Long live the raw food diet!
Five years ago, the body of Derek Nancy could not digest any food. Doctors told the guy that he may be allergic to certain foods, and advised him to try different diets to determine the cause of the disease. He did just that, one time he even was a vegetarian until I discovered that the only product, eating he feels healthy - is raw meat.
Diet was created by a dentist Weston Price, was very interested in raw food. According to him, the ancient people who lived on a diet based on raw foods were much healthier. He decided that eating raw food is more natural, and therefore it is logical to be healthy. Nancy, even though he was skeptical, already tried so many diets and was so desperate that he decided to try.
First eaten them raw meat was meat of his own goats, which he tired to milk. Soon enough, he ate raw muscles, tendons, internal organs and fat. At first, he was suffering from diarrhea and throat all the time was a strange metallic taste due to the consumption of blood.
He attributes these side effects adaptation of the organism at the time when he became a "predator", but soon got used to the strange Derek diet. Now he is really like a metallic taste, and it feels much more healthy than ever before.
All dishes prepared by Derek consist of different pieces of meat, fat, internal organs and connective tissue, and gore that delivers in his body a much needed vitamin C. When Derek started to eat raw meat, he found that his intestines are not enough enzymes to digest food flour. To help weakened digestion, he sometimes eats rotten meat - a natural antibiotic.
Derek so glad that diet helped him that even brushing her teeth with animal fat. According to him, nothing wrong except public condemnation in this life is not. Views of his friends and family for food are somewhat different from his own, but they also understand that different Derek can not, and respected his choice.
In addition, tired of the constant hunt for the most fresh and delicious meat, Derek became a butcher. He loves his work and openly and directly talks about splitting skulls, eating brains and other such things that most people seem to be unpleasant. In particular, he likes to talk about it with her friend Joan-vegetarian (Joanne), the owner of a vegetarian bar. Fortunately for him, she is sympathetic to his diet.
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