely it will be impossible for a blatant insult or very mean act, but then you would start to do everything to save if you cut off the leg, is not it? If one does so, it means you took an important part of its energy, without which it becomes a disability. You "chop off his legs," but in fact return their own.
These energy vampires caught the weak, they do not always do it consciously, it happens only because otherwise the power will not be their own.
You do not need very much to be angry at them calmly to those who do not know how to live, but in no case do not let yourself eat, and it's so close and die.
4) The reluctance otpustit-
Anyway, keeping in mind that some of what you're sorry, you do that eats itself from within. The energy is created and is not going away, and put it somewhere you need to be sure, those are the rules. Therefore, one way or another, bad things begin to happen, that this energy feeding, so as to this here, "free time" to do all this garbage that's you no longer remained. So, energy is really so touchy to those who do not appreciate it.
Now try to imagine that the past does not exist. There is no past, no future. All our fears vanished at the same moment, for fear of the future is the result of a failed past and nothing else. If you are not afraid of dogs, most likely at you I never threw themselves a gang of rabid stray animals if your house never burned, and you do not save in horror, it is unlikely that you have installed smoke detectors, and fire extinguisher is not necessary. But these risks are always there. At the head can drop a brick, icicle, guest worker, whatever, do not you fear that just because the logical mind does not allow such a possibility, because people generally only learn from their own mistakes.
But to be honest, it would not help the fear? No, it does not help, it eats the soul. Regrets about the past, about what more and there it is silly that you have to immediately get rid of if you want to live a normal life. Fear of the future as stupid, because there is no future. This is only a strange word, and you are free to waive the generally accepted norms and "deceive" (and maybe tell him the truth?) Your brain as it sees fit. And if the knowledge that there is now only help you, then why the hell do you have to listen to those who call themselves ostensibly logical? Anything that helps is not strange.
5) Non-existent border vozmozhnogo-
The last point is directly continues the fourth. Once you realize that there is only now that it turns out that the past never existed. And there is only you. Little alien skull inside this strange human machine. Perhaps you have some higher intelligence, which aims to get in that car and make her amazing life in spite of everything? Well here is you with your alien friends home entertainment, what can you do, only your hands to dissolve.
You can modify either slowly or do so immediately. I'll tell you a story: One day, coming back from a long hike with my friend, we stopped at the intermediate city on the way home and decided to communicate with everyone, and with each other, we will be exclusively in English. I quickly convinced myself that I was in New York American, and a huge backpack camp helped to create the image. We ask for directions in English, ordered food and catch phrases, whispering passers-by and customers of the restaurant that looked foreign to them. Along the way, I began to sing a song, I no longer remember what, but the views were wonderful. Passing an elderly woman blurted himself "American", and some happy girls took pictures with us. The conversion took place immediately and all this only because the past has ceased to exist. For me there is only the present, in which nothing surprising way was destined and nothing was decided. In this shell, I could do what you do not know what I can do in my own. But what has changed? And the main question - what will change for you and change you? Decide only to you.