2 billion people are online

More than two billion people in the world use the World Wide Web. It is noteworthy that virtually half the active Internet users live in Asia. According to the global analytical study by The Royal Pingdom, almost 1 billion Internet users (922, 2 million) live in Asia. It is interesting that the penetration of the Internet among the population of Asia is only 23, 8% .

Depending on the World Wide Web citizens of Europe. 476, 213 million Europeans know what the Internet (58% of the population in Europe). Most internet-dependent people live in North America. 272, 066 million use the Internet, while the penetration of the network is 78%. Slightly behind their "northern colleagues" residents of Latin America and of Caribbean basin - 215, 939 million netizens. Internet penetration for this part of the world is 36, 2%. Least of all Internet users in Australia and Oceania - a total of 21 million. It is interesting that even 11 years ago, most "lagging" regions were the countries of the Middle East (of 3 million Internet users), and now in this region 68, 553 million citizens are aware and active use of the international network.
Source: presscenter.ru/analytics/2012/01/20/post2562