[Raw food] Interview Maya Ishchenko - Dr. vegan raw foodists in 2012. (Svetoslav Andrusenko)
Professional transition to an effective raw food diet without disruption or go to the "Live" food and avoid dangerous mistakes beginners & quot ;: linko.besaba.com/syroedenie .html
Youtube address of the video, entitled & quot; [Raw food] Interview Maya Ishchenko - Dr. vegan raw foodists in 2012. (Svetoslav Andrusenko) & quot ;: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WABHp ...
Ischenko Maya Ivanovna - doctor immunologist-allergist, PhD, an expert of bio-resonance diagnosis, the family doctor. When treating their patients using naturopathic healing methods. Adheres to raw food, vegan since 2012.
Interview with Maya takes Andrusenko Svyatoslav - the author of Coaching "For the raw food diet for 30 days," the author of the project "Raw food diet - 1000 stories", the founder of the community raw foodists «Raw Guard»
Video topic:
- [Raw food] a conversation with the doctor-raw foodists Oleg Goncharenko nutrition, starvation, Vega testing (interview Svyatoslav Andrusenko): www .youtube.com / watch? v = iq1im ...
- Arsen Markarian (vice-world champion in Muay Thai) on the raw food diet; Why choose a raw food diet and a personal experience of transition: www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzgFg...
- Raw foodists marathon, got into the Guinness World Records: www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_Np3 ...
Engineers have developed a generator with no moving parts, embedded in the sole
Sensation! The teeth on the raw food diet grow and recover!